我正在寻找一个 documentclass 来实现以下目的:我想排版一个汇编(一本书或一卷期刊),其中包含完全独立的文章(我在这里将其称为“贡献”,只是为了不将它们与 latex- 混淆\documentclass{article}
),每篇文章均由不同的作者提供。研究一些这样的汇编书籍使我发现 documentclass 应满足以下标准要求:
toc 只显示每个贡献的标题和作者,而不是其各自的分段结构
我确信有一种方法可以通过对 \documentclass{book} 进行大量操作来实现这一点,就像这里描述的解决方案一样:
- (广告 1)显示书中每章的作者
- (广告 3)
\chapter*{title of contribution}\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{title of contribution}
(来自这里如何删除章节编号但不将其从目录中删除) - (广告 4)如何从书籍的章节标题中删除“第 N 章”
- (广告 5)
(来自这里:如何删除章节编号但不将其从目录中删除) - (广告 6 和 4)
- (广告 7)
%%% chapter and section %%%
% to supress "chapter n" before each chapter we use \chapter*
% the solution with titlesec
% \usepackage{titlesec}
% \titleformat{\chapter}[display]
% {\normalfont\bfseries}{}{0\Large\centering\scshapet}{\huge}
% does not work, since it seems to interfer with \usepackage{sectsty}
% which we want to use lateron to center the chapter- and section headings
% since we want the section numbering to start from 1 in each contribution
% we have to tell \chapter* to reset the section counter
% for the same reason we have to reset the footnote counter
\newcommand*\contribution{\setcounter{section}{0} \setcounter{footnote}{0}\chapter}
%center chapter, section, subsection and subsubsection headings
%let section numbering start at "1." (instead of "0.1")
% show \contributionauthor after title oft chapter
%%% headers %%%
% clear header
% show author of the contribution in the header of even pages
% show title of the contribution in the header of odd pages
% activate the headerstyle
% suppress header on those empty pages standardly produced by \cleardoublepage
% (in twosided documents \cleardoublepage lets every new chapter start on an odd page)
\renewcommand*{\cleardoublepage}{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
%%% table of contents %%%
% show \contributionauthor in toc
\addtocontents{toc}{\vskip -35pt}%
\addtocontents{toc}{\vskip 35pt}%
% set depth of toc 0, so only chaptertitles appear, no section or subsections
%%% document itself %%%
\renewcommand\ctitle{First Contribution}
\renewcommand\contributiontitle{First Contribution}
\renewcommand\contributionauthor{Jane Doe}
This is to show you that headings of sections and subsections and subsubsections are centered.\footnote{This is the first footnote.}
\section{Another Section}
This page only exists to show you that header-behaviour is working on verso and recto pages.\footnote{This is the second footnote}
This page only exists to show you that header-behaviour is working on verso and recto pages. Also have a look on the next (completely) blank page, which is automatically added by \textbackslash cleardoublepage to ensure that next chapter starts on an odd page. It does not have a header nor a footer.
\renewcommand\ctitle{Second Contribution}
\renewcommand\contributiontitle{Second Contribution}
\renewcommand\contributionauthor{John Doe}
\section{Again, a new section}
But since it is part of new contribution, it is numbered by "1."\footnote{This is the third footnote in the document, but the first in the current contribution, so it is numbered by "1"}
\section{One remark on the definition of a new contribution title}
We want the same title to appear in toc and in the heading of the contribution. That's why the title of the contribution is given to \{\}ctitle to print it in the chapter-title and in the toc. But the contribution title must not be given to the fancyheader before the \textbackslash chapter*, since else the header would change even one page before.