这是代码(使用 Pdflatex),您可以看到树无法在一页中显示。
\tikzset{edge from parent/.style=
edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.east)
-- +(14pt,0)
|- (\tikzchildnode)}}}
\tikzset{grow'=right,level distance=100pt}
\tikzset{execute at begin node=\strut}
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={anchor=base west}}
[.\node(shikong){D}; ]
[.E ] ]
[.F ]
[.F ] ]
[.G ]
[.H ]
[.I ] ] ]
[.A ]
[.E ] ]
[.F ]
[.F ] ]
[.G ]
[.H ]
[.I ] ] ]
[.B ]
[.E ] ]
[.F ]
[.F ] ]
[.G ]
[.H ]
[.I ] ] ]
[.B ]
[.E ] ]
[.F ]
[.F ] ]
[.G ]
[.H ]
[.I ] ] ]
[.B ]
[.E ] ]
[.F ]
[.F ] ]
[.G ]
[.H ]
[.I ] ] ]
[.B ]
[.E ] ]
[.F ]
[.F ] ]
[.G ]
[.H ]
[.I ] ] ]]
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={align=center,
anchor=center, font=\normalsize\sffamily\bfseries,
rectangle,draw,text width=1.4cm,}]
\node[above= 2mm of shikong ] (thenode) {fifth};
\node[at =(thenode-|shixuan)] {lll};
\node[at =(thenode-|yusheng)] {five};
\node[at =(thenode-|xun)] {aaa};
首先使用独立类来获取调整为树形尺寸的独立 pdf 文件。
% This is file mytree.tex
\tikzset{edge from parent/.style=
edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.east)
-- +(14pt,0)
|- (\tikzchildnode)}}}
\tikzset{grow'=right,level distance=100pt}
\tikzset{execute at begin node=\strut}
\tikzset{every tree node/.style={anchor=base west}}
[.\node(shikong){D}; ]
[.E ] ]
[.F ]
[.F ] ]
[.G ]
[.H ]
[.I ] ] ]
[.A ]
[.E ] ]
[.F ]
[.F ] ]
[.G ]
[.H ]
[.I ] ] ]
[.B ]
[.E ] ]
[.F ]
[.F ] ]
[.G ]
[.H ]
[.I ] ] ]
[.B ]
[.E ] ]
[.F ]
[.F ] ]
[.G ]
[.H ]
[.I ] ] ]
[.B ]
[.E ] ]
[.F ]
[.F ] ]
[.G ]
[.H ]
[.I ] ] ]
[.B ]
[.E ] ]
[.F ]
[.F ] ]
[.G ]
[.H ]
[.I ] ] ]]
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={align=center,
anchor=center, font=\normalsize\sffamily\bfseries,
rectangle,draw,text width=1.4cm,}]
\node[above= 2mm of shikong ] (thenode) {fifth};
\node[at =(thenode-|shixuan)] {lll};
\node[at =(thenode-|yusheng)] {five};
\node[at =(thenode-|xun)] {aaa};
其次,使用命令及其边界框将前棵树( mytree.pdf
\caption{A very long long tree scaled to fit the page height}
\includegraphics[bb=0 350 450 900,clip]{mytree}
\caption{Top part of previous tree}
\includegraphics[bb=0 0 450 350,clip]{mytree}
\caption{Bootom part of previous tree}