调整 pgfplot 的大小,使其适合多列

调整 pgfplot 的大小,使其适合多列

我对 TeX 还很陌生,但我正在尝试整理一个multicol布局中列内有内联图表的文档。图表似乎总是超出列的宽度,我不知道如何正确缩放它。






\section*{Risk and Reward Profile}

        symbolic y coords={Equities, Absolute Return, Fixed Income, Property, Cash},
        \addplot[xbar,fill=blue] coordinates {
            (51.3,Equities) (32.1,Absolute Return) (10.2,Fixed Income) (4.0,Property) (2.5,Cash)



作为一个相关问题,如果我想要 2 个并排的图表跨越整个页面宽度,那么最好的方法是什么?






A \enquote{balanced} risk strategy investing in a diversified range of asset classes with a return objective of UK cash deposits (LIBOR) + \SIrange{3}{4}{\percent} p.a.\ over the medium term with target volatility of \SIrange{6}{8}{\percent}. The portfolio is designed to map to the ARC PCI Balanced and the STEP TMPI Medium Risk benchmarks, but at the lower end of the balanced risk range.
    \section*{Risk and Reward Profile}

    ,yticklabel style={%
        ,text width=1.4cm % this is optional here... reduce as much as you like or leave it away
        ,inner sep=0 % gets rid of the space around the labels
        ,xshift=-0.3em % puts some space back to the rith side of the labels. Adapt that to your needs
    ,symbolic y coords={Equities, Absolute Return, Fixed Income, Property, Cash}
    \addplot[xbar,fill=blue] coordinates {
        (51.3,Equities) (32.1,Absolute Return) (10.2,Fixed Income) (4.0,Property) (2.5,Cash)








A “balanced” risk strategy investing in a diversified range of asset classes with a return objective of UK cash deposits (LIBOR) + 3\% to 4\% p.a. over the medium term with target volatility of 6\%-8\%. The portfolio is designed to map to the ARC PCI Balanced and the STEP TMPI Medium Risk benchmarks, but at the lower end of the balanced risk range.

\section*{Risk and Reward Profile}

        symbolic y coords={Equities, Absolute Return, Fixed Income, Property, Cash},
        \addplot[xbar,fill=blue] coordinates {
            (51.3,Equities) (32.1,Absolute Return) (10.2,Fixed Income) (4.0,Property) (2.5,Cash)




将宽度固定为 ,0.95\columnwidth并将yticklabels 修改为

yticklabel style={inner sep=2pt,rotate=45,anchor=south east,font=\footnotesize}






A “balanced” risk strategy investing in a diversified range of asset classes with a return objective of UK cash deposits (LIBOR) + 3\% to 4\% p.a. over the medium term with target volatility of 6\%-8\%. The portfolio is designed to map to the ARC PCI Balanced and the STEP TMPI Medium Risk benchmarks, but at the lower end of the balanced risk range.

\section*{Risk and Reward Profile}
        symbolic y coords={Equities, Absolute Return, Fixed Income, Property, Cash},
        yticklabel style={inner sep=2pt,rotate=45,anchor=south east,font=\footnotesize}
        \addplot[xbar,fill=blue] coordinates {
            (51.3,Equities) (32.1,Absolute Return) (10.2,Fixed Income) (4.0,Property) (2.5,Cash)





A “balanced” risk strategy investing in a diversified range of asset classes with a return objective of UK cash deposits (LIBOR) + 3\% to 4\% p.a. over the medium term with target volatility of 6\%-8\%. The portfolio is designed to map to the ARC PCI Balanced and the STEP TMPI Medium Risk benchmarks, but at the lower end of the balanced risk range.

\section*{Risk and Reward Profile}
        symbolic y coords={Equities, Absolute Return, Fixed Income, Property, Cash},
        yticklabel style={font=\footnotesize}
        \addplot[xbar,fill=blue] coordinates {
            (51.3,Equities) (32.1,Absolute Return) (10.2,Fixed Income) (4.0,Property) (2.5,Cash)



并且不减小 ytick 标签的字体大小:



A “balanced” risk strategy investing in a diversified range of asset classes with a return objective of UK cash deposits (LIBOR) + 3\% to 4\% p.a. over the medium term with target volatility of 6\%-8\%. The portfolio is designed to map to the ARC PCI Balanced and the STEP TMPI Medium Risk benchmarks, but at the lower end of the balanced risk range.

\section*{Risk and Reward Profile}
        symbolic y coords={Equities, Absolute Return, Fixed Income, Property, Cash},
        yticklabel style={text width=0.15\columnwidth,align=right}
        \addplot[xbar,fill=blue] coordinates {
            (51.3,Equities) (32.1,Absolute Return) (10.2,Fixed Income) (4.0,Property) (2.5,Cash)


