Raspberry Pi 上的固件配置文件“include”被忽略

Raspberry Pi 上的固件配置文件“include”被忽略

Raspberry Pi 上的 Ubuntu 19.10 具有/启动/固件/自述文件陈述如下:

An overview of the files on the /boot/firmware partition (the 1st partition
on the SD card) used by the Ubuntu boot process (roughly in order) is as

* bootcode.bin   - this is the second stage bootloader loaded by all pis with
                   the exception of the pi4 (where this is replaced by flash
* config.txt     - the first configuration file read by the boot process
* syscfg.txt     - the file in which system modified configuration will be
                   placed, included by config.txt
* usercfg.txt    - the file in which user modified configuration should be
                   placed, included by config.txt
include syscfg.txt
include usercfg.txt


# Please DO NOT modify this file; if you need to modify the boot config, the
# "usercfg.txt" file is the place to include user changes. Please refer to
# the README file for a description of the various configuration files on
# the boot partition.


我熟悉使用/boot/config.txt在 Raspbian 下,所有固件配置指令都放在这个单独的文件中,并且不支持“include”指令。

Ubuntu 似乎已经扩展了此机制,大概是通过使用 uboot,通过添加“include”并将配置拆分为多个文件,但这似乎不起作用。我仍然必须将指令添加到 config.txt 文件才能使它们生效。

