TikZ 中的截角八面体

TikZ 中的截角八面体

我在 TikZ 中绘制布里渊区的截角八面体时遇到了麻烦。到目前为止,我的尝试是改编这个答案 这会产生畸形的方形碎片,而且这些碎片也太小了(六边形的边长应该相等)。

可以通过调整节点来改变方形部分的大小,但这似乎非常手动,一定有更好的方法。有人可以告诉我吗?也许 TikZ-3D 图更合适?






\coordinate (C1) at (0.3,-0.15);
\coordinate (C2) at (0.55,-0.15);
\coordinate (C3) at (0.425,-0.025);
\coordinate (C4) at (0.425,-0.275);
\coordinate (D1) at (0.85,-0.05);
\coordinate (D2) at (0.9,0.05);
\coordinate (D3) at (0.875,0.125);
\coordinate (D4) at (0.875,-0.125);
\coordinate (E1) at (0.375,0.375);
\coordinate (E2) at (0.625,0.375);
\coordinate (E3) at (0.525,0.425);
\coordinate (E4) at (0.525,0.325);
\coordinate (F1) at (0.15,0.015);
\coordinate (F2) at (0.1,-0.015);
\coordinate (F3) at (0.125,0.125);
\coordinate (F4) at (0.125,-0.125);
\coordinate (G1) at (0.375,-0.375);
\coordinate (G2) at (0.625,-0.375);
\coordinate (G3) at (0.475,-0.425);
\coordinate (G4) at (0.575,-0.325);

\draw (C1) -- (C4) -- (C2) -- (C3) -- (C1);
\draw (D1) -- (D4) -- (D2) -- (D3) -- (D1);
\draw (E1) -- (E4) -- (E2) -- (E3) -- (E1);
\draw (F1) -- (F4) -- (F2) -- (F3) -- (F1);
\draw (G1) -- (G4) -- (G2) -- (G3) -- (G1);
\draw (F3) -- (F2) -- (C1) -- (C3) -- (E4) -- (E1);
\draw (C1) -- (C4) -- (G3) -- (G1) -- (F4) -- (F2);
\draw (D1) -- (C2) -- (C3) -- (E4) -- (E2) -- (D3) -- (D1);
\draw (D1) -- (C2) -- (C4) -- (G3) -- (G2) --(D4) -- (D1);
\draw (E2) -- (E3) -- (E1) -- (F3) -- (F2) -- (F4) -- (G1) -- (G3) --  (G2) -- (D4) -- (D1) -- (D3) --cycle;






这应该可以帮助您开始构建 3D 形状。



\draw[blue] (1.414,.707,0) -- (1.414,0,.707) -- (1.414,-.707,0) -- (1.414,0,-.707) -- cycle;
\draw[blue,dashed] (-1.414,.707,0) -- (-1.414,0,.707) -- (-1.414,-.707,0) -- (-1.414,0,-.707) -- cycle;
\draw[red] (.707,1.414,0) -- (0,1.414,.707) -- (-.707,1.414,0) -- (0,1.414,-.707) -- cycle;
\draw[red,dashed] (.707,-1.414,0) -- (0,-1.414,.707) -- (-.707,-1.414,0) -- (0,-1.414,-.707) -- cycle;
\draw[green] (.707,0,1.414) -- (0,.707,1.414) -- (-.707,0,1.414) -- (0,-.707,1.414) -- cycle;
\draw[green,dashed] (.707,0,-1.414) -- (0,.707,-1.414) -- (-.707,0,-1.414) -- (0,-.707,-1.414) -- cycle;
\draw (1.414,.707,0) -- (.707,1.414,0)
  (1.414,0,.707) -- (.707,0,1.414)
  (0,1.414,.707) -- (0,.707,1.414)
  (1.414,-.707,0) -- (.707,-1.414,0)
  (-.707,0,1.414) -- (-1.414,0,.707)
  (0,-.707,1.414) -- (0,-1.414,.707)
  (-.707,1.414,0) -- (-1.414,.707,0)
  (-1.414,-.707,0) -- (-.707,-1.414,0);

