

我在一篇两列文章中有以下 tex 代码。

The multi-faceted evaluation scheme is defined as follows:

\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, noitemsep]
\item \textbf{Structural Measures}
    \item \textbf{$\vert$V$\vert$}: \# distinct vertices, 
    \item \textbf{$\vert$E$\vert$}: \# distinct edges
    \item \textbf{\#c.c}: \# connected components, 
    \item \textbf{cycles}: whether the taxonmy is a Directed Acyclic Graph or the taxonomy contains cycles
\item \textbf{Comparison against Gold Standards}
    \item \textbf{\#VC}: \# vectices in common with gold standard
    \item \textbf{\%VC}: vertex coverage (i.e. proportion of gold standard vertices covered by system)
    \item \textbf{\#EC}: \# edges in common with gold standard
    \item \textbf{\%EC}: edge coverage (i.e. proportion of gold standard edges covered by system)
    \item \textbf{:NE}: ratio of novel edges 
    \item \textbf{F\&M}: Cummulative  Fowlkes \& Mallows Measure (Fowlkes and Mallows, 1983; Velardi, 2013)





#我尝试通过no. of像这样替换来减少缩写

The multi-faceted evaluation scheme is defined as follows:

\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, noitemsep]
\item \textbf{Structural Measures}
    \item \textbf{$\vert$V$\vert$}: no. of distinct vertices, 
    \item \textbf{$\vert$E$\vert$}: no. of distinct edges
    \item \textbf{\#c.c}: no. of connected components, 
    \item \textbf{cycles}: whether the taxonmy is a Directed Acyclic Graph or the taxonomy contains cycles
\item \textbf{Comparison against Gold Standards}
    \item \textbf{\#VC}: no. of vectices in common with gold standard
    \item \textbf{\%VC}: vertex coverage (i.e. proportion of gold standard vertices covered by system)
    \item \textbf{\#EC}: no. of edges in common with gold standard
    \item \textbf{\%EC}: edge coverage (i.e. proportion of gold standard edges covered by system)
    \item \textbf{:NE}: ratio of novel edges 
    \item \textbf{F\&M}: Cummulative  Fowlkes \& Mallows Measure (Fowlkes and Mallows, 1983; Velardi, 2013)







\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=*, noitemsep]
\item \textbf{Structural Measures}
    \item [\textbf{$\vert$V$\vert$}:] \# distinct vertices, 
    \item [\textbf{$\vert$E$\vert$}:] \# distinct edges
    \item [\textbf{\#c.c}:] \# connected components, 
    \item [\textbf{cycles}:] whether the taxonmy is a Directed Acyclic Graph or the taxonomy contains cycles
\item \textbf{Comparison against Gold Standards}
    \item [\textbf{\#VC}:] \# vectices in common with gold standard
    \item [\textbf{\%VC}:] vertex coverage (i.e. proportion of gold standard vertices covered by system)
    \item [\textbf{\#EC}:] \# edges in common with gold standard
    \item [\textbf{\%EC}:] edge coverage (i.e. proportion of gold standard edges covered by system)
    \item [\textbf{:NE}:] ratio of novel edges 
    \item [\textbf{F\&M}:] Cummulative  Fowlkes \& Mallows Measure (Fowlkes and Mallows, 1983; Velardi, 2013)


