Moderncv:\cvitem 或 \cvline 的内容应允许超出 \hintscolumnwidth 边界

Moderncv:\cvitem 或 \cvline 的内容应允许超出 \hintscolumnwidth 边界

我正在使用moderncv样式,并希望将内容添加到(或,我看不出区别)casual的左列,该列比列的预定义宽度( )更宽。这里我有两个问题:\cvitem\cvline\hintscolumnwidth

  1. 到目前为止我发现的所有主题都建议简单地进行\hintscolumnwidth相应的调整,我就是这样做的不是想要做什么。相反,我希望长文本保持右对齐并超出列的左侧边框,从而超出文档的左侧边框。我需要这样做,因为我不愿意因为一两个长条目而调整整个列的宽度。

  2. 另一个问题是,左栏中此类内容的分页会\newline导致两行内容的间隙比右栏上的文本宽得多。

它看起来应该像这样: 它应该是什么样子 MWE:

% moderncv themes
\usepackage[scale=0.78, top=12mm, bottom = 25mm]{geometry}
% Change width of gap between date column and data column
% Change width of column with the dates
\title{my cv}   
% document                         
\section{IT -- knowledge}
\cvitem{\textbf{short entry}}{normal}
\cvitem{\textbf{looooooooooongEntry}}{This is a long entry that shall fit in one line (right aligned)}
\cvitem{\textbf{looooooooooong-\newline Entry}}{Same entry as above, but split up. But the gap between lines is too wide (should be same distance as text in this right column).}
\cvitem{\textbf{evenLoooooooooooonger-\newline entry}}{This is an even longer entry that shall fit in two lines (right aligned, and with smaller gap between lines)}             







\cvitem{\textbf{even\-Looooooo\-ooooon\-ger\-Entry}}{This is an even longer entry that shall fit in two lines (right aligned, and with smaller gap between lines)} 

完成 MWE:

% moderncv themes
\usepackage[scale=0.78, top=12mm, bottom = 25mm]{geometry}
% Change width of gap between date column and data column
% Change width of column with the dates
\setlength{\hintscolumnwidth}{3.2cm}  % 3,2              
\title{my cv}   
% document                         

\section{IT~-- knowledge}
\cvitem{\textbf{short entry}}{normal}
\cvitem{\textbf{looooooooooongEntry}}{This is a long entry that shall fit in one line (right aligned)}
\cvitem{\textbf{looooooooooongEntry}}{This is a long entry that shall fit in one line (right aligned). This is a long entry that shall fit in one line (right aligned)}
\cvitem{\textbf{looooooooooong\-Entry}}{Same entry as above, but split up. But the gap between lines is too wide (should be same distance as text in this right column).}
\cvitem{\textbf{even\-Looooooo\-ooooon\-ger\-Entry}}{This is an even longer entry that shall fit in two lines (right aligned, and with smaller gap between lines)}







% moderncv themes
\usepackage[scale=0.78, top=12mm, bottom = 25mm]{geometry}
% Change width of gap between date column and data column
% Change width of column with the dates
\title{my cv}   
% document                         
\section{IT -- knowledge}
\cvitem{\textbf{short entry}}{normal}
\cvitem{\textbf{\llap{looooooooooongEntry}}}{This is a long entry that shall fit in one line (right aligned)}
\cvitem{\textbf{\llap{looooooooooong-}\\Entry}}{Same entry as above, but split up. But the gap between lines is too wide (should be same distance as text in this right column).}
\cvitem{\textbf{\llap{evenLoooooooooooonger-}\\entry}}{This is an even longer entry that shall fit in two lines (right aligned, and with smaller gap between lines)}             


moderncv 长左列与 llap 命令对齐
