




! \year@short 的参数有一个额外的 }。 \par l.19 }

.bib 是:

title ="{P}rocess Control Instruction PID",
author = "{A}lan {B}radley {USA}",
note ="Instruction Set Reference",
year ="(circa 1990)",

title ="{C}haract.curves {NTT} 50-160/01",
author = "{A}llweiler{AG}",
edition ="V2.06, Curve number 050 01160 0129",
note ="Aust Agent Pump Power Aust Pty Ltd, email Nov 14, 2014",
address ="Melbourne, Australia",
year ="2014",

title ="{V}olute {C}asing {C}entrifugal {P}umps {PN}16 for {H}eat {T}ransfer {O}ils up to 350 deg {C}",
Author ="{A}llweiler {AG}",
address ={Radolfzell, Germany},
edition ="VM 500 GB/09.04 Ident No. 795277",
year ="2009",

author ="{A}utodesk Inc.",
title ="{A}utocad CAD Software",
Note ="http://www.autodesk.com/products/autocad/overview",
Year ="(accessed October 21 2016)",

author = "{B}aelz {A}utomatic",
title ="{O}perating {I}nstructions",
note = "Model 6590",
Year ="2010",

author = "{C}astrol",
title ="{P}erfecto HT12 {H}eat {T}ransfer {O}il ",
Note ="http://yairerez.co.il/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/PERFECTO-HT.pdf",
Year ="(accessed Sep 27 2016)",

author = {{D}ow Chemical Company},
title ="{D}owtherm Heat Transfer Fluids",
Note ="http://www.dow.com/heattrans/products/synthetic/dowtherm.htm",
Year ="(accessed October 18 2016)",

author = {{E}astman Chemical Company},
title ="{T}herminol 66 Heat Transfer Fluid",
Note ="https://www.therminol.com/products/Therminol-66",
Year ="(accessed October 12 2016)",

author = {{E}ngineering {T}oolbox},
title ="{B}oiler {E}fficiency",
Year ="(accessed June 2016)",
note = "http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com",

author = {{E}ngineering {T}oolbox},
title ="{Net} {P}ositive {S}uction {H}ead",
note = "http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/npsh-net-positive-suction-head-d-634.html ",
Year ="(accessed Sep 2016)",

author = {{E}ngineering {T}oolbox},
title ="{P}rocess {C}ontrol {T}erms",
note = "http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/process-control-terms-d-666.html",
Year ="(accessed Nov 2016)",

author = {{E}ngineering {T}oolbox},
title ="{V}alves {F}low {C}haracteristics",
note ="https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/control-valves-flow-characteristics-d-485.html",
Year ="(accessed Oct 2021)",

author = "{F}isher {C}ontrols {I}nternalional {I}nc",
title ="{F}isher {S}izing {M}anual",
date ="April 89",
address ="USA",
year ="1989",

title ="{I}ntroduction to {P}rocess {C}ontrol",
author = "{F}oxboro {MA}, {USA}",
note ="ITCG",
year ="(circa 1985)",

author = "{GKSS Industrial Heating}",
title ="{G}KSS {I}ndustrial {H}eating, general information",
Note ="from {G}KSS now Uniquip Australia Pty Ltd",
Year ="2013",

title ="{S}afety in Design of ThermalFluid Heat Transfer Systems",
author = {{T}ony {E}nnis},
note ="Symposium Series 155 Hazards XXI 2009 IChemE",
year ="2009",

title ="{F}ire and explosion hazards with thermal fluid systems",
author = "{A}lisom McKay Projen plc UK  and {R}ichard Bradley Heat Transfer systems {UK}",
note ="Symposium Series 156 hazards XXII 2011 IChemE",
year ="2011",

author = "{W}alter{W}agner",
title ="{H}eat {T}ransfer {T}echnique with {O}rganic {M}edia",
date ="3rd {E}dition, {D}ecember 1975",
address ="{S}chwetzingen {G}ermany",
year ="1977",

