如何在投影机中将多个 TikZ 图形放置在相同的位置/高度?

如何在投影机中将多个 TikZ 图形放置在相同的位置/高度?

最近我发现我可以创造蒂克兹演示文稿投影仪文件中的图形。以前我习惯单独创建 pdf 文件并将其导入到演示文稿中。通过应用新流程,我遇到了一个问题,我不知道如何解决它。

我想在一张幻灯片中使用两个单独的 tikz 图形,它们将使用 \visible<1-2>{} 效果一个接一个地出现。我以前通过导入图形或 pdf 文件成功做到了这一点,但现在我陷入了困境。


代码示例演示了我的问题。幻灯片 2 和幻灯片 3 之间的问题很容易发现。图形移动到了不同的位置。

我使用了 \vspace{} 并设法使它们更接近一些,但不是我想要的结果。



\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric , arrows , positioning}

\usetheme{Dresden} % so so
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %take out the navigation symbols
  \insertshorttitle\hfill\insertframenumber\,/\,\inserttotalframenumber}%page numbering


\begin{frame}{Frame Title}
\setbeamercovered{dynamic}%Makes the text appear before it presents nice!!!! 
    \begin{columns}[t] % contents are top vertically aligned
      \begin{column}[T]{.5\textwidth} % each column can also be its own environment
            \item<+-| alert@+> \invisible<2-4>{Comment 1}
            \item<+-| alert@+> \invisible<3-4>{Comment 2}
            \item<+-| alert@+> \invisible<4-4>{Comment 3}
            \item<+-| alert@+> My last comment.
      \begin{column}[t]{.5\textwidth} % alternative top-align that's better for graphics
            \caption{Sub caption 1 \label{fig:captionSmallOne}}
              \draw [thick] (0.0, 2.0) -- (10, 2.0);
              \node[align=center, above] at (0.9, 2.0)%
                {Sample 1};
              \draw [thick] (3.0, 2.0) -- (3.0, 3.1);
              \node[align=center, above] at (3.0, 3.1)%
                {Line 1};
              \draw [thick] (6.0, 2.0) -- (6.0, 3.1);
              \node[align=center, above] at (6.0, 3.1)%
                {Line 2};
              \draw [thick] (9.0, 2.0) -- (9.0, 3.1);
              \node[align=center, above] at (9.0, 3.1)%
                {Line 3};
              \draw [fill=green] (3, 2.0) rectangle (6.0, 2.9);
              \draw [fill=orange] (3, 0.0) rectangle (6.5, 0.9);
              \draw [thick] (0.0, 0.0) -- (10, 0.0);
              \node[align=center, above] at (0.9,0.0)%
                {Sample 2};
              \draw [thick] (3.0,.0) -- (3.0, 2.0);
              \draw [thick] (3.5,-.3) -- (3.5,1.1);
              \node[align=center, below] at (3.5,-0.3)%
                {Line 4};
              \draw [thick] (6.5,-.3) -- (6.5,1.1);
              \node[align=center, below] at (6.5,-0.3)%
                {Line 5};
              \draw [thick] (9.5,-.3) -- (9.5,1.1);
              \node[align=center, below] at (9.5,-0.3)%
                {Line 6};
              \draw [->,thick] (4.2, 4.2) -- (4.2, 3.7);
              \node[align=center, above] at (4.2, 4.1)%
                {Event 1};
              \draw [thick, dashed] (6.0, 2.0) -- (6.5, 1.0);
              \draw [thick, dashed] (4.2, 0.0) -- (4.2, 3.6);
          \end{subfigure} \hfill
        } % End visible 1-2
            \caption{Sub caption 2 \label{fig:captionSmallTwo}}
                  \draw [thick] (0.0, 2.0) -- (10, 2.0);
                  \node[align=center, above] at (0.9, 2.0)%
                    {TestS 1};
                  \draw [thick] (3.0, 2.0) -- (3.0, 3.1);
                  \node[align=center, above] at (3.0, 3.1)%
                    {Line 1};
                  \draw [thick] (6.0, 2.0) -- (6.0, 3.1);
                  \node[align=center, above] at (6.0, 3.1)%
                    {Line 2};
                  \draw [thick] (9.0, 2.0) -- (9.0, 3.1);
                  \node[align=center, above] at (9.0, 3.1)%
                    {Line 3};
                  \draw [fill=green] (3, 2.0) rectangle (6.0, 2.9);
                  \draw [fill=orange] (3, 0.0) rectangle (3.5, 0.9);
                  \draw [thick] (0.0, 0.0) -- (10, 0.0);
                  \node[align=center, above] at (0.9,0.0)%
                    {Sample 2};
                  \draw [thick] (3.0,.0) -- (3.0, 2.0);
                  \draw [thick] (3.5,-.3) -- (3.5,1.1);
                  \node[align=center, below] at (3.5,-0.3)%
                    {Line 4};
                  \draw [thick] (6.5,-.3) -- (6.5,1.1);
                  \node[align=center, below] at (6.5,-0.3)%
                    {Line 5};
                  \draw [thick] (9.5,-.3) -- (9.5,1.1);
                  \node[align=center, below] at (9.5,-0.3)%
                    {Line 6};
                  \draw [->,thick] (3.3, 4.2) -- (3.3, 3.7);
                  \node[align=center, above] at (3.2, 4.1)%
                    {Event 2};
                  \draw [thick, dashed] (6.0, 2.0) -- (3.5, 1.1);
                  \draw [thick, dashed] (3.3, 0.0) -- (3.3, 3.6);
            \end{subfigure} \hfill
          } % End visible 3-4
        \captionsetup{justification=centering} %Center a two line caption
        \caption{The big caption} \protect\label{fig:big}



