




\begin{tabular}{||c | c | c||} 
 Non-agricultural & Agricultural & Service \\ [0.5ex] 
 Fishing & Paddy rice & Electricity \\ 
 Coal & Wheat & Gas \\
 Oil & Cereal grains & Water \\
 Gas & Vegetables,fruits,nuts & Construction \\
 Minerals & Oil seeds & Trade \\
 Wool & Sugar cane/beet & Transport \\
 Textiles & Plant-based fibers & Sea transport \\
 Waring apparel & Crops nec & Air transport \\
 Leather products & Cattle,sheep,goats,horse & Communication \\
 Forestry & Animal products & Financial services nec \\
 Wood products & Raw milk & Insurance \\
 Paper products & Meat:cattle,sheep,goats,horse & Business services nec \\
 Petroleum,coal products & Meat products nec & Recreation and other services \\
 Chemical,rubber,plastic & Vegetable oils and fats & PubAdmin/Defence/Health/Educat \\
 Mineral products nec & Dairy products & Dwellings \\
 Ferrous metals  & Processed rice &  \\
 Metals nec & Sugar &  \\
 Metal products & Food products &  \\
 Motor vehicles/parts& Beverages and tobacco &  \\
 Transport equipment nec &  &  \\
 Electronic equipment&  &  \\
 Machinery and equipment nec &  &  \\
 Manufactures nec &  &  \\ [1ex] 
\caption{Sector aggregation}



您的表格将轻松放在一页上 - 并在文本块的宽度之内 -如果您 (a) 让列的内容根据需要“换行”并且 (b) 省去指令\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5}。 (实际上,即使重新定义,表格也会适合\arraystretch,但结果看起来不太好,IMNSHO。)





%% Commented out instructions not needed for this example


 Non-agricultural & Agricultural & Service \\ 
 Fishing & Paddy rice & Electricity \\ 
 Coal & Wheat & Gas \\
 Oil & Cereal grains & Water \\
 Gas & Vegetables, fruits, nuts & Construction \\
 Minerals & Oil seeds & Trade \\
 Wool & Sugar cane\slash beet & Transport \\
 Textiles & Plant-based fibers & Sea transport \\
 Waring apparel & Crops nec & Air transport \\
 Leather products & Cattle, sheep, goats, horse & Communication \\
 Forestry & Animal products & Financial services nec \\
 Wood products & Raw milk & Insurance \\
 Paper products & Meat: cattle, sheep, goats, horse & Business services nec \\
 Petroleum, coal products & Meat products nec & Recreation and other services \\
 Chemical, rubber, plastic & Vegetable oils and fats & PubAdmin\slash Defence\slash Health\slash Educat \\
 Mineral products nec & Dairy products & Dwellings \\
 Ferrous metals  & Processed rice &  \\
 Metals nec & Sugar &  \\
 Metal products & Food products &  \\
 Motor vehicles\slash parts& Beverages and tobacco &  \\
 Transport equipment nec &  &  \\
 Electronic equipment&  &  \\
 Machinery and equipment nec &  &  \\
 Manufactures nec &  &  \\
\caption{Sector aggregation}

