是否可以让 todonotes 包使用 pagetrim 之外的边距来草拟笔记?

是否可以让 todonotes 包使用 pagetrim 之外的边距来草拟笔记?



\documentclass[svgnames,showtrims, 10pt, draft]{memoir}

\usepackage[textsize=small, linecolor=magenta, bordercolor=magenta,



%% A new command that allows you to note down ideas or annotations in
%% the margin of the draft. If you are printing on a stock that is wider
%% than the final page width, we will go to some length to utilise the
%% paper that would otherwise be trimmed away, assuming you will not be
%% trimming the draft. These notes will not be printed when we are not
%% in draft mode.
{%% do not interfere with settings for other marginal notes
\marginpar{\flushleft\textbf{\textit{\HUGE !\ }}\small #1}%
\settowidth{\draftnotesignwidth}{\textbf{\textit{\HUGE\ !}}}%
\marginpar{\raggedleft\makebox[0pt][r]{%% hack around
\parbox[t]{\draftnotewidth}{%%%%%%%%% funny behaviour
}}\textbf{\textit{\HUGE\ !}}%

\section*{Lorem ipsum}%
\sidepar{\textit{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}}
\todo{Fix the: Nam dui ligula, fringilla}
\draftnote{Fix the: Nulla malesuada porttitor diam}
\sidepar{\textit{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}}
\todo{Fix the: Nam dui ligula, fringilla}
\draftnote{Fix the: Nulla malesuada porttitor diam}



  • 添加更多内容使其成为两页
  • 添加\sidepar以显示非草稿注释的边注应位于修剪页面上


您可以使用包textwidth的选项todonotes来指定边距注释的大小。通常只需在页面设置后增加 marginpars 的大小memoir,但如果您不想更改该尺寸,可以重写todo包中的一些内部内容,隐藏注释的宽度todo


\documentclass[svgnames,showtrims, 10pt, draft]{memoir}

\usepackage[textsize=small, linecolor=magenta, bordercolor=magenta,
            backgroundcolor=magenta, textwidth=5cm]{todonotes}



\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay, baseline=-0.75ex]%
    \node [coordinate] (inText) {};%
\marginpar[{% Draw note in left margin
}]{% Draw note in right margin
    \makebox[\marginparwidth][#1]{\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,baseline=(X.base)]%
        \draw node[notestyle,font=\@todonotes@sizecommand,anchor=north] (inNote) at (X.north)%
            \draw node[notestyle,font=\@todonotes@sizecommand,anchor=north] (inNote) at (X.north)%
            \node(Y)[below=of X]{};%
            \draw node[notestyle,font=\@todonotes@sizecommand,anchor=north] (inNote) at (X.south)%
            \draw node[notestyle,font=\@todonotes@sizecommand,anchor=north] (inNote) at (X.north)%

\section*{Lorem ipsum}
\sidepar{\textit{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}}
\todo{Fix the: Nam dui ligula, fringilla}
\todo{Fix the: Nulla malesuada porttitor diam}
\sidepar{\textit{Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet}}
\todo{Fix the: Nam dui ligula, fringilla}
\todo{Fix the: Nulla malesuada porttitor diam}
