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修改 res 类以减少空白





以下是 MW 代码:

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%\usepackage{helvetica} % uses helvetica postscript font (download helvetica.sty)
%\usepackage{newcent}   % uses new century schoolbook postscript font 


\newcommand{\sbt}{\,\begin{picture}(-1,1)(-1,-3)\circle*{3}\end{picture}\ }

\name{my  name}
 % \address used twice to have two lines of address
\address{ phone , email}


\section{OBJECTIVE} A position in the field of computers with special 
                interests in business applications programming, 
                information processing, and management systems. 

\section{EDUCATION} {\sl Master of Science,} Applied Mathematics (in progress) \\ 
                            {\bf York University, Toronto, ON}  \\
                            \underline{Research} Modelling transcription factor binding sites using combinatorial histone code as a background model. \\
                            \underline{Relevent Courses} \\

                            \item[\sbt]     Functional Analysis (A) 
                            \item[\sbt]  Computational Methods in Mathematical Biology (A+) 
                            \item[\sbt]  Practicum in Applied Mathematics (A+) 
                            \item[\sbt]  Probability Models (B+) 
                            \item[\sbt]  Partial Differential Equations (B+) 
                            \item[\sbt]  Mathematical Modelling (B)  
                            \item[\sbt]  Measure Theory (Audit)
                            \item[\sbt]  Probability Theory (Audit) 
                            \end{itemize*} \\ \\
{\sl Bachelor of Science,} Applied Mathematics \\
                % \sl will be bold italic in New Century Schoolbook (or
            % any postscript font) and just slanted in
        % Computer Modern (default) font
                {\bf York University, Toronto, ON} \\
                \underline{Concentration}: Numerical Analysis and Differential Mathematics. \\
        {\sl Diploma,} Computer Science \\ 
                % \sl will be bold italic in New Century Schoolbook (or
            % any postscript font) and just slanted in
        % Computer Modern (default) font
                {\bf Seneca College, Toronto, ON} \\
                \underline{Languages} Visual Basic, Python, C, C++, .NET, SQL, HTML and DBA.  \\
                Proficient in Mathematical programming using MATLAB, R and SAS/SPSS.

                {\sl Massive open online courses} \\
                \item Bioinformatics: Introduction and Methods {\sl Peking University, China} \\
                \item Bioinformatics: Life Sciences on your Computer  {\sl Johns Hopkins University, USA} \\
                \item Modelling and Simulation using MATLAB (certificate recieved) {\sl Prof Dr. -Ing Georg Fries} 





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\name{my name}
 % \address used twice to have two lines of address
\address{phone, email}


  A position in the field of computers with special 
  interests in business applications programming, 
  information processing, and management systems. 


  {\slshape Master of Science,} Applied Mathematics (in progress)

  {\bfseries York University, Toronto, ON}

  \underline{Research} Modelling transcription factor binding sites using combinatorial histone code as a background model.

  \underline{Relevent Courses}

    \item Functional Analysis (A) 
    \item Computational Methods in Mathematical Biology (A+) 
    \item Practicum in Applied Mathematics (A+) 
    \item Probability Models (B+) 
    \item Partial Differential Equations (B+) 
    \item Mathematical Modelling (B)  
    \item Measure Theory (Audit)
    \item Probability Theory (Audit) 

  {\slshape Bachelor of Science,} Applied Mathematics

  {\bfseries York University, Toronto, ON}

  \underline{Concentration}: Numerical Analysis and Differential Mathematics.

  {\slshape Diploma,} Computer Science

  {\bfseries Seneca College, Toronto, ON}

  \underline{Languages} Visual Basic, Python, C, C++, .NET, SQL, HTML and DBA.

  Proficient in Mathematical programming using MATLAB, R and SAS/SPSS.

  {\slshape Massive open online courses}

    \item Bioinformatics: Introduction and Methods {\slshape Peking University, China}
    \item Bioinformatics: Life Sciences on your Computer  {\slshape Johns Hopkins University, USA}
    \item Modelling and Simulation using MATLAB (certificate recieved) {\slshape Prof Dr.~-Ing Georg Fries} 


