

如何才能阻止我的 latex 表格不必要地从下一页开始,从而在上一页留下大量空白?如何才能强制从标题后开始。请帮忙,这是我的代码:我正在使用包:




% Load up special logo commands.
% Package for formatting URLs.

\DeclareGraphicsRule{.tif}{png}{.png}{`convert #1 `dirname #1`/`basename #1 .tif`.png}

    \section{Syntax summary}
\textbf{Basic regular expression syntax}
\begin{tabular}{| l| l }
$.$ & Matches any character.\\ 
$*$ & Matches zero or more instances of the previous pattern item.\\
$+$ & Matches one or more instances of the previous pattern item.\\
$?$ & Matches zero or one instances of the previous pattern item.\\
$( )$ & Groups a subpattern. The repetition and alternation operators apply to the preceding subpattern.\\
$|$ & Alternation.\\
$[ ]$ & Delimit a set of characters. Ranges are specified as [x-y].\\
\textasciicircum & Anchor the pattern to the beginning of the string. Only when first.\\
\$ & Anchor the pattern to the end of the string. Only when last.\\
\textbf{Advanced regular expression syntax.}
\begin{tabular}{| l| l }
${m}$ & Matches m instances of the previous pattern item.\\
${m}?$ & Matches m instances of the previous pattern item.\\ 
${m,}$ & Matches m or more instances of the previous pattern item.\\
${m,}?$ & Matches m or more instances of the previous pattern item.\\ 
${m,n}$ & Matches m through n instances of the previous pattern item.\\
${m,n}?$ & Matches m through n instances of the previous pattern item.\\ 
$*?$ & Matches zero or more instances of the previous pattern item.\\ 
$+?$ & Matches one or more instances of the previous pattern item.\\ 
$??$ & Matches zero or one instances of the previous pattern item.\\ 
$(?:re)$ & Groups a subpattern, re, but does not capture the result.\\
$(?=re)$ & Positive look-ahead. Matches the point where re begins.\\
$(?!re)$ & Negative look-ahead. Matches the point where re does not begin.\\
$(?abc)$ & Embedded options, where abc is any number of option letters.\\
$[: :]$ & Delimits a character class within a bracketed expression.\\ 
$[. .]$ & Delimits a collating element within a bracketed expression.\\
$[= =]$ & Delimits an equivalence class within a bracketed expression.\\



没有标题 + 没有标题 + 没有浮动 = 对我来说,更像是一个列表,而不是一个表格。




\item{$.$} Matches any character.
\item{$*$} Matches zero or more instances of the previous pattern item.
\item{$+$} Matches one or more instances of the previous pattern item.
\item{$?$} Matches zero or one instances of the previous pattern item.
\item{$(\,)$} Groups a subpattern. The repetition and alternation operators apply to the preceding subpattern.
\item{$|$} Alternation.
\item{$[\,]$} Delimit a set of characters. Ranges are specified as [x-y].
\item{\textasciicircum} Anchor the pattern to the beginning of the string. Only when first.
\item{\$} Anchor the pattern to the end of the string. Only when last.




\Item{$.$} Matches any character.
\Item{$*$} Matches zero or more instances of the previous pattern item.
\Item{$+$} Matches one or more instances of the previous pattern item.
\Item{$?$} Matches zero or one instances of the previous pattern item.
\Item{$(\,)$} Groups a subpattern. The repetition and alternation operators apply to the preceding subpattern.
\Item{$|$} Alternation.
\Item{$[\,]$} Delimit a set of characters. Ranges are specified as [x-y].
\Item{\textasciicircum} Anchor the pattern to the beginning of the string. Only when first.
\Item{\$} Anchor the pattern to the end of the string. Only when last.


