

我想像图片中那样绘制方框,但顺序相同。因此,我创建了一个表格,并在表格的列中添加了方框,但没有成功。另外,我不希望箭头上的文本与方框交织在一起(例如,如第 3 个方框)。











        \begin{tabular}{R{5cm} C{5cm} L{5cm}} 

            &\textbf{S2PC phase} &\\

        $ \{m_{i,x_i}\}_{i = 1} ^\ell \leftarrow $ \getEqNum($x, \setenum_a$)   & $\xrightarrow[\hspace{4cm}]{\GC_a, \{m_{i,x_i}\}_{i = 1} ^\ell , \setinpCom,\setcomRandRow} $ & \\
            & $\xleftarrow[\hspace{4cm}]{\GC_b, \{m_{i,y_i}\}_{i = 1} ^\ell , \setinpCom',\setcomRandRow'} $ & $ \{m'_{i,y_i}\}_{i = 1} ^\ell \leftarrow $ \getEqNum($y, \setenum'_b$) \\

            & \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth, thick, scale = 0.6]

            \node (A) at (0,0) [draw, process, text width=1.5cm, minimum height=1cm, align=flush center] 
            {Check Correctness};

            \coordinate (B) at (4,0.54);

            \coordinate (C)  at (4,-0.48);

            \coordinate (D) at (-4,0);

            \coordinate (E) at (-4,0);

            \draw[->] (D) -- node[above] {\setcomRandRow,\setirand} (A);
            \draw[->] (A.-18) -- node[below]{0/1}(C);
            \draw[->] (B)  -- node[above] {\setinpCom,\setcomRandRow} (A.20);

            \end{tikzpicture}& \\

            & \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth, thick, scale = 0.6]

            \node (A) at (0,0) [draw, process, text width=1.5cm, minimum height=1cm, align=flush center] 
            {Check Correctness};

            \coordinate (B) at (4,0.0);

            \coordinate (C)  at (4,0);

            \coordinate (D) at (-4,0.54);

            \coordinate (E) at (-4,-0.6);

            \draw[->] (A.203) -- node[above] {0/1} (E);
            \draw[->] (B) -- node[below]{\setcomRandRow',\setirand'}(A);
            \draw[->] (D)  -- node[above] {\setinpCom',\setcomRandRow'} (A.160);

            \end{tikzpicture}& \\

            & \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth, thick, scale = 0.6]

            \node (A) at (0,0) [draw, process, text width=1.5cm, minimum height=1cm, align=flush center] 
            {S2PC ($\GC_a$)};

                \coordinate (B) at (4,0.54);

                \coordinate (C)  at (4,-0.48);

                \coordinate (D) at (-4,0);

                \coordinate (E) at (-4,0);

                \draw[->] (D) -- node[above] {$ x $} (A);
                \draw[->] (A.-18) -- node[below]{\setoutput$ _a, \{m_{i,y_i}\}_{i=1}^\ell $}(C);
                \draw[->] (B)  -- node[above] {$ y $} (A.20);

            \end{tikzpicture}& \\

            & \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth, thick, scale = 0.6]

            \node (A) at (0,0) [draw, process, text width=1.5cm, minimum height=1cm, align=flush center] 
            {S2PC ($\GC_b$)};

        \coordinate (B) at (4,0.0);

        \coordinate (C)  at (4,0);

        \coordinate (D) at (-4,0.54);

        \coordinate (E) at (-4,-0.6);

        \draw[->] (A.203) -- node[below] {$ \setoutput'_b, \{m'_{i,x_i}\}_{i=1}^\ell$} (E);
        \draw[->] (B) -- node[below]{$ y $}(A);
        \draw[->] (D)  -- node[above] {$ x $} (A.160);

        \end{tikzpicture}& \\






%        \usepackage{tabularx}
    \usetikzlibrary{arrows,chains,positioning}% <-- added libraries
%        \usepackage{flowchart}






    \begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth, thick,
node distance = 5mm and 24mm,
  start chain = going below,
   box/.style = {name=#1,
                 draw, align=flush center,
                 text width=22mm, minimum height=9mm, inner sep=1mm,
                 on chain},
     u/.style = {yshift=#1 mm}]
%--- boxes
    \node[box=A] {Check Correctness};
    \coordinate[left =of A] (Aleft);
    \coordinate[right=of A] (Aright);
\draw[->] (Aleft)               to node[above] {\setcomRandRow,\setirand} (A);
\draw[->] ([u=+2] A.east) 
    to node[above] {\setinpCom,\setcomRandRow}  ([u=+2] Aright);
\draw[->] ([u=-2] A.east) to node[below]  {0/1} ([u=-2] Aright);
    \node[box=B]    {Check Correctness};
\draw[->] ([u=+2] Aleft |- B) to node[above] {0/1}  ([u=+2] B.west);
\draw[<-] ([u=-2] Aleft |- B) 
    to node[below]{\setcomRandRow',\setirand'}      ([u=-2] B.west);
\draw[->] (B) to node[above] {\setinpCom',\setcomRandRow'} (B -| Aright);
    \node[box=C]    {S2PC ($\GC_a$)};
\draw[->] (Aleft |- C) to node[above] {$x$}     (C);
\draw[->] ([u=+2] C.east) to node[above] {$y$}  ([u=+2] C -| Aright);
\draw[->] ([u=-2] C.east) 
    to node[below] {\setoutput$_a,\{m_{i,y_i}\}_{i=1}^\ell $}   
                                                ([u=-2] C -| Aright);
    \node[box=D]    {S2PC ($\GC_b$)};
\draw[->] ([u=+2] Aleft |- D.west) to node[above] {$x$}         ([u=+2] D.west);
\draw[<-] ([u=-2] Aleft |- D.west)
    to node[below] {$\setoutput'_b,\{m'_{i,x_i}\}_{i=1}^\ell$}  ([u=-2] D.west);
\draw[<-] (D)  to node[above] {$y$} (D -| Aright);
%--- top of picture
\node[align=center,above=of A] (E)
            {GC_b,\{m_{i,y_i}\}_{i = 1}^\ell,\setinpCom',\setcomRandRow'}$
\node[left =0mm of E]
\node[right=0mm of E]

\node[above=of E] (F) {\textbf{S2PC phase}};

据我所知,提供的图片无需 tabular(x) 环境即可实现。因此,我从您的代码中省略了所有与 tabular 环境相关的内容。对于图片合成,我使用了额外的 TikZ 库(链、定位)。

