



Normal text. Now a `wide' list:
    \item This is a list for long text and therefore has no left margin.
        \item This has a strange indentation\\
        It should be indented exactly like (*) below since to the reader it should look as if we were on the first list level, not the second.

And now a normal list:
    \item This (first level) list (*) is being referred to.\\
    New line of the same item.



这里有一种方法可以做到这一点。但是我认为,宽列表中的列表应该将其标签与宽列表的标签对齐,而不是与“一般”第一级列表的标签对齐,因为后者略微向段落缩进的左侧移动(~ 2.5-3pt),在我看来,这看起来不太好。演示:\documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{enumitem}

Normal text. Now a `wide' list:
  \item This is a list for long text and therefore has no left margin. Text text text text text text text text text Text text text text text text text text text
        \begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*), wide=0.95\parindent, leftmargin =2.8em]
          \item This item is aligned with the above first level item. \\
                It should be indented exactly like (*) below since to the reader it should look as if we were on the first list level, not the second.
  \item This is another item with long text. Text text text text text text text text text Text text text text text text text text text
        \begin{enumerate}[label=(\alph*),labelindent =0.3\parindent, align = right, leftmargin =2.5em , labelsep=! ]
          \item This one has a the normal indentation of a first level list. \\
                It is indented exactly like (*) below since to the reader it should look as if we were on the first list level, not the second.

And now a normal list:
  \item This (first level) list (*) is being referred to.\\
        New line of the same item.