3d 形状


这里有一个使用 tikz-3d 的替代方法(顶点是 4D 的 - 我不明白 tikz-3d 仍然如何/为什么可以使用 4D 坐标,但确实如此!)。





    \coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);

    % Use Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter algorithm to generate the vertices.
    % These coordinates correspond to a Cayley Graph, where each neighbouring
    % vertex is produced by swapping the values of two adjacent entries.
    % \coordinate (A) at (1, 2, 3, 4);
    % \coordinate (B) at (2, 1, 3, 4);
    % \coordinate (C) at (2, 3, 1, 4);
    % \coordinate (D) at (2, 3, 4, 1);
    % \coordinate (E) at (3, 2, 4, 1);
    % \coordinate (F) at (3, 2, 1, 4);
    % \coordinate (G) at (3, 1, 2, 4);
    % \coordinate (H) at (1, 3, 2, 4);
    % \coordinate (I) at (1, 3, 4, 2);
    % \coordinate (J) at (3, 1, 4, 2);
    % \coordinate (K) at (3, 4, 1, 2);
    % \coordinate (L) at (3, 4, 2, 1);
    % \coordinate (M) at (4, 3, 2, 1);
    % \coordinate (N) at (4, 3, 1, 2);
    % \coordinate (O) at (4, 1, 3, 2);
    % \coordinate (P) at (1, 4, 3, 2);
    % \coordinate (Q) at (1, 4, 2, 3);
    % \coordinate (R) at (4, 1, 2, 3);
    % \coordinate (S) at (4, 2, 1, 3);
    % \coordinate (T) at (4, 2, 3, 1);
    % \coordinate (U) at (2, 4, 3, 1);
    % \coordinate (V) at (2, 4, 1, 3);
    % \coordinate (W) at (2, 1, 4, 3);
    % \coordinate (X) at (1, 2, 4, 3);

    % The truncated octahedron is equivalent to a permutahedron of order 4.
    % The permutahedron has vertices which are inverse permutations of the above
    % Example (2, 3, 1, 4) -> (3, 1, 2, 4)
    % because if you take the values of (2, 3, 1, 4) at indices (3, 1, 2, 4)
    % you get (1, 2, 3, 4).
    % More details in the article below
    % https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Permutohedron_of_order_4_(raytraced)#Permutohedron_vs._Cayley_graph
    \coordinate (A) at (1, 2, 3, 4);  % equal to its inverse
    \coordinate (B) at (2, 1, 3, 4);  % equal to its inverse
    \coordinate (C) at (3, 1, 2, 4);  % <- the inverse permutation of (2, 3, 1, 4)
    \coordinate (D) at (4, 1, 2, 3);
    \coordinate (E) at (4, 2, 1, 3);
    \coordinate (F) at (3, 2, 1, 4);
    \coordinate (G) at (2, 3, 1, 4);
    \coordinate (H) at (1, 3, 2, 4);
    \coordinate (I) at (1, 4, 2, 3);
    \coordinate (J) at (2, 4, 1, 3);
    \coordinate (K) at (3, 4, 1, 2);
    \coordinate (L) at (4, 3, 1, 2);
    \coordinate (M) at (4, 3, 2, 1);
    \coordinate (N) at (3, 4, 2, 1);
    \coordinate (O) at (2, 4, 3, 1);
    \coordinate (P) at (1, 4, 3, 2);
    \coordinate (Q) at (1, 3, 4, 2);
    \coordinate (R) at (2, 3, 4, 1);
    \coordinate (S) at (3, 2, 4, 1);
    \coordinate (T) at (4, 2, 3, 1);
    \coordinate (U) at (4, 1, 3, 2);
    \coordinate (V) at (3, 1, 4, 2);
    \coordinate (W) at (2, 1, 4, 3);
    \coordinate (X) at (1, 2, 4, 3);

