在 Latex 中为简历添加缩进

在 Latex 中为简历添加缩进

我刚开始学习使用 Latex 制作简历。我遇到的问题是,我希望将“论文”和“导师”与学位“工程硕士”对齐。我还希望将论文标题的长行换行,使其与标题的开头对齐。





\documentclass[a4paper, oneside, final]{scrartcl}
\usepackage{tabularx} % table for contact information
\usepackage[hidelinks]{hyperref} % email

%------------The below is for set font for web link----------------%
\usepackage{url}      % webpage
%% Define a new 'leo' style for the package that will use a smaller font.
%% Now actually use the newly defined style.
%------------The below is for set font for web link----------------%

% For the roman numerals
\newcommand{\Rmnum}[1]{\expandafter\@slowromancap\romannumeral #1@}


% Gives the nice lettering for the section headings

% Puts the name up top

\begin{center} % Centering for some reason makes the line under my name in the right spot

\bigname{My Name}
\vspace{-8pt} \rule{\textwidth}{1.5pt} % second one is width of line

\hspace{20pt} \textbf{Ph.D. in Statistics}, University of AAA \hfill May 2017 (Expected) \\
\hspace{20pt} Dissertation: TBD \\
\hspace{20pt} Advisor: Professor XXX

\hspace{20pt} \textbf{M.S. in Engineering}, University of AAA \hfill December 2012 \\
Thesis: & \textit{This is really a long time and I wish to indent it in the next line, making it aligned with "This". I also wish to make "Thesis" aligned with "M.S. in Engineering"}\\
Advisor: & Professor XXX. (I also wish to indent "Advisor" to make it aligned with "M.S. ..." \\

这是 pdf 输出的屏幕截图。如能提供任何帮助,我们将不胜感激。







\hspace{20pt} \textbf{Ph.D. in Statistics}, University of AAA \hfill May 2017 (Expected) \\
\hspace{20pt}Dissertation: TBD \\  % <----- remove blank space before D
\hspace{20pt}Advisor: Professor XXX % <----- remove blank space before A

\hspace{20pt}\textbf{M.S. in Engineering}, University of AAA \hfill December 2012 

Thesis: & \textit{This is really a long time and I wish to indent it in the next line, making it aligned with "This". I also wish to make "Thesis" aligned with "M.S. in Engineering"}\\
Advisor: & Professor XXX. (I also wish to indent "Advisor" to make it aligned with "M.S. ..." \\

