

我正在尝试为悬挂脚注中的(左)缩进块创建自己的环境,其中正常quote环境不起作用,它的左缩进与脚注的缩进相同,因此看不到它。我现在尝试使用 adjustwidth 环境来实现这一点,它可以按我想要的方式进行缩进,但如果脚注中它之前或之后没有任何内容,它会在环境之前和之后插入水平空格,环境quote似乎也有这种行为。


Some text\footnote{Enough text to be two lines in the footnote. Enough text to be two lines in the footnote. Enough text to be two lines in the footnote.
And here we have a quote inside the footnote. With some text before or after it it looks fine, but ...
Some text after the quote.
If I have a footnote starting or ending with a quotation I get an empty line, before or after, which I don't want.
If I have a footnote starting or ending with a quotation I get an empty line, before or after, which I don't want.
And some more text here.
\footnote{Just another footnote.}






  \setbox0=\lastbox \setbox2=\hbox{\unhcopy0}%
  \ifdim\wd2>\leftmargin \nointerlineskip\else\prevdepth=\dp\strutbox\fi\box0
  \vspace{-2.83337pt plus -1.41669pt minus -0.94446pt}%
  \ifdim\wd2>\leftmargin \else\vspace{-\baselineskip}\fi
 {\end{adjustwidth}\vspace{-2.83337pt plus -1.41669pt minus -0.94446pt}}

Some text\footnote{%
  Enough text to be two lines in the footnote. Enough text to be two 
  lines in the footnote. Enough text to be two lines in the footnote.
    And here we have a quote inside the footnote. With some text before or after
    it it looks fine, but ...
  Some text after the quote.}
  If I have a footnote starting or ending with a quotation I get an empty line,
  before or after, which I don't want.
  If I have a footnote starting or ending with a quotation I get an empty line,
  before or after, which I don't want.
  And some more text here.
\footnote{Just another footnote.}

问题是,任何脚注在开头和结尾都有两个隐式支柱;当fnquote出现在开头时,它会执行\par,因此支柱本身会形成一个段落。同样,如果 后面没有文本fnquote,则最后一个支柱会自行形成一个段落。