author = "{H}oneywell",
title ="{P}rocess {C}ontroller {P}roduct {M}anual, {UDC3300}",
year ="(accessed November 16 2016)",
note = "https://www.honeywellprocess.com/library/support/Public/Documents/51-52-25-86.pdf",

author = "{I}ndustrial {D}ata {C}ommunications {P}ty {L}td",
title ="{P}rocess {C}ontrol {T}heory",
note ="2.01, Practical Process Control for Engineers and Technicians",
year ="1995",

title ="{P}rocess {H}eat {T}ransfer",
author ="{K}ern, D.Q.",
edition ="{I}nternational {S}tudent {E}dition",
note ="ISBN 0-07-Y85353-3",
address ="McGraw Hill, Singapore",
year ="1986",

author ="{K}laus Fischer",
title ="{D}ifferential Pressure Switch type 21D",
Note ="http://www.dartinstruments.com.au/images/transswi/fischer/DS21-english-alt.pdf",
Year ="(accessed October 14 2016)",

author = "{J}etlube Co",
title ="{K}opr-Kote Anti Seize Compound",
Note ="http://www.jetlube.com/pdf/KOPR-KOTE-INDUSTRIAL-tds.pdf",
Year ="(accessed October 21 2016)",

author = {{H}erne Software},
title ="{M}athcad",
Note ="www.hearne.software/mathcad",
Year ="(accessed November 12 2016)",

author = {{E}xon Mobil},
title ="{M}obiltherm 600 Series {H}eat {T}ransfer {O}ils",
Note ="https://lubes.exxonmobil.com/MarineLubes-En/Files/mobiltherm-600-Series-factsheet.pdf",
Year ="(accessed October 08 2016)",

author = {{M}obil {O}il {C}orporation},
title ="{T}echnical {B}ulletin {H}eating with {M}obiltherm",
note = "Reference JEB 782305",
Year ="1978",

author = {{B}elray Company},
title ="{B}llRay Molylube Extreme Pressure Grease",
Note ="http://www.belray.com/molylube-extreme-pressure-grease-ac-0",
Year ="(accessed October 14 2016)",

author = {{N}orthern  {B}oard {I}nspection {C}ode},
title ="{T}hermal  {F}luid {H}eaters",
note = "NB23 Section 2 Pages 17-18",
Year ="2019",

author = {{P}aratherm},
title ="{TAN}(Neutralisation Number",
Note ="http://www.paratherm.com",
Year ="(accessed October 21 2021)",

Author = "{P}ermutit Company",
title ="Dearator Information",
note = "Permutit now Siemens Water Technologies",
year = "2000",

Author ="{R}adco {B}oilers",
title = {General historical information Hot Oil Systems},
year ="1981"

title = {Variable Pipe Supports PS001},
author ="{R}adcoflex {A}ustralia Pty Ltd",
year ="(accessed Sep 2016)",
note = "http://www.radcoflex.com.au/datasheets/ps001.pdf",

author = "{R}athi Couplings Australia",
title ="{R}athi Spacer Couplings",
Note ="http://www.rathicouplings.com/",
Year ="(accessed November 12 2016)",

author = "{R}ika {K}ogyo Co. Ltd",
title ="{PID} {C}ontrol ",
note ="MD-51H, Pages 16-20",
year ="(circa 1985)",

author = "{S}hell {A}ustralia",
title ="{S}hell {H}eat {T}ransfer {O}il {S}2",
Note ="http://s02.static-shell.com/content/dam/shell/static/ind/downloads/lubes-b2b/other-shell-lubricants/heat-transfer-oil.pdf",
Year ="(accessed Sep 27 2016)",

author = "{{S}hell {A}ustralia}",
title ="{S}hell {H}eat {T}ransfer {O}il {T}hermia {B}",
Note ="http://www.dayanoilco.com/upload/product/1451466936.pdf",
Year ="(accessed Sep 26 2016)",

author = "{S}hell {A}ustralia",
title ="{S}hell Heat Transfer Oil Analysis",
Note ="NRHLS Progressive Results",
Year ="2001",

