如果条件不满足,则使 itemize 中的项目消失

如果条件不满足,则使 itemize 中的项目消失

以下是 MWE:

I want this list to have item Two if VarOne is more than 1000. If it is not, this will be a two item list. By the way, I could not    get this to print VarOne with a backslash!                                                                                            
  \item One 
  \item Two only if VarOne is more than 1000. 
  \item Three



Ulrike Fischer 给出了关于查询的提示low-level \ifnum,此版本使用了包\ifnumgreater中的宏etoolbox(并提供了比较)。



I want this list to have item Two if VarOne is more than 1000. If it is not, this will be a two item list. By the way, I could not    get this to print \(\backslash\)VarOne with a backslash!                                                                                            
  \item One
  \ifnumgreater{\VarOne}{1000}{\item Two only if VarOne is more than 1000.}{}
  \item Three

Once again -- without the 2nd argument
  \item One 
  \ifnumgreater{\VarOne}{1000}{\item Two only if VarOne is more than 1000.}{}
  \item Three







% Taken from https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/128318/5764
\let\olditem\item% Store regular \item macro
  \stepcounter{varoneitem}% New orderenum environment (also resets listcount)
  \g@addto@macro{\BODY}{\item\relax\item}% Used to delimit the items; last item identified by \item\relax\item
  \def\item##1\item{% Redefine \item to capture contents
    \expandafter\ifx\itemarg\relax\else% Last item not reached
      \stepcounter{listcount}% Next item being processed
      \csgdef{varoneitem@\thevaroneitem @\thelistcount}{##1}% Store item in control sequence
      \expandafter\item% Recursively continue processing items
  \BODY% Process environment (save items)
          \olditem \csname varoneitem@\thevaroneitem @\i\endcsname
        \olditem \csname varoneitem@\thevaroneitem @\i\endcsname



I want this list to have item Two if \verb|\VarOne| is more than 1\,000. If it is not, this will be a two item list. 
By the way, I could not get this to print \verb|\VarOne| with a backslash!                                                                                            

  \item One 
  \item Two only if \texttt{\string\VarOne} is more than 1\,000.
  \item Three

  \item One 
  \item Two only if \texttt{\string\VarOne} is more than 1\,000.
  \item Three


这个想法是处理列表两次。在第一次迭代中,所有\items 都被收集并存储在宏中。在第二次迭代中,根据 有条件地输出项目\VarOneCondition


