我正在尝试在 beamer 海报中创建交换图,但我不明白为什么它的格式不正确。输出构建为:
\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm, amssymb, latexsym}
% change list indention level
% \setdefaultleftmargin{3em}{}{}{}{}{}
%\usepackage{snapshot} % will write a .dep file with all dependencies, allows for easy bundling
\newcolumntype{Z}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X} % centered tabularx columns
\newcommand{\pphantom}{\textcolor{ta3aluminium}} % phantom introduces a vertical space in p formatted table columns??!!
% ---------------------------------------------------------%
% Set up a column
\begin{minipage}[T]{.95\textwidth} % tweaks the width, makes a new \textwidth
\parbox[t][\columnheight]{\textwidth}{ % must be some better way to set the the height, width and textwidth simultaneously
\begin{block}{Maps Between Fuzzy Tangent Manifolds}
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={midway}]
\matrix[column sep={4em,between origins}, row sep={2em}] at (0,0) {
\node(R) {$\mathscr{T}\M$} ; & \node(S) {$\mathscr{T}\N$}; \\
\node(R/I) {$\M$}; & \node (T) {$\N$};\\
\draw[<-] (R/I) -- (R) node[anchor=east] {$\pi_{\M}$};
\draw[->] (R) -- (S) node[anchor=south] {$\mathscr{T}f$};
\draw[->] (S) -- (T) node[anchor=west] {$\pi_{\N}$};
\draw[->] (R/I) -- (T) node[anchor=north] {$f$};
that is, $f \circ \pi_{\M} = \pi_{\N} \circ \mathscr{T}f$. \\
Now suppose $f: \M \to \N$ and $g: \N \to \mathcal{H}$, then following diagram of fuzzy tangent manifolds is also commutative:
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={midway}]
\matrix[column sep={4em,between origins},
row sep={2em}] at (0,0)
{ \node(R) {$\mathscr{T}\M$} ; & \node(S) {$\mathscr{T}\mathcal{H}$}; \\
\node(R/I) {$\mathscr{T}\N$}; \\};
\draw[<-] (R/I) -- (R) node[anchor=east] {$\mathscr{T}f$};
\draw[->] (R/I) -- (S) node[anchor=north] {$\mathscr{T}g$};
\draw[->] (R) -- (S) node[anchor=south] {$\mathscr{T}(g \circ f)$};
% ---------------------------------------------------------%
% end the column
\usepackage{amsmath,amsthm, amssymb, latexsym}
% change list indention level
% \setdefaultleftmargin{3em}{}{}{}{}{}
%\usepackage{snapshot} % will write a .dep file with all dependencies, allows for easy bundling
\newcolumntype{Z}{>{\centering\arraybackslash}X} % centered tabularx columns
\newcommand{\pphantom}{\textcolor{ta3aluminium}} % phantom introduces a vertical space in p formatted table columns??!!
\begin{block}{Maps Between Fuzzy Tangent Manifolds}
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={midway}]
\matrix[column sep={4em,between origins}, row sep={2em}] at (0,0) {
\node(R) {$\mathscr{T}\M$} ; & \node(S) {$\mathscr{T}\N$}; \\
\node(R/I) {$\M$}; & \node (T) {$\N$};\\
\draw[<-] (R/I) -- (R) node[anchor=east] {$\pi_{\M}$};
\draw[->] (R) -- (S) node[anchor=south] {$\mathscr{T}f$};
\draw[->] (S) -- (T) node[anchor=west] {$\pi_{\N}$};
\draw[->] (R/I) -- (T) node[anchor=north] {$f$};
that is, $f \circ \pi_{\M} = \pi_{\N} \circ \mathscr{T}f$. \\
Now suppose $f: \M \to \N$ and $g: \N \to \mathcal{H}$, then following diagram of fuzzy tangent manifolds is also commutative:
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={midway}]
\matrix[column sep={4em,between origins},
row sep={2em}] at (0,0)
{ \node(R) {$\mathscr{T}\M$} ; & \node(S) {$\mathscr{T}\mathcal{H}$}; \\
\node(R/I) {$\mathscr{T}\N$}; \\};
\draw[<-] (R/I) -- (R) node[anchor=east] {$\mathscr{T}f$};
\draw[->] (R/I) -- (S) node[anchor=north] {$\mathscr{T}g$};
\draw[->] (R) -- (S) node[anchor=south] {$\mathscr{T}(g \circ f)$};
% end the column
正如我在评论中提到的,如果你能让这个例子更简约,那么很明显,beamer 不喜欢 TikZ 矩阵&
然后使用 来修复它就很简单了ampersand replacement
\matrix[ampersand replacement=\&] at (0,0) {
\node(R) {TM}; \& \node(S) {TN}; \\
\node(R/I) {M} ; \& \node(T) {N} ; \\