Latex 图像未显示,文档的其余部分也未显示

Latex 图像未显示,文档的其余部分也未显示

该图像被称为已更正,它位于与 tex 文件位于同一目录中的图像文件夹中...我做错了什么?以下是代码:



\textwidth 6.5truein          
\textheight 9.0truein
\oddsidemargin 0.0in
\topmargin -0.6in

\parindent 0pt          
\parskip 5pt


\centerline {\bf CSci 423 Corrections}
\vskip 0.25cm
\graphicspath{ {images/} }

\item Homework 1: (9 points) Give the state diagram of a DFA (with 15 states) that recognizes the set of strings such that in each string the number of 0s is divisible by 5 and the number of 1s is divisible by 3.

\item Homework 1: (10 points) Prove by induction that $\sum_{i=1}^n i^3 = (\sum_{i=1}^n i)^2$.



我怀疑您的图像没有显示的原因是它太宽,因此在下面的 MWE 中我修复了width=6cm



  • 除了使用\newline,您还可以使用包裹enumitem来控制itemsepparsep实现所需的额外间距。

  • 根据@egreg 的评论,我已经timesnewtxtext和替换了newtxmath,并删除了 epsfig`,因为它已经过时并且不应该在新文档中加载。

  • 下面我包含的图像非常宽。如果我删除该[width=6cm]选项,\includegraphics我会获得与您描述的结果类似的结果:






\textwidth 6.5truein          
\textheight 9.0truein
\oddsidemargin 0.0in
\topmargin -0.6in

\parindent 0pt          
\parskip 5pt


\centerline {\bf CSci 423 Corrections}
\vskip 0.25cm

\item Homework 1: (9 points) Give the state diagram of a DFA (with 15 states) that recognizes the set of strings such that in each string the number of 0s is divisible by 5 and the number of 1s is divisible by 3.

\item Homework 1: (10 points) Prove by induction that $\sum_{i=1}^n i^3 = (\sum_{i=1}^n i)^2$.