在这个更新版本中,我仍然使用\only而不是\visible,并使用visible on样式来大大简化代码;使用这种新方法,图像不会“跳跃”,因为大部分图形保持不变(overlayarea仍然可以使用,但我认为不再需要了)。计数器subfigure必须手动更新:

\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric , arrows , positioning}

    invisible/.style={opacity=0,text opacity=0},
    visible on/.style={alt=#1{}{invisible}},
    alt/.code args={<#1>#2#3}{%

\usetheme{Dresden} % so so
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %take out the navigation symbols
  \insertshorttitle\hfill\insertframenumber\,/\,\inserttotalframenumber}%page numbering


\begin{frame}{Frame Title}
\setbeamercovered{dynamic}%Makes the text appear before it presents nice!!!! 
    \begin{columns}[t] % contents are top vertically aligned
      \begin{column}[T]{.5\textwidth} % each column can also be its own environment
            \item<+-| alert@+> \invisible<2-4>{Comment 1}
            \item<+-| alert@+> \invisible<3-4>{Comment 2}
            \item<+-| alert@+> \invisible<4-4>{Comment 3}
            \item<+-| alert@+> My last comment.
      \begin{column}[T]{.5\textwidth} % alternative top-align that's better for graphics
            \only<1-2>{\caption{Sub caption 1 \label{fig:captionSmallOne}}}
            \only<3-4>{\stepcounter{subfigure}\caption{Sub caption 2 \label{fig:captionSmallTwo}}}
              \draw [thick] (0.0, 2.0) -- (10, 2.0);
              \node[align=center, above,visible on=<1-2>] at (0.9, 2.0)%
                {Sample 1};
              \node[align=center, above,visible on=<3-4>] at (0.9, 2.0)%
                {TestS 1};
              \draw [thick] (3.0, 2.0) -- (3.0, 3.1);
              \node[align=center, above] at (3.0, 3.1)%
                {Line 1};
              \draw [thick] (6.0, 2.0) -- (6.0, 3.1);
              \node[align=center, above] at (6.0, 3.1)%
                {Line 2};
              \draw [thick] (9.0, 2.0) -- (9.0, 3.1);
              \node[align=center, above] at (9.0, 3.1)%
                {Line 3};
              \draw [fill=green] (3, 2.0) rectangle (6.0, 2.9);
              \draw [fill=orange] (3, 0.0) rectangle (6.5, 0.9);
              \draw [thick] (0.0, 0.0) -- (10, 0.0);
              \node[align=center, above] at (0.9,0.0)%
                {Sample 2};
              \draw [thick] (3.0,.0) -- (3.0, 2.0);
              \draw [thick] (3.5,-.3) -- (3.5,1.1);
              \node[align=center, below] at (3.5,-0.3)%
                {Line 4};
              \draw [thick] (6.5,-.3) -- (6.5,1.1);
              \node[align=center, below] at (6.5,-0.3)%
                {Line 5};
              \draw [thick] (9.5,-.3) -- (9.5,1.1);
              \node[align=center, below] at (9.5,-0.3)%
                {Line 6};
              \draw [->,thick,visible on=<1-2>] (4.2, 4.2) -- (4.2, 3.7);
              \draw [->,thick,visible on=<3-4>] (3.3, 4.2) -- (3.3, 3.7);
              \node[align=center, above,visible on=<1-2>] at (4.2, 4.1)%
                {Event 1};
              \node[align=center, above,visible on=<3-4>] at (3.2, 4.1)%
                {Event 2};
              \draw [thick, dashed,visible on=<1-2>] (6.0, 2.0) -- (6.5, 1.0);
              \draw [thick, dashed,visible on=<1-2>] (4.2, 0.0) -- (4.2, 3.6);
              \draw [thick, dashed,visible on=<3-4>] (6.0, 2.0) -- (3.5, 1.1);
              \draw [thick, dashed,visible on=<3-4>] (3.3, 0.0) -- (3.3, 3.6);
          \end{subfigure} \hfill
        \captionsetup{justification=centering} %Center a two line caption
        \caption{The big caption} \protect\label{fig:big}





\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric , arrows , positioning}

