缺少控制序列插入 ressubheading

缺少控制序列插入 ressubheading

第一次使用 LaTeX 的用户在这里!

我正在使用 Overleaf(以前是 WriteLatex),当尝试使用他们的一个 CV 模板时,我甚至无需在代码中输入一个字母就收到错误。




Missing control sequence inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.84 ...ty}{Fargo, ND}{B.Sc. Physics}{2004 - 2008}


真正的问题在更早之前。如果您替换调用 IIT Madras Logo 的行(原始模板的第 68 行),例如如示例中所示,则一切正常。(我想您没有这个徽标。)

% (c) 2002 Matthew Boedicker <[email protected]> (original author) http://mboedick.org
% (c) 2003-2007 David J. Grant <davidgrant-at-gmail.com> http://www.davidgrant.ca
% (c) 2008 Nathaniel Johnston <[email protected]> http://www.nathanieljohnston.com
% (l) 2012 Arun I B <[email protected]> http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/~ee10s026/
%This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

%Edit these values as you see fit

\setlength{\outerbordwidth}{3pt}  % Width of border outside of title bars
\definecolor{shadecolor}{gray}{0.75}  % Outer background color of title bars (0 = black, 1 = white)
\definecolor{shadecolorB}{gray}{0.93}  % Inner background color of title bars

%Margin setup


%Custom commands
\newcommand{\resitem}[1]{\item #1 \vspace{-2pt}}
\setlength{\fboxsep}{0pt}\framebox[\textwidth][l]{\setlength{\fboxsep}{4pt}\fcolorbox{shadecolorB}{shadecolorB}{\textbf{\sffamily{\mbox{~}\makebox[6.762in][l]{\large #1} \vphantom{p\^{E}}}}}}
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%Insert IIT Madras Logo 
%  & \multirow{4}{*}{\includegraphics[scale=0.19]{iitmlogo}}\\ % HERE!
 & \multirow{4}{*}{}\\
  & \\
  \textbf{\Large Sreekanth $|$ EE10S0600 } & \\
  Research Scholar & \\
  IIT Madras, Chennai, India  \\
  [email protected] \\

    \ressubheading{My University}{My Town, ON}{B.Sc. Physics}{2004 - 2008}
        \resitem{Undergraduate Thesis: Why Electron Spins Rule}
        \resitem{Graduated with Honours and a XX.X\% average}

    \ressubheading{My High School}{Hick Town, ON}{High School Diploma}{2000 - 2004}
        \resitem{President of Students' Council and captain of the rugby team in senior year}
        \resitem{Graduated with a XX.X\% average}

\resheading{Personal Statement}
  \parbox{6.762in}{I'm the hardest working person I know, and therefore you should hire me. My qualities include blah, blah, and blah. I have lots of experience working with blah, and I am not afraid to blah. In fact, I'm such an amazing person that I can't believe you haven't hired me yet.}

\resheading{Work Experience}
    \ressubheading{Calculus I}{My University}{Undergraduate Teaching Assistant}{Sept. 2007 - Apr. 2008}
        \resitem{Graded assignments.}
        \resitem{Led weekly course seminars.}

    \ressubheading{Happy Time Farms}{Hick Town, ON}{Farm Hand}{Sept. 2000 - Dec. 2002}
        \resitem{Milked cows.}
        \resitem{Milked goats.}
        \resitem{Milked cats.