author = {{S}iemens Building Technologies},
title ="{S}iemens Burner Controls LFL1.",
Note ="http://www.allcontrols.com.au/pdf/LFL-Gas-Burner-Control2.pdf",
Year ="(accessed October 21 2016)",

title ="{C}losed {L}oop {C}ontrol with {S}imatic {S}5",
author = "{S}iemens {AG}",
note ="Basic Concepts",
year ="1989",

author = {{S}ihi Pumps},
title ="{M}aintenance of ZTN Series Heat Transfer Oil Pumps",
Note ="http://www.ceienterprises.com/downloads/15-02-03.pdf",
Year ="(accessed October 14 2016)",

author = {{S}ihi Pumps},
title ="{Z}TN Series Heat Transfer Oil Pumps",
Note ="www.sihi-pumps.com",
Year ="(accessed October 14 2016)",

author = {{S}pirax {S}arco},
title = "{C}atalogue {I}nformation",
address = "Forge Street Blactown NSW",
year = "(Catalogue accessed June 2016)",
note= {http://www.spiraxsarco.com/global/a}

author = "{U}niquip {A}ustralia {P}ty {L}td",
Title ="Uniquip Australia Pty Ltd, Schematic Drawing S034-014C, Expansion System, June 2016",
year ="2016",

author = "{U}niquip {A}ustralia Pty Ltd",
title = {Unfired Steam Generator information},
year = "2016",

author ="{U}niversal {T}echnical {S}ervices",
title = "{TK} {S}olver computer program",
Year ="(accessed May 14, 2016)",

author = {{360} {W}ater {P}ty {L}td},
title ="{R}eliable {S}olutions for {W}ater {P}roblems",
note = "www.360water.com.au",
Year ="(accessed November 22 2016)",

title ="{{C}haracteristic {C}urves for the valve range 340/342/346/347, P11}",
Author ="{B}alz and {S}ohn",
address ="Heilbronn, Germany",
year ="2003",

author ="{cibs} Journal",
title ="{Z}ero Pressure Header Circuits",
note = "Technical guide to low loss headers",
year = "2023"



您没有提供足够的信息来回答(起初您用 标记了您的问题biblatex,但是从您发布的代码来看,您并没有使用它)。

我尝试了以下最小示例,我收到的错误是条目日期date ="April 89"的格式错误fictrl,该格式应为 YYYY-MM-DD。

一般来说,你的 .bib 文件格式很糟糕,请参阅 Mico 的评论

写成 是完全错误的"{R}ika {K}ogyo Co. Ltd",,因为你误导了 BibTeX,让它认为它正在与一个姓氏为“Ltd”、名字为“Rika”、“Kogyo”和“Co.”的人打交道。哎呀!你应该写的是{{Rika Kogyo Co. Ltd}},。同样,author ="{A}utodesk Inc.",应该是author ={{Autodesk Inc.}},author = {{D}ow Chemical Company},应该是author = {{Dow Chemical Company}},等等等等

在条目中al50author = "{A}llweiler{AG}",应该是author = {{A}llweiler {AG}},,并且很可能存在我没有时间检测到的其他错误。

title ="{P}rocess Control Instruction PID",
author = "{A}lan {B}radley {USA}",
note ="Instruction Set Reference",
year ="(circa 1990)",

title ="{C}haract.curves {NTT} 50-160/01",
author = "{A}llweiler {AG}",
edition ="V2.06, Curve number 050 01160 0129",
note ="Aust Agent Pump Power Aust Pty Ltd, email Nov 14, 2014",
address ="Melbourne, Australia",
year ="2014",

title ="{V}olute {C}asing {C}entrifugal {P}umps {PN}16 for {H}eat {T}ransfer {O}ils up to 350 deg {C}",
Author ="{A}llweiler {AG}",
address ={Radolfzell, Germany},
edition ="VM 500 GB/09.04 Ident No. 795277",
year ="2009",

author ="{A}utodesk Inc.",
title ="{A}utocad CAD Software",
Note ="http://www.autodesk.com/products/autocad/overview",
Year ="(accessed October 21 2016)",

author = "{B}aelz {A}utomatic",
title ="{O}perating {I}nstructions",
note = "Model 6590",
Year ="2010",

author = "{C}astrol",
title ="{P}erfecto HT12 {H}eat {T}ransfer {O}il ",
Note ="http://yairerez.co.il/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/PERFECTO-HT.pdf",
Year ="(accessed Sep 27 2016)",

author = {{D}ow Chemical Company},
title ="{D}owtherm Heat Transfer Fluids",
Note ="http://www.dow.com/heattrans/products/synthetic/dowtherm.htm",
Year ="(accessed October 18 2016)",

author = {{E}astman Chemical Company},
title ="{T}herminol 66 Heat Transfer Fluid",
Note ="https://www.therminol.com/products/Therminol-66",
Year ="(accessed October 12 2016)",

author = {{E}ngineering {T}oolbox},
title ="{B}oiler {E}fficiency",
Year ="(accessed June 2016)",
note = "http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com",

author = {{E}ngineering {T}oolbox},
title ="{Net} {P}ositive {S}uction {H}ead",
note = "http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/npsh-net-positive-suction-head-d-634.html ",
Year ="(accessed Sep 2016)",

author = {{E}ngineering {T}oolbox},
title ="{P}rocess {C}ontrol {T}erms",
note = "http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/process-control-terms-d-666.html",
Year ="(accessed Nov 2016)",

author = {{E}ngineering {T}oolbox},
title ="{V}alves {F}low {C}haracteristics",
note ="https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/control-valves-flow-characteristics-d-485.html",
Year ="(accessed Oct 2021)",

author = "{F}isher {C}ontrols {I}nternalional {I}nc",
title ="{F}isher {S}izing {M}anual",
address ="USA",
year ="1989",

title ="{I}ntroduction to {P}rocess {C}ontrol",
author = "{F}oxboro {MA}, {USA}",
note ="ITCG",
year ="(circa 1985)",

author = "{GKSS Industrial Heating}",
title ="{G}KSS {I}ndustrial {H}eating, general information",
Note ="from {G}KSS now Uniquip Australia Pty Ltd",
Year ="2013",

title ="{S}afety in Design of ThermalFluid Heat Transfer Systems",
author = {{T}ony {E}nnis},
note ="Symposium Series 155 Hazards XXI 2009 IChemE",
year ="2009",

title ="{F}ire and explosion hazards with thermal fluid systems",
author = "{A}lisom McKay Projen plc UK  and {R}ichard Bradley Heat Transfer systems {UK}",
note ="Symposium Series 156 hazards XXII 2011 IChemE",
year ="2011",

author = "{W}alter{W}agner",
title ="{H}eat {T}ransfer {T}echnique with {O}rganic {M}edia",
date ="3rd {E}dition, {D}ecember 1975",
address ="{S}chwetzingen {G}ermany",
year ="1977",

author = "{H}oneywell",
title ="{P}rocess {C}ontroller {P}roduct {M}anual, {UDC3300}",
year ="(accessed November 16 2016)",
note = "https://www.honeywellprocess.com/library/support/Public/Documents/51-52-25-86.pdf",

author = "{I}ndustrial {D}ata {C}ommunications {P}ty {L}td",
title ="{P}rocess {C}ontrol {T}heory",
note ="2.01, Practical Process Control for Engineers and Technicians",
year ="1995",

title ="{P}rocess {H}eat {T}ransfer",
author ="{K}ern, D.Q.",
edition ="{I}nternational {S}tudent {E}dition",
note ="ISBN 0-07-Y85353-3",
address ="McGraw Hill, Singapore",
year ="1986",

author ="{K}laus Fischer",
title ="{D}ifferential Pressure Switch type 21D",
Note ="http://www.dartinstruments.com.au/images/transswi/fischer/DS21-english-alt.pdf",
Year ="(accessed October 14 2016)",

author = "{J}etlube Co",
title ="{K}opr-Kote Anti Seize Compound",
Note ="http://www.jetlube.com/pdf/KOPR-KOTE-INDUSTRIAL-tds.pdf",
Year ="(accessed October 21 2016)",

author = {{H}erne Software},
title ="{M}athcad",
Note ="www.hearne.software/mathcad",
Year ="(accessed November 12 2016)",

author = {{E}xon Mobil},
title ="{M}obiltherm 600 Series {H}eat {T}ransfer {O}ils",
Note ="https://lubes.exxonmobil.com/MarineLubes-En/Files/mobiltherm-600-Series-factsheet.pdf",
Year ="(accessed October 08 2016)",

author = {{M}obil {O}il {C}orporation},
title ="{T}echnical {B}ulletin {H}eating with {M}obiltherm",
note = "Reference JEB 782305",
Year ="1978",

author = {{B}elray Company},
title ="{B}llRay Molylube Extreme Pressure Grease",
Note ="http://www.belray.com/molylube-extreme-pressure-grease-ac-0",
Year ="(accessed October 14 2016)",

author = {{N}orthern  {B}oard {I}nspection {C}ode},
title ="{T}hermal  {F}luid {H}eaters",
note = "NB23 Section 2 Pages 17-18",
Year ="2019",

author = {{P}aratherm},
title ="{TAN}(Neutralisation Number",
Note ="http://www.paratherm.com",
Year ="(accessed October 21 2021)",

Author = "{P}ermutit Company",
title ="Dearator Information",
note = "Permutit now Siemens Water Technologies",
year = "2000",

Author ="{R}adco {B}oilers",
title = {General historical information Hot Oil Systems},
year ="1981"

title = {Variable Pipe Supports PS001},
author ="{R}adcoflex {A}ustralia Pty Ltd",
year ="(accessed Sep 2016)",
note = "http://www.radcoflex.com.au/datasheets/ps001.pdf",

author = "{R}athi Couplings Australia",
title ="{R}athi Spacer Couplings",
Note ="http://www.rathicouplings.com/",
Year ="(accessed November 12 2016)",

author = "{R}ika {K}ogyo Co. Ltd",
title ="{PID} {C}ontrol ",
note ="MD-51H, Pages 16-20",
year ="(circa 1985)",

author = "{S}hell {A}ustralia",
title ="{S}hell {H}eat {T}ransfer {O}il {S}2",
Note ="http://s02.static-shell.com/content/dam/shell/static/ind/downloads/lubes-b2b/other-shell-lubricants/heat-transfer-oil.pdf",
Year ="(accessed Sep 27 2016)",

author = "{{S}hell {A}ustralia}",
title ="{S}hell {H}eat {T}ransfer {O}il {T}hermia {B}",
Note ="http://www.dayanoilco.com/upload/product/1451466936.pdf",
Year ="(accessed Sep 26 2016)",

author = "{S}hell {A}ustralia",
title ="{S}hell Heat Transfer Oil Analysis",
Note ="NRHLS Progressive Results",
Year ="2001",

author = {{S}iemens Building Technologies},
title ="{S}iemens Burner Controls LFL1.",
Note ="http://www.allcontrols.com.au/pdf/LFL-Gas-Burner-Control2.pdf",
Year ="(accessed October 21 2016)",

title ="{C}losed {L}oop {C}ontrol with {S}imatic {S}5",
author = "{S}iemens {AG}",
note ="Basic Concepts",
year ="1989",

author = {{S}ihi Pumps},
title ="{M}aintenance of ZTN Series Heat Transfer Oil Pumps",
Note ="http://www.ceienterprises.com/downloads/15-02-03.pdf",
Year ="(accessed October 14 2016)",

author = {{S}ihi Pumps},
title ="{Z}TN Series Heat Transfer Oil Pumps",
Note ="www.sihi-pumps.com",
Year ="(accessed October 14 2016)",

author = {{S}pirax {S}arco},
title = "{C}atalogue {I}nformation",
address = "Forge Street Blactown NSW",
year = "(Catalogue accessed June 2016)",
note= {http://www.spiraxsarco.com/global/a}

author = "{U}niquip {A}ustralia {P}ty {L}td",
Title ="Uniquip Australia Pty Ltd, Schematic Drawing S034-014C, Expansion System, June 2016",
year ="2016",

author = "{U}niquip {A}ustralia Pty Ltd",
title = {Unfired Steam Generator information},
year = "2016",

author ="{U}niversal {T}echnical {S}ervices",
title = "{TK} {S}olver computer program",
Year ="(accessed May 14, 2016)",

author = {{360} {W}ater {P}ty {L}td},
title ="{R}eliable {S}olutions for {W}ater {P}roblems",
note = "www.360water.com.au",
Year ="(accessed November 22 2016)",

title ="{{C}haracteristic {C}urves for the valve range 340/342/346/347, P11}",
Author ="{B}alz and {S}ohn",
address ="Heilbronn, Germany",
year ="2003",

author ="{cibs} Journal",
title ="{Z}ero Pressure Header Circuits",
note = "Technical guide to low loss headers",
year = "2023"







恐怕没有办法掩盖这个坏消息:您的 bib 文件中有很多错误和不准确之处。其中包括

  • 无法识别“公司”作者。写 是完全错误的author="{R}ika {K}ogyo Co. Ltd",因为您误导 BibTeX 相信它正在处理姓氏为“Ltd”、名字为“Rika”、“Kogyo”和“Co.”的人。哎呀!您应该写的是author={{Rika Kogyo Co. Ltd}},。同样,author ="{A}utodesk Inc."应该是author ={{Autodesk Inc.}}author = {{D}ow Chemical Company}应该是author = {{Dow Chemical Company}},等等等等。

  • author = "{F}oxboro {MA}, {USA}"根本不可能正确,因为 Foxboro 是马萨诸塞州的一个小镇,而马萨诸塞州是美国新英格兰地区的一个州。可怜的 BibTeX 别无选择,只能认为它正在处理的作者姓氏为“USA”,名字为“Foxboro”和“MA”。在我看来,该条目的实际作者是丢失的并且字段应为地址 = “Foxboro MA” 。(如果读者无法弄清楚“MA”代表“马萨诸塞州”,他们需要完全不同的帮助......)

  • 另一个信息(可能)有误的案例涉及作者的两条条目{{Allweiler AG}},这是“公司”作者的一个例子。这家公司真的在 2009 年至 2014 年间从德国拉多夫采尔搬到了澳大利亚墨尔本吗?我想是的并非完全不可能他们竟然会做出如此远距离的搬迁。不过,我对这是否属实心存疑虑。

  • 顺便说一句,我听说过一家名为Allen-Bradley(是的,名字里有一个连字符;而且,他们的总部设在美国)的公司,但不是一家名为 的公司Alan Bradley USA,它在 bib 指令感兴趣的领域。

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以下屏幕截图显示了总共 48 个条目中的前 5 个。




title  = "Process Control Instruction {PID}",
author = {{Alan Bradley USA}},
note   = "Instruction Set Reference, (circa 1990)",

title   = "Charact.curves {NTT} 50-160/01",
author  = {{Allweiler AG}},
edition = "V2.06, {Curve} number 050 01160 0129",
note    = "Aust Agent Pump Power Aust Pty Ltd, email Nov 14, 2014",
address = "Melbourne, Australia",
year    = "2014",

title   = "Volute Casing Centrifugal Pumps {PN16} for Heat Transfer Oils up to 350 deg~{C}",
Author  = {{Allweiler AG}},
address = {Radolfzell, Germany},
edition = "VM 500 GB/09.04 Ident No. 795277",
year    = "2009",

author = {{Autodesk Inc.}},
title  = "Autocad {CAD} Software",
url    = "http://www.autodesk.com/products/autocad/overview",
note   = "(accessed October 21 2016)",

author = {{Baelz Automatic}},
title  = "Operating Instructions",
note   = "Model 6590",
Year   = "2010",

author = "Castrol",
title  = "Perfecto {HT12} Heat Transfer Oil ",
url    = "http://yairerez.co.il/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/PERFECTO-HT.pdf",
note   = "(accessed Sep 27 2016)",

author = {{Dow Chemical Company}},
title  = "Dowtherm Heat Transfer Fluids",
url    = "http://www.dow.com/heattrans/products/synthetic/dowtherm.htm",
note   = "(accessed October 18 2016)",

author = {{Eastman Chemical Company}},
title  = "Therminol 66 Heat Transfer Fluid",
url    = "https://www.therminol.com/products/Therminol-66",
note   = "(accessed October 12 2016)",

author = {{Engineering Toolbox}},
title  = "Boiler Efficiency",
note   = "(accessed June 2016)",
url    = "http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com",

author = {{Engineering Toolbox}},
title  = "Net Positive Suction Head",
url    = "http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/npsh-net-positive-suction-head-d-634.html",
note   ="(accessed Sep 2016)",

author = {{Engineering Toolbox}},
title  = "Process Control Terms",
url    = "http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/process-control-terms-d-666.html",
note   = "(accessed Nov 2016)",

author = {{Engineering Toolbox}},
title  = "Valves Flow Characteristics",
url    = "https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/control-valves-flow-characteristics-d-485.html",
note   = "(accessed Oct 2021)",

author = {{Fisher Controls Internalional Inc}},
title  = "Fisher Sizing Manual",
year   = 1989,
month  = apr,
address= "USA",
year   = "1989",
%date ="April 89",

title   = "Introduction to Process Control",
author  = "Anon.",
howpublished = "Foxboro MA, USA",
note    = "ITCG, (circa 1985)",
% author field was missing

author = {{GKSS Industrial Heating}},
title  = "{GKSS} Industrial Heating, general information",
Note   = "From {GKSS}, now Uniquip Australia Pty Ltd",
Year   = "2013",

title  = "Safety in Design of ThermalFluid Heat Transfer Systems",
author = "Tony Ennis",
note   = "Symposium Series 155 Hazards XXI 2009 IChemE",
year   = "2009",

title  = "Fire and explosion hazards with thermal fluid systems",
author = {{Alisom McKay Projen plc, UK} and {Richard Bradley Heat Transfer systems, UK}},
note   = "Symposium Series 156 hazards XXII 2011 IChemE",
year   = "2011",

author = "Walter Wagner",
title  = "Heat Transfer Technique with Organic Media",
year   = 1975,
month  = dec,
edition= "3rd",
address="Schwetzingen, Germany",
%year ="1977",
%date ="3rd {E}dition, {D}ecember 1975",

author = "Honeywell",
title  = "Process Controller Product Manual, {UDC3300}",
note   = "(accessed November 16 2016)",
url    = "https://www.honeywellprocess.com/library/support/Public/Documents/51-52-25-86.pdf",

author = {{Industrial Data Communications Pty Ltd}},
title  = "{P}rocess {C}ontrol {T}heory",
note   = "2.01, Practical Process Control for Engineers and Technicians",
year   = "1995",

title  = "Process Heat Transfer",
author = "Kern, D. Q.",
edition= "International Student Edition",
isbn   = "0-07-Y85353-3",
addres = "McGraw Hill, Singapore",
year   = "1986",

author = "Klaus Fischer",
title  = "Differential Pressure Switch type {21D}",
url    = "http://www.dartinstruments.com.au/images/transswi/fischer/DS21-english-alt.pdf",
note   = "(accessed October 14 2016)",

author = {{Jetlube Co}},
title  = "{Kopr-Kote} Anti Seize Compound",
url    = "http://www.jetlube.com/pdf/KOPR-KOTE-INDUSTRIAL-tds.pdf",
note   = "(accessed October 21 2016)",

author = {{Herne Software}},
title  = "Mathcad",
url    = "www.hearne.software/mathcad",
note   = "(accessed November 12 2016)",

author = {{Exxon Mobil}},
title  = "Mobiltherm 600 Series Heat Transfer Oils",
url    = "https://lubes.exxonmobil.com/MarineLubes-En/Files/mobiltherm-600-Series-factsheet.pdf",
note   = "(accessed October 08 2016)",

author = {{Mobil Oil Corporation}},
title  = "Technical Bulletin, {Heating} with {Mobiltherm}",
note   = "Reference JEB 782305",
Year   = "1978",

author = {{Belray Company}},
title  = "BellRay Molylube Extreme Pressure Grease",
url    = "http://www.belray.com/molylube-extreme-pressure-grease-ac-0",
note   = "(accessed October 14 2016)",

author = {{Northern Board Inspection Code}},
title  = "Thermal Fluid Heaters",
note   = "NB23 Section~2, Pages 17--18",
Year   = "2019",

author = {Paratherm},
title  = "{TAN} (Neutralisation Number)",
url    = "http://www.paratherm.com",
note   = "(accessed October 21 2021)",

Author = {{Permutit Company}},
title  = "Dearator Information",
note   = "Permutit now Siemens Water Technologies",
year   = "2000",

Author = {{Radco Boilers}},
title  = {General historical information Hot Oil Systems},
year   = "1981",

title  = {Variable Pipe Supports PS001},
author = {{Radcoflex Australia Pty Ltd}},
note   = "(accessed Sep 2016)",
url    = "http://www.radcoflex.com.au/datasheets/ps001.pdf",

author = {{Rathi Couplings Australia}},
title  = "Rathi Spacer Couplings",
url    = "http://www.rathicouplings.com/",
note   = "(accessed November 12 2016)",

author = {{Rika Kogyo Co. Ltd}},
title  = "{PID} Control",
note   = "MD-51H, Pages 16--20",
year   = "(circa 1985)",

author = {{Shell Australia}},
title  = "Shell Heat Transfer Oil {S2}",
url    = "http://s02.static-shell.com/content/dam/shell/static/ind/downloads/lubes-b2b/other-shell-lubricants/heat-transfer-oil.pdf",
note   = "(accessed Sep 27 2016)",

author = {{Shell Australia}},
title  = "Shell Heat Transfer Oil Thermia {B}",
url    = "http://www.dayanoilco.com/upload/product/1451466936.pdf",
note   = "(accessed Sep 26 2016)",

author = {{Shell Australia}},
title  = "Shell Heat Transfer Oil Analysis",
Note   = "NRHLS Progressive Results",
Year   = "2001",

author = {{Siemens Building Technologies}},
title  = "Siemens Burner Controls {LFL1}",
url    = "http://www.allcontrols.com.au/pdf/LFL-Gas-Burner-Control2.pdf",
note   = "(accessed October 21 2016)",

title  = "Closed Loop Control with {Simatic S5}",
author = {{Siemens AG}},
note   = "Basic Concepts",
year   = "1989",

author = {{Sihi Pumps}},
title  = "Maintenance of {ZTN} Series Heat Transfer Oil Pumps",
url    = "http://www.ceienterprises.com/downloads/15-02-03.pdf",
note   = "(accessed October 14 2016)",

author = {{Sihi Pumps}},
title  = "{ZTN} Series Heat Transfer Oil Pumps",
url    = "www.sihi-pumps.com",
note   = "(accessed October 14 2016)",

author = {{Spirax Sarco}},
title  = "Catalogue Information",
howpublished = "Forge Street Blactown NSW",
note   = "(Catalogue accessed June 2016)",
url    = {http://www.spiraxsarco.com/global/a}

author = {{Uniquip Australia Pty Ltd}},
Title  = "Schematic Drawing {S034-014C}, Expansion System, June 2016",
year   = "2016",

author = {{Uniquip Australia Pty Ltd}},
title  = {Unfired Steam Generator information},
year   = "2016",

author = {{Universal Technical Services}},
title  = "{TK} Solver computer program",
url    = "http://www.uts.com",
note   = "(accessed May 14, 2016)",

author = {{360 Water Pty Ltd}},
title  = "Reliable Solutions for Water Problems",
url    = "www.360water.com.au",
note   = "(accessed November 22 2016)",

title  = "Characteristic Curves for the valve range 340/342/346/347, {P11}",
Author = {{Balz und Sohn}},
address= "Heilbronn, Germany",
year   = "2003",

author = {{Cibs Journal}},
title  = "Zero Pressure Header Circuits",
note   = "Technical guide to low loss headers",
year   = "2023",


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