\sffamily 不显示希腊字符

\sffamily 不显示希腊字符

我一直试图通过我找到的 GNU SF 模板来生成我的每周时间表。因为我是希腊人,所以我希望时间表中的文本是希腊语。

我使用的模板是Pascal Gwosdek 的timetable.sty 包,它生成美观的每周时间表,如下所示:



    % Arguments: <number of start day>
    % Macro for the greek week days
    % added by dsfounis


    \@ttforloop{@column}{1}{\value{@column} < \value{@colcount}}

        \ifthenelse{\value{@day} > 7}{\addtocounter{@day}{-7}}{}




% SansSerif font

有没有什么方法可以正确显示 \sffamily 中的希腊字符?我以为 Computer Modern Sans Serif 包含希腊符号。

我还可以将字体更改为 Ubuntu basic,它适合时间表并且看起来不错,但我不知道如何通过以上两行来做到这一点。

最小工作示例(除 /greekdays 命令重写之外的默认模板)



% Definitions
\printheading{Stundenplan 6. Semester}
% Define the layout of your time tables
\setslotcount {5} {36}
% Define event types
\defineevent{corelecture}{0.0} {0.28}{1.0} {1.0}{1.0}{1.0}
\defineevent{seminar} {1.0} {0.4} {0.2} {1.0}{1.0}{1.0}
\defineevent{langcourse} {1.0} {0.4} {0.2} {1.0}{1.0}{1.0}
\defineevent{tutorial} {0.6} {0.8} {1.0} {1.0}{1.0}{1.0}
\defineevent{work} {0.21}{0.5} {0.16}{1.0}{1.0}{1.0}

% Start the time table
\greekdays{1} %MARKER
\event 1 {1415} {1600} {Data Networks Lecture} {Druschel} {E1{\tiny3} 002} {corelecture}
\event 1 {1615} {1800} {Tutorial SysArch} {Gwosdek} {E1{\tiny3} SR014} {work}
\event 2 {0915} {1100} {Embedded Systems Lecture} {Finkbeiner} {E1{\tiny3} 003} {corelecture}
\event 2 {1115} {1300} {Differential Equations in IPCV Lecture} {Weickert} {E1{\tiny3} 001} {corelecture}
\event 2 {1415} {1600} {Office Hour SysArch} {Gwosdek} {E1{\tiny1} HaDePra} {work}
\event 3 {1415} {1600} {Data Networks Lecture} {Druschel} {E1{\tiny3} 002} {corelecture}
\event 3 {1615} {1800} {Numerical Algorithms in Image Analysis} {Bruhn, Weickert} {E1{\tiny1} 3.06} {seminar}
\event 4 {0915} {1100} {Embedded Systems Lecture} {Finkbeiner} {E1{\tiny3} 003} {corelecture}
\event 4 {1115} {1300} {Tutorial SysArch} {Gwosdek} {E1{\tiny3} SR014} {work}
\event 5 {1000} {1100} {Bremser Meeting} {SysArch United} {E1{\tiny3}} {work}
\event 5 {1115} {1300} {Differential Equations in IPCV Lecture} {Weickert} {E1{\tiny3} 001} {corelecture}


%    timetable.sty - The LaTeX timetable stylesheet V1.4
%    http://www.planetk.de/index.php?title=Stundenplan
%    Copyright (C) 2007-2009 Pascal Gwosdek
%    Modifications (C) 2008 Daniel Bader
%    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
%    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
%    Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
%    option) any later version.
%    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
%    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
%    Public License for more details.
%    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
%    with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

\RequirePackage{ifthen, calc, color}

% Preset the colors

% Simple for loop construct as proposed by N. Setzer

% SansSerif font

% Dimensions

% Arbitrary stuff

% Predefines

% Event declarations

% Helpers


  \ifthenelse{\strip@pt\@cornerradius > 7}
    \ifthenelse{\strip@pt\@cornerradius < 0}


  % Set frame type
  \ifthenelse{#2 < 1}
    % Lines
    \ifthenelse{#2 > 2}
      % Checkerboard

  % Caption vertical alignment





    % Arguments: {hour}{minute}
    \ifthenelse{\value{#1} < 10}{0}{}\arabic{#1}:\ifthenelse{\value{#2} < 10}{0}{}\arabic{#2}

    % Arguments: {x}{y}{duration}{title}{lecturer}{place}{type}{textcolor}




    \ifthenelse{\strip@pt\@cornerradius > 0}
      % Left rounded corners

      % Right rounded corners




    \ifthenelse{\value{@hoursset} = 0}{\setcounter{@printtimestamps}{0}}{}

    % Title
            \ifthenelse{\value{@printtimestamps} > 0}%
              {{\@timestyle \@fmtTime{@startHour}{@startMinute}}%
                \ifthenelse{\value{@printtimestamps} = 2}%
                  {{\@timestyle -- \@fmtTime{@endHour}{@endMinute}}}%

    \addtolength{\@newrowtop}{2\@textframe + \@bottomspace}

    % Lecturer
      \@ttfont\raggedright\color{@timetable#7text}{\@bottomstyle #5%
            \ifthenelse{\value{@printtimestamps} = 1}%
              {{\@timestyle \@fmtTime{@endHour}{@endMinute}}}%

    \setlength{\@newcolleft}{#1\@colwidth + \@colwidth}

    % Location
        \@ttfont\raggedleft\color{@timetable#7text}{\@bottomstyle #6%


    % Arguments: {@day}{@start}{@end}{title}{lecturer}{place}{type}

    % Use the time format, if hours are defined, and a slot number otherwise:
    \ifthenelse{\value{@hoursset} > 0}
      \setcounter{@startHour}{#2 / 100}
      \setcounter{@startMinute}{#2 - #2 / 100 * 100}

      \setcounter{@endHour}{#3 / 100}
      \setcounter{@endMinute}{#3 - #3 / 100 * 100}

      \setcounter{@hourslot}{((#2 - \value{@hourzero}) / 100 * (60 / \value{@minutesperslot})) + 2 + ((#2 - #2 / 100 * 100) / \value{@minutesperslot})}
      \setcounter{@durationslots}{((#3 - \value{@hourzero}) / 100 * (60 / \value{@minutesperslot})) + 2 + ((#3 - #3 / 100 * 100) / \value{@minutesperslot}) - \value{@hourslot}}

      % Compensate for 24h wrap
      \ifthenelse{\value{@hourslot} < 0}{\addtocounter{@hourslot}{(24 * (60 / \value{@minutesperslot}))}}{}



    % Arguments: <horizontal> <vertical> <text>
    % Lets you manually set slot contents (use this really rarely and
    % SEE: \daymark, \timemark )


    \ifthenelse{\value{@hoursset} = 0}

    % Select frame type
    \ifthenelse{\value{@frametype} = 1}
    { % Lines
      \ifthenelse{#1 = 1}{\put(\strip@pt\@newcolleft,\strip@pt\@newrowtop){\textcolor{ttframecol2}{\rule{\@colwidth}{1pt}}}}{}
      \ifthenelse{#2 = 1}{\put(\strip@pt\@newcolleft,\strip@pt\@newrowtop){\textcolor{ttframecol2}{\rule{1pt}{\value{@topheight}\@rowheight}}}}{}
    { % Checkerboard
      % Horizontal stripe
      \ifthenelse{#2 = 1}
        {\setcounter{@timetablehelp}{#1 * \real{0.5} * \real{2.0}}
          \ifthenelse{\value{@timetablehelp} = #1}
      % Vertical stripe
      \ifthenelse{#1 = 1}
        {\setcounter{@timetablehelp}{(((#2-\value{@topheight}-1) * \value{@minutesperslot} / 120) * 2) - ((#2-\value{@topheight}-1) * \value{@minutesperslot} / 60)}
          \ifthenelse{\value{@timetablehelp} = 0}
            {\setcounter{@timetablehelp}{60 / \value{@minutesperslot}}

    % Print text
    \addtolength{\@newrowtop}{-\@textframe-\heightof{\large #3}}

    % Optionally move caption to middle or bottom
    \ifthenelse{\value{@framevalign} > 0}
      \ifthenelse{#1 = 1}
        \addtolength{\@newrowtop}{(- \@rowheight * (60 / \value{@minutesperslot}) + 2\@textframe + \heightof{\Large #3})/\value{@framevalign}}
        \ifthenelse{#2 = 1}
          \addtolength{\@newrowtop}{(- \value{@topheight}\@rowheight + 2\@textframe + \heightof{\Large #3})/\value{@framevalign}}

    \put(\strip@pt\@newcolleft,\strip@pt\@newrowtop){\makebox{\textcolor{ttfontcolor}{\@ttfont\large #3}}}

    \legend 1 {\value{@timemarks}} {#1}

    \legend {\value{@daymarks}} 1 {#1}

    \definecolor{@timetable#1block}{rgb}{#2, #3, #4}
    \definecolor{@timetable#1text} {rgb}{#5, #6, #7}

    {\@ttfont\LARGE #1}\par\vspace{5mm}\par

    % Arguments: <width> <height>
    % Defines the slot size


    % Arguments: <days> <hours per day>
    % Defines the number of slots in both dimensions



    % Arguments: <width>
    % Defines the width of the border of each entry (i.e. the
    % distance between outer border and text)