    % Label the vertices
    \node[above=2pt, right=2pt] at (A) {A};
    \node[above=2pt, left=2pt] at (B) {B};
    \node[above=2pt, right=2pt] at (C) {C};
    \node[above=2pt, right=2pt] at (D) {D};
    \node[above=3pt, left=2pt] at (E) {E};
    \node[above=5pt, left=2pt] at (F) {F};
    \node[above=2pt, right=2pt] at (G) {G};
    \node[above=2pt, right=2pt] at (H) {H};
    \node[above=2pt, right=2pt] at (I) {I};
    \node[above=2pt, left=2pt] at (J) {J};
    \node[above=3pt, left=2pt] at (K) {K};
    \node[above=2pt, left=2pt] at (L) {L};
    \node[above=2pt, left=2pt] at (M) {M};
    \node[above=2pt, left=2pt] at (N) {N};
    \node[below=2pt, right=2pt] at (O) {O};
    \node[above=2pt, right=2pt] at (P) {P};
    \node[above=6pt, left=0pt] at (Q) {Q};
    \node[below=2pt, left=2pt] at (R) {R};
    \node[above=2pt, left=2pt] at (S) {S};
    \node[above=2pt, left=2pt] at (T) {T};
    \node[above=2pt, left=2pt] at (U) {U};
    \node[above=2pt, left=2pt] at (V) {V};
    \node[above=6pt, left=0pt] at (W) {W};
    \node[above=2pt, left=2pt] at (X) {X};

    % Draw the outlines of faces of the truncated octahedron.
    \draw (M) -- (N) -- (O) -- (R) -- (S) -- (T) -- cycle;
    \draw (S) -- (R) -- (Q) -- (X) -- (W) -- (V) -- cycle;
    \draw (O) -- (N) -- (K) -- (J) -- (I) -- (P) -- cycle;
    \draw (M) -- (L) -- (E) -- (D) -- (U) -- (T) -- cycle;
    \draw[dashed, opacity=0.3] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (F) -- (G) -- (H) -- cycle;
    \draw[dashed, opacity=0.3] (E) -- (F) -- (G) -- (J) -- (K) -- (L) -- cycle;
    \draw[dashed, opacity=0.3] (W) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D) -- (U) -- (V) -- cycle;
    \draw[dashed, opacity=0.3] (Q) -- (X) -- (A) -- (H) -- (I) -- (P) -- cycle;
    \draw (L) -- (K);
    \draw (Q) -- (P);
    \draw (V) -- (U);

    % draw Hamiltonian
    \draw[dotted, line width=0.6mm] (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D) -- 
        (E) -- (F) -- (G) -- (H) -- (I) -- (J) -- (K) -- (L) --
        (M) -- (N) -- (O) -- (P) -- (Q) -- (R) -- (S) -- (T) --
        (U) -- (V) -- (W) -- (X) -- cycle;

    % Fill faces that are in foreground with colour
    \fill[aa, opacity=0.4] (M) -- (N) -- (O) -- (R) -- (S) -- (T) -- cycle;
    \fill[bb, opacity=0.4] (S) -- (R) -- (Q) -- (X) -- (W) -- (V) -- cycle;
    \fill[cc, opacity=0.4] (O) -- (N) -- (K) -- (J) -- (I) -- (P) -- cycle;
    \fill[dd, opacity=0.4] (M) -- (L) -- (E) -- (D) -- (U) -- (T) -- cycle;
    \fill[ee, opacity=0.4] (U) -- (V) -- (S) -- (T) -- cycle;
    \fill[ff, opacity=0.4] (R) -- (Q) -- (P) -- (O) -- cycle;
    \fill[gg, opacity=0.4] (M) -- (N) -- (K) -- (L) -- cycle;


截角八面体 + 哈密顿路径(黑色)


  1. 使用 Johnson-Trotter 算法生成 4 个元素的所有可能排列Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter 算法(生成汉密尔顿路径,另见相邻交易所部分在本文中)。产生的顶点是图中相邻顶点之间的相邻值相差一个数的顶点(凯莱图)。

  2. 使用逆置换反转顶点的“坐标”,以获得 4 阶置换多面体(截角八面体)的顶点坐标。八面体与凯莱图

  3. 将 8 个六边形面的顶点连接起来。
