软件包 longtabu 在分页符处出现问题

软件包 longtabu 在分页符处出现问题

我正在 LaTeX 文档中使用longtabu它作为表格。它在分页符处给出连线结果。请注意,表格的“继续”部分卡在分页符之前的页面中。

第 14 页没有表格内容,除了下页继续

图片中显示的第 14 页除了下页内容外没有表格内容。这是我用来创建表格的代码。有什么建议可以解决这个问题吗?

\documentclass[a4paper,12pt, oneside]{book}

%enable linespacing commands%

%used to import graphics%

%used for referencing%

%customise chapter styles%

%set bibliography listing style to agsm%

%set margins%

%keep only the page number%

%allows to create tables with different column widths%

%allows to create tables that can span accross pages%
\usepackage{longtable}%dependency of longtabu
\usepackage{tabu}%contains longtabu

% begining of the table
\begin{longtabu} to \textwidth { l  X[1 , l ] }
\caption{CG box properties}\\
% -----------------headings----------------------%

\textbf{Variable type}

%headings for next page columns
\textbf{Variable type}

%this is printed before the table is broken into the next page
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{{Continued on next page}} \\ \hline

% ---------------headings end--------------------%

L, T, R, B, W, H, bg, ANG, AX, AY

img, txt
% end of the table



我不明白你的问题是什么。删除 MWE 中与禁忌长表无关的所有包后,我获得了预期结果:


我的 MWE:





\begin{longtabu} to \textwidth {l  X[1,l]}
    \caption{CG box properties}
    \label{table:cg_box_prop_types}             \\
% -----------------headings----------------------%
\textbf{Property}   &   \textbf{Variable type}  \\
%headings for next page columns
\textbf{Property}   &   \textbf{Variable type}  \\
%this is printed before the table is broken into the next page
\multicolumn{2}{|r|}{{Continued on next page}}  \\ \hline
% ---------------headings end--------------------%
L, T, R, B, W, H, bg, ANG, AX, AY
    &   \lipsum[2-3]                             \\
img, txt
    &   \lipsum[4]