    % Arguments: <start hour> <minute stepping> <print end time?>
    % Automatically sets the time slots to full hours, beginning with <start hour>

    \setcounter{@hourzero}{(#1 * 100)}


    \@ttforloop{@row}{\value{@topheight}}{\value{@row} < \value{@rowcount}}
      \ifthenelse{\value{@minute} = 0}{
        \timemark{\@fmtTime{@hour}{@minute}\ifthenelse{#3 > 0}{-\setcounter{@hour}{\value{@hour}+1}\@fmtTime{@hour}{@minute}\setcounter{@hour}{\value{@hour}-1}}{}}
      \ifthenelse{\value{@minute} = 60}{\stepcounter{@hour}\setcounter{@minute}{0}}{}   
      \ifthenelse{\value{@hour} > 23}{\addtocounter{@hour}{-24}}{}

    % Arguments: <number of start day>
    % Macro for the english week days


    \@ttforloop{@column}{1}{\value{@column} < \value{@colcount}}

      \ifthenelse{\value{@day} > 7}{\addtocounter{@day}{-7}}{}

    % Arguments: <number of start day>
    % Macro for the english week days


    \@ttforloop{@column}{1}{\value{@column} < \value{@colcount}}

      \ifthenelse{\value{@day} > 7}{\addtocounter{@day}{-7}}{}

  % Arguments: <number of start day>
  % Macro for the greek week days
  % added by dsfounis


  \@ttforloop{@column}{1}{\value{@column} < \value{@colcount}}

    \ifthenelse{\value{@day} > 7}{\addtocounter{@day}{-7}}{}

    % Arguments: None
    % Starts a new timetable
    % Set the new layout setting
    % Reset the counters
    % Minipage to correct bounding box
    % Begin. Note the offset hack of the picture, this is to make it consistent to the old pstricks package. 
      % Draw the grey frame
      % Draw the contours
      % Inner

      % Outer





% Definitions
\printheading{Stundenplan 6. Semester}
% Define the layout of your time tables
\setslotcount {5} {36}
% Define event types
\defineevent{corelecture}{0.0} {0.28}{1.0} {1.0}{1.0}{1.0}
\defineevent{seminar} {1.0} {0.4} {0.2} {1.0}{1.0}{1.0}
\defineevent{langcourse} {1.0} {0.4} {0.2} {1.0}{1.0}{1.0}
\defineevent{tutorial} {0.6} {0.8} {1.0} {1.0}{1.0}{1.0}
\defineevent{work} {0.21}{0.5} {0.16}{1.0}{1.0}{1.0}

% Start the time table
\greekdays{1} %MARKER
\event 1 {1415} {1600} {Data Networks Lecture} {Druschel} {E1{\tiny3} 002} {corelecture}
\event 1 {1615} {1800} {Tutorial SysArch} {Gwosdek} {E1{\tiny3} SR014} {work}
\event 2 {0915} {1100} {Embedded Systems Lecture} {Finkbeiner} {E1{\tiny3} 003} {corelecture}
\event 2 {1115} {1300} {Differential Equations in IPCV Lecture} {Weickert} {E1{\tiny3} 001} {corelecture}
\event 2 {1415} {1600} {Office Hour SysArch} {Gwosdek} {E1{\tiny1} HaDePra} {work}
\event 3 {1415} {1600} {Data Networks Lecture} {Druschel} {E1{\tiny3} 002} {corelecture}
\event 3 {1615} {1800} {Numerical Algorithms in Image Analysis} {Bruhn, Weickert} {E1{\tiny1} 3.06} {seminar}
\event 4 {0915} {1100} {Embedded Systems Lecture} {Finkbeiner} {E1{\tiny3} 003} {corelecture}
\event 4 {1115} {1300} {Tutorial SysArch} {Gwosdek} {E1{\tiny3} SR014} {work}
\event 5 {1000} {1100} {Bremser Meeting} {SysArch United} {E1{\tiny3}} {work}
\event 5 {1115} {1300} {Differential Equations in IPCV Lecture} {Weickert} {E1{\tiny3} 001} {corelecture}


  % Arguments: <number of start day>
  % Macro for the greek week days
  % added by dsfounis
  \@ttforloop{@column}{1}{\value{@column} < \value{@colcount}}
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\value{@day}}5}{\daymark{Friday}}{}% %%%%FIX HERE!
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\value{@day}}6}{\daymark{Saturday}}{}% %%%%FIX HERE!
    \ifthenelse{\equal{\value{@day}}7}{\daymark{Sunday}}{}% %%%%FIX HERE!
    \ifthenelse{\value{@day} > 7}{\addtocounter{@day}{-7}}{}%


