biboptions 无法识别

biboptions 无法识别

我的大部分工作都是使用 elsarticle.cls 完成的。现在我正尝试将这些论文整理成论文,使用学校提供的论文模板。elsarticle 在序言中说

%% natbib.sty is loaded by default. However, natbib options can be
%% provided with \biboptions{...} command. Following options are
%% valid:

%%   round  -  round parentheses are used (default)
%%   square -  square brackets are used   [option]
%%   curly  -  curly braces are used      {option}
%%   angle  -  angle brackets are used    <option>
%%   semicolon  -  multiple citations separated by semi-colon (default)
%%   colon  - same as semicolon, an earlier confusion
%%   comma  -  separated by comma
%%   authoryear - selects author-year citations (default)
%%   numbers-  selects numerical citations
%%   super  -  numerical citations as superscripts
%%   sort   -  sorts multiple citations according to order in ref. list
%%   sort&compress   -  like sort, but also compresses numerical citations
%%   compress - compresses without sorting
%%   longnamesfirst  -  makes first citation full author list
%% \biboptions{longnamesfirst,comma}


由于我现在使用的是 mitthesis.cls 而不是 elsarticle.cls,因此我尝试使用以下命令加载 natbib:



Undefined control sequence \biboptions


另外,我是否正确加载了 natbib(我想使用类似的编号参考书目样式\bibliographystyle{model1a-num-names})。


elsarticle定义biboptions并将所有内容传递给 package natbib。你可以natbib直接传递以前使用过的所有选项:

