我正在使用 isuthesis 包来撰写我的论文。
我希望目录的字体大小为 14,行距为 1.5。同样,表格列表和图表列表的字体大小应为 14,行距为 1.5。请提出建议。
% Template file for a standard thesis
% Standard, old-style thesis
\usepackage{isutraditional} \chaptertitle
% Old-style, thesis numbering down to subsubsection
%Optional Package to add PDF bookmarks and hypertext links
% Table of Contents, List of Tables and List of Figures
\pdfbookmark[1]{TABLE OF CONTENTS}{table}
\addtocontents{toc}{\def\protect\@chapapp{}} \cleardoublepage \phantomsection
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF TABLES}
\cleardoublepage \phantomsection \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{LIST OF FIGURES}
% Comment out the next line if NOT using chaptertitle
\addtocontents{toc}{\def\protect\@chapapp{CHAPTER\ }}
下面给出的是第 1 章代码。
% Chapter 1 of the Thesis Template File
This is the opening paragraph to my thesis which
explains in general terms the concepts and hypothesis
which will be used in my thesis.
With more general information given here than really
Here initial concepts and conditions are explained and
several hypothesis are mentioned in brief.
Here one particular hypothesis is explained in depth
and is examined in the light of current literature.
\subsubsection{Parts of the hypothesis}
\begin{table}[h!tb] \centering
\setlength{\captionwidth}{3.5 in}
\isucaption{This table shows a standard empty table with
a limited captionwidth}
\vspace{ 2 in}
Here one particular part of the hypothesis that is
currently being explained is examined and particular
elements of that part are given careful scrutiny.
% Below \subsubsection
% Sectional commands: \paragraph and \subparagraph may also be used
\subsection{Second Hypothesis}
\begin{table}[h!tb] \centering
\setlength{\captionwidth}{3.5 in}
\isucaption{This table shows a second standard empty table with
a limited captionwidth}
\vspace{ 2 in}
Here one particular hypothesis is explained in depth
and is examined in the light of current literature.
\subsubsection{Parts of the second hypothesis}
Here one particular part of the hypothesis that is
currently being explained is examined and particular
elements of that part are given careful scrutiny.
\section{Criteria Review}
Here certain criteria are explained thus eventually
leading to a foregone conclusion.
实现 setspace 包的部分。这真是一团糟。
\usepackage{isutraditional} \chaptertitle
This is the opening paragraph to my thesis which
explains in general terms the concepts and hypothesis
which will be used in my thesis.
With more general information given here than really
Here initial concepts and conditions are explained and
several hypothesis are mentioned in brief.
Here one particular hypothesis is explained in depth
and is examined in the light of current literature.
\subsubsection{Parts of the hypothesis}
\begin{table}[h!tb] \centering
\setlength{\captionwidth}{3.5 in}
\isucaption{This table shows a standard empty table with
a limited captionwidth}
\vspace{ 2 in}
Here one particular part of the hypothesis that is
currently being explained is examined and particular
elements of that part are given careful scrutiny.
\subsection{Second Hypothesis}
\begin{table}[h!tb] \centering
\setlength{\captionwidth}{3.5 in}
\isucaption{This table shows a second standard empty table with
a limited captionwidth}
\vspace{ 2 in}
Here one particular hypothesis is explained in depth
and is examined in the light of current literature.
\subsubsection{Parts of the second hypothesis}
Here one particular part of the hypothesis that is
currently being explained is examined and particular
elements of that part are given careful scrutiny.
\section{Criteria Review}
Here certain criteria are explained thus eventually
leading to a foregone conclusion.