


fontsize    ---> (1.20)^(<fontstep>)   *   oldfontsize
linespread  ---> (1.20)^(<spreadstep>) *   oldlinespread



(我不知道这是否重要,但是我正在使用 LuaLaTeX 编译我的文档


% Commands that allow me to use powers in \dimexpr expressions:
\cs_new_eq:NN \fpeval \fp_eval:n
\cs_new_eq:NN \fptodim \fp_to_dim:n 

\def\getcurrentfontsize{\f@size pt}

\fontsize{\dimexpr\fpeval{1.2^(#1)}\dimexpr \getcurrentfontsize\relax}{%
        %please do some magic for me


First paragraph, normal size.


\relfontsize{1}{2} Let's increase the font size by 20 percent and the line spreading 
by 20 percent two times (that is, by 44 percent), BOTH numbers relative to the first paragraph.

\relfontsize{1}{1} Let's increase both further by 20 percent compared to the last paragraph


Now we're back at the old size.






% Commands that allow me to use powers in \dimexpr expressions:
  \cs_new_eq:NN \fpeval \fp_eval:n

\newcommand{\getcurrentfontsize}{\f@size pt}
\newcommand{\getcurrentbaseline}{\f@baselineskip pt}



First paragraph, normal size.

\relfontsize{1}{2} Let's increase the font size by 20 percent and the line spreading 
by 20 percent two times (that is, by 44 percent), BOTH numbers relative to the first paragraph.

\relfontsize{1}{1} Let's increase both further by 20 percent compared to the last paragraph.\par

Now we're back at the old size.


请注意,发出段落中断(通过空行隐式中断或通过 显式中断\par)非常重要,以便为字体更改产生适当的基线跳过。我在上面两种方法都用过。
