Tufte-book 采用标准的 natbib 风格作者-年份引文

Tufte-book 采用标准的 natbib 风格作者-年份引文

我想使用标准natbib方式引用使用该类的论文tufte-book。这意味着我希望在正文中引用(例如 (Pilegaard et al., 2014))并在书末列出按字母顺序排列的参考书目列表。

我查看了网上关于 tufte-latex 和参考书目的问题/答案,但到目前为止,我还没有找到任何符合要求的方法。我现在有的是:

\documentclass[titlepage, a4paper, twoside, justified]{tufte-book}
\wpYoffset -6.5cm


\title{Impacts of climate\\change on\\terrestrial ecosystem functioning --\\an   overview}

\author{Beier, C., et al.}


这样我就可以在文中看到编号引用,比如 [13, 17],并且在最后得到按字母顺序列出的参考书目。


tufte-book大量修改\cite-command,您可以使用 -option 关闭此行为nobib

\documentclass[titlepage, a4paper, twoside, justified, nobib]{tufte-book}







\documentclass[titlepage, a4paper, twoside, justified, nobib]{tufte-book}

\usepackage{natbib}           % call natbib
\setcitestyle{authoryear}     % set citation style to authoryear
\bibliographystyle{plainnat}  % use the plainnat instead of plain

% -------------------------------
   title     = "Differentiating moss from higher plants is critical in studying the carbon cycle of the boreal biome",
   publisher = "Nature Publishing Group",
   author    = "Kim Pilegaard and Wenping Yuan and Shuguang Liu and Wenjie Dong and Shunlin Liang and Shuqing Zhao and Jingming Chen and Wenfang Xu and Xianglan Li and Alan Barr and Black, {T. Andrew} and Wende Yan and Goulden, {Mike L.} and Liisa Kulmala and Anders Lindroth and Margolis, {Hank A.} and Yojiro Matsuura and Eddy Moors and {van der Molen}, Michiel and Takeshi Ohta and Andrej Varlagin and Timo Vesala",
   year      = "2014",
   doi       = "10.1038/ncomms5270",
   volume    = "5",
   journal   = "Nature Communications",
   issn      = "2041-1723",
% -------------------------------

\title{Impacts of climate\\change on\\terrestrial ecosystem functioning --\\an   overview}

\author{Beier, C., et al.}

Bla bla \citep{Pilegaard2014} bla.
