

我正在使用 xelatex 和 memoir 排版一本包含多个章节和部分的书。我想在每个部分的标题上方包含书名(或部分名称)和章节名称,如下所示。我该怎么做?



按照给出的技术Daleif1 主题:如何获取章节上方部分的标题?我已经能够让它部分工作,

    * 书 * 部分 * 章节

我使用 psvectorian 包来制作装饰品。


\newfontfamily{\devanagarifont}[Script=Devanagari]{Sanskrit 2003}
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/237695/how-to-specify-font-for-superscripts-using-ucharclasses-with-xelatex
\usepackage[Latin, Devanagari, SuperscriptsAndSubscripts]{ucharclasses}
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/199949/daleif1-theme-how-to-get-parts-title-above-chapter

   %\phantomsection % if you use hyperref uncomment this line
   %\phantomsection % if you use hyperref uncomment this line

% https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.text.tex/iIt_qxzTX5k


\def\makeactive#1{\catcode`#1 = \active \ignorespaces}%
\chardef\letter = 11
\chardef\other = 12
   \def\do##1{\catcode`##1 = \other}%
\catcode`@ = \letter % So we can have private control sequences.
% ^^L (=formfeed,<FF>) 
   \makeactive\^^M \makeactive\ %No spaces or ^^M's from here on. ^^M = linefeed
\makeactive\ \def {\ }%
\ifx\next %
   \setbox0 = \lastbox
     \setbox2 = \hbox{\unhbox0}%
       \box2 % Put it back: it wasn't empty.
      \box0 % Put it back: it wasn't the right width.
%\blanklineskipamount = 0pt
\blanklineskipamount = -.8\baselineskip
% 1 - indented to be in center of page - straight on left, right is ragged
   \newfontfamily{\devanagarifont}[Script=Devanagari]{Sanskrit 2003}
\chapter{प्रथम सर्ग}
श्रीमहादेव उवाच ।

शतयोजनविस्तीर्णं समुद्रं मकरालयम् ।
लिलङ्घयिषुरानन्दसन्दोहो मारुतात्मजः ॥ १॥

ध्यात्वा रामं परात्मानमिदं वचनमब्रवीत् ।
पश्यन्तु वानराः सर्वे गच्छन्तं मां विहायसा ॥ २॥

अमोघं रामनिर्मुक्तं महाबाणमिवाखिलाः ।
पश्याम्यद्यैव रामस्य पत्नीं जनकनन्दिनीम् ॥ ३॥

कृतार्थोऽहं कृतार्थोऽहं पुनः पश्यामि राघवम् ।
प्राणप्रयाणसमये यस्य नाम सकृत्स्मरन् ॥ ४॥

नरस्तीर्त्वा भवाम्भोधिमपारं याति तत्पदम् ।
किं पुनस्तस्य दूतोऽहं तदङ्गाङ्गुलिमुद्रिकः ॥ ५॥
\chapter{द्वितीयः सर्गः}
\section{This is a section }
\chapter*{PPP} % emulate the back matter such as the bibliography

该文档的第一页之前现在有一个空白页,我想将其删除。 第 2 页的输出如下:

当前代码的输出-第 2 页
