由于脚注编号占用可变空间,具体取决于它是一位数还是两位数,所以我希望将脚注编号刷新到其自己的“空间”内,即仍然缩进 8pt,但脚注编号将“增长”到右侧,从而与脚注文本的首字母保持一致。
\usepackage[unicode=true] {hyperref}
Footnotes with flush align left of their footnote marks\footnote{first footnote}.
But I want them aligned right on their marks\footnote{second footnote .... OOO}
Simple sentences talking about attenuators and\footnote{Available somewhere}
bearing a lot of footnotes\footnote{yet another footnote}
bla bla bla bla bla bla\footnote{it's getting boring}
attenuator is useful\footnote{yes, right}
attenuator is beautiful\footnote{oh, yeah ...} and
bla bla bla\footnote{we are almost there} bla bla bla bla
and is also cheap\footnote{not all of them}.
But I want to save money\footnote{Who does not??}
and I will build one... or two\footnote{here we are}.
That's it\footnote{last footnote}, now we have more than 10 footontes!
\renewcommand\thefootnote{\hbox to 6pt{\hss\arabic{footnote}}}
\usepackage[unicode=true] {hyperref}
\renewcommand\thefootnote{\hbox to 6pt{\hss\arabic{footnote}}}
Footnotes with flush align left of their footnote marks\footnote{first footnote}.
But I want them aligned right on their marks\footnote{second footnote .... OOO}
Simple sentences talking about attenuators and\footnote{Available somewhere}
bearing a lot of footnotes\footnote{yet another footnote}
bla bla bla bla bla bla\footnote{it's getting boring}
attenuator is useful\footnote{yes, right}
attenuator is beautiful\footnote{oh, yeah ...} and
bla bla bla\footnote{we are almost there} bla bla bla bla
and is also cheap\footnote{not all of them}.
But I want to save money\footnote{Who does not??}
and I will build one... or two\footnote{here we are}.
That's it\footnote{last footnote}, now we have more than 10 footontes!
\hbox to \footnotemargin{\@makefnmark\hss}
\hbox to \footnotemargin{\hss\@makefnmark\hspace{4pt}}
;我将其设置为 12pt。根据自己的喜好调整长度。
% just to show all text and footnotes without a wide white space
Footnotes with flush align left of their footnote marks\footnote{first footnote}.
But I want them aligned right on their marks\footnote{second footnote .... OOO}
Simple sentences talking about attenuators and\footnote{Available somewhere}
bearing a lot of footnotes\footnote{yet another footnote}
bla bla bla bla bla bla\footnote{it's getting boring}
attenuator is useful\footnote{yes, right}
attenuator is beautiful\footnote{oh, yeah ...} and
bla bla bla\footnote{we are almost there} bla bla bla bla
and is also cheap\footnote{not all of them}.
But I want to save money\footnote{Who does not??}
and I will build one... or two\footnote{here we are}.
That's it\footnote{last footnote which is very long and splits across lines,
just to see what's the effect. This should be long enough}, now we have
more than 10 footnotes!