BibLaTeX-dw 样式 authortitle-dw:如何应用 firstfull=true 但不应用于带有简写字段的条目

BibLaTeX-dw 样式 authortitle-dw:如何应用 firstfull=true 但不应用于带有简写字段的条目

我正在使用带有style=authortitle-dw选项的BibLaTeX firstfull=true。有没有办法不应用于firstfull=true我的 .bib 文件中包含shorthand条目的那些条目?

仅显示按预期工作的 MWEfirstfull=true将是:


\usepackage[style=authortitle-dw,backend=biber, firstfull=true]{biblatex}



  Title                    = {Title1},
  Author                   = {AuthorA},
  Year                     = {1900},
  Shorthand                = {GuI}

  Title                    = {Title2},
  Author                   = {AuthorB},
  Year                     = {1900}

  Title                    = {Title2},
  Author                   = {AuthorC},
  Year                     = {1900}



"Some citation of a shorthand title"\parencite[][34]{A1}

"Some citation of the same shorthand title in a footnote"\footcite[][34]{A1}

"Some citation of the same title from another page"\footcite[][70]{A1}

"Some citation of a non-shorthand title"\footcite[][12]{B2}

"Some citation of the same non-shorthand title from another page"\footcite[][15]{B2}

"Some citation of the same non-shorthand title from another author"\footcite[][15]{C2}








以下是 MWE:


\usepackage[style=authortitle-dw,backend=biber, firstfull=true]{biblatex}




  Title                    = {Title1},
  Author                   = {AuthorA},
  Year                     = {1900},
  Shorthand                = {GuI}

  Title                    = {Title2},
  Author                   = {AuthorB},
  Year                     = {1900}

  Title                    = {Title2},
  Author                   = {AuthorC},
  Year                     = {1900}



"Some citation of a shorthand title"\parencite[][34]{A1}

"Some citation of the same shorthand title in a footnote"\footcite[][34]{A1}

"Some citation of the same title from another page"\footcite[][70]{A1}

"Some citation of a non-shorthand title"\footcite[][12]{B2}

"Some citation of the same non-shorthand title from another page"\footcite[][15]{B2}

"Some citation of the same non-shorthand title from another author"\footcite[][15]{C2}



