我在使用 latex 时遇到了一个小问题 :) 。我想将枚举放入表格中,但这行不通。然后我研究了一种解决方法,最终得到了以下代码。
或 的内容\vspace{0pt}
\documentclass[parskip=half, fleqn]{scrartcl}
OEM & MNO & 3PL\\ \hline
Manufacturing at low cost\\
Direct connections to suppliers and local distributors\\
Customer relations\\
Distribution network (stores, website, etc.)\\
Brand management and marketing\\
network technology
\end{tabular} %\vspace{0pt}
Logistics services and solutions \\
Value added IT\\
After sales services\\
当然,只要达到目的,它不一定非得是这个样子 :P 希望你有个主意。非常感谢你的想法
不能直接作为表格单元格的内容出现 - 它们必须包含在或中\parbox
\documentclass[parskip=half, fleqn]{scrartcl}
OEM & MNO & 3PL\tabularnewline \hline
\item Manufacturing at low cost
\item Direct connections to suppliers and local distributors
\item Customer relations
\item Distribution network (stores, website, etc.)
\item Brand management and marketing
\item network technology
\item Logistics services and solutions
\item Value added IT
\item After sales services
OEM & MNO & 3PL\tabularnewline \hline
\item Manufacturing at low cost
\item Direct connections to suppliers and local distributors
\item Customer relations
\item Distribution network (stores, website, etc.)
\item Brand management and marketing
\item network technology
\item Logistics services and solutions
\item Value added IT
\item After sales services
谢谢 Christian!这就是答案。对于其他所有人,以下是工作代码:
\documentclass[parskip=half, fleqn]{scrartcl}
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{OEM} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{MNO} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{3PL}\\ \hline
\item Manufacturing at low cost
\item Direct connections to suppliers and local distributors
\item Customer relations
\item Distribution network (stores, website, etc.)
\item Brand management and marketing
\item network technology
\item Logistics services and solutions
\item Value added IT
\item After sales services
\item Inventory management\,/\,warehousing
\end{itemize} \\