

有没有办法实现同上功能biblatex 仅有的在脚注中(\footcite{key}\footnote{\cite{key}.}但不是在正在运行的文本中(bla bla \cite{key} bla bla)?


(当然,如果\autocite能够自行确定它是在脚注中发布(从而扩展为\cite)还是在运行文本中发布(从而扩展为\footcite),那么一定有办法让 idemtracker 也具有上下文相关性,对吗?


%!TEX TS-program = lualatexmk



  author = {Author, A.},
  year = {2001},
  title = {Title},



Some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

Some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

And now a reference in the text on the first right page \cite{A01}. That is ok.


Some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

And now a reference in the text on the left page \cite{A01}. That is ok.


Now some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

And now a reference in the text on the right page \cite{A01}. That is not ok.

Again, some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

And now a reference in the text on the right page \cite{A01}. That is not ok.


Some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

And now a reference in the text on the left page \cite{A01}. That is ok.

Again, some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

And now a reference in the text on the left page \cite{A01}. That is not ok.











%!TEX TS-program = lualatexmk







  author = {Author, A.},
  year = {2001},
  title = {Title},



Some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

Some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

And now a reference in the text on the first right page \cite{A01}. That is ok.


Some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

And now a reference in the text on the left page \cite{A01}. That is ok.


Now some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

And now a reference in the text on the right page \cite{A01}. That is not ok.

Again, some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

And now a reference in the text on the right page \cite{A01}. That is not ok.


Some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

And now a reference in the text on the left page \cite{A01}. That is ok.

Again, some text with a footnote.\footcite[99]{A01}

And now a reference in the text on the left page \cite{A01}. That is not ok.





PS这个想法来自这个答案安德鲁·斯旺 (Andrew Swann) 的做法,却恰恰相反。