\usetheme{Dresden} % so so
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{} %take out the navigation symbols
  \insertshorttitle\hfill\insertframenumber\,/\,\inserttotalframenumber}%page numbering


\begin{frame}{Frame Title}
\setbeamercovered{dynamic}%Makes the text appear before it presents nice!!!! 
    \begin{columns}[t] % contents are top vertically aligned
      \begin{column}[T]{.5\textwidth} % each column can also be its own environment
            \item<+-| alert@+> \invisible<2-4>{Comment 1}
            \item<+-| alert@+> \invisible<3-4>{Comment 2}
            \item<+-| alert@+> \invisible<4-4>{Comment 3}
            \item<+-| alert@+> My last comment.
      \begin{column}[t]{.5\textwidth} % alternative top-align that's better for graphics
            \caption{Sub caption 1 \label{fig:captionSmallOne}}
              \draw [thick] (0.0, 2.0) -- (10, 2.0);
              \node[align=center, above] at (0.9, 2.0)%
                {Sample 1};
              \draw [thick] (3.0, 2.0) -- (3.0, 3.1);
              \node[align=center, above] at (3.0, 3.1)%
                {Line 1};
              \draw [thick] (6.0, 2.0) -- (6.0, 3.1);
              \node[align=center, above] at (6.0, 3.1)%
                {Line 2};
              \draw [thick] (9.0, 2.0) -- (9.0, 3.1);
              \node[align=center, above] at (9.0, 3.1)%
                {Line 3};
              \draw [fill=green] (3, 2.0) rectangle (6.0, 2.9);
              \draw [fill=orange] (3, 0.0) rectangle (6.5, 0.9);
              \draw [thick] (0.0, 0.0) -- (10, 0.0);
              \node[align=center, above] at (0.9,0.0)%
                {Sample 2};
              \draw [thick] (3.0,.0) -- (3.0, 2.0);
              \draw [thick] (3.5,-.3) -- (3.5,1.1);
              \node[align=center, below] at (3.5,-0.3)%
                {Line 4};
              \draw [thick] (6.5,-.3) -- (6.5,1.1);
              \node[align=center, below] at (6.5,-0.3)%
                {Line 5};
              \draw [thick] (9.5,-.3) -- (9.5,1.1);
              \node[align=center, below] at (9.5,-0.3)%
                {Line 6};
              \draw [->,thick] (4.2, 4.2) -- (4.2, 3.7);
              \node[align=center, above] at (4.2, 4.1)%
                {Event 1};
              \draw [thick, dashed] (6.0, 2.0) -- (6.5, 1.0);
              \draw [thick, dashed] (4.2, 0.0) -- (4.2, 3.6);
          \end{subfigure} \hfill
        } % End visible 1-2
            \caption{Sub caption 2 \label{fig:captionSmallTwo}}
                  \draw [thick] (0.0, 2.0) -- (10, 2.0);
                  \node[align=center, above] at (0.9, 2.0)%
                    {TestS 1};
                  \draw [thick] (3.0, 2.0) -- (3.0, 3.1);
                  \node[align=center, above] at (3.0, 3.1)%
                    {Line 1};
                  \draw [thick] (6.0, 2.0) -- (6.0, 3.1);
                  \node[align=center, above] at (6.0, 3.1)%
                    {Line 2};
                  \draw [thick] (9.0, 2.0) -- (9.0, 3.1);
                  \node[align=center, above] at (9.0, 3.1)%
                    {Line 3};
                  \draw [fill=green] (3, 2.0) rectangle (6.0, 2.9);
                  \draw [fill=orange] (3, 0.0) rectangle (3.5, 0.9);
                  \draw [thick] (0.0, 0.0) -- (10, 0.0);
                  \node[align=center, above] at (0.9,0.0)%
                    {Sample 2};
                  \draw [thick] (3.0,.0) -- (3.0, 2.0);
                  \draw [thick] (3.5,-.3) -- (3.5,1.1);
                  \node[align=center, below] at (3.5,-0.3)%
                    {Line 4};
                  \draw [thick] (6.5,-.3) -- (6.5,1.1);
                  \node[align=center, below] at (6.5,-0.3)%
                    {Line 5};
                  \draw [thick] (9.5,-.3) -- (9.5,1.1);
                  \node[align=center, below] at (9.5,-0.3)%
                    {Line 6};
                  \draw [->,thick] (3.3, 4.2) -- (3.3, 3.7);
                  \node[align=center, above] at (3.2, 4.1)%
                    {Event 2};
                  \draw [thick, dashed] (6.0, 2.0) -- (3.5, 1.1);
                  \draw [thick, dashed] (3.3, 0.0) -- (3.3, 3.6);
            \end{subfigure} \hfill
          } % End visible 3-4
        \captionsetup{justification=centering} %Center a two line caption
        \caption{The big caption} \protect\label{fig:big}



  • 您无需使用两个单独的tikzpicture环境,只需使用一个环境,而且 TikZ 的构造具有叠加感知功能。这将大大缩短代码,并解决图像跳跃的问题。

  • 请注意,不建议将该subcaption包与 一起使用beamer;您应该使用subfig相反;无论如何,如果您决定使用subcaption,则需要使用caption模式compatibility=false,因此请像这样加载包:

