我正在尝试在 beamer 演示文稿的 fancyhdf 页脚中添加部分名称,但以下命令不起作用。我找到了一些建议该命令的帮助,\renewcommand{\subsubsectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesubsubsection\ #1}}
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% Title frame
\lhead{\scriptsize full school name and so on\\
\textbf{Institute name}}
% Aliases %
\def \be {\begin{equation}}
\def \ee {\end{equation}}
\def \d {\mathrm{d}}
\def \D {\mathrm{D}}
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Thanks for your attention!\\ \vspace{10pt}
%\includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{fig/steel1.jpg} \\ \vspace{5pt}
Any question?
我的问题出在 %footer 部分。有人能帮我吗?
提前感谢 philus
with beamer
,我建议使用 和 来声明页眉footline
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% Aliases %
\def \be {\begin{equation}}
\def \ee {\end{equation}}
\def \d {\mathrm{d}}
\def \D {\mathrm{D}}
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% Last settings %
% In beamer, these changes have no effect in preamble
% Title %
% Title template
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% Title data
% Presentation %
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Thanks for your attention!\\ \vspace{10pt}
%\includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{fig/steel1.jpg} \\ \vspace{5pt}
Any question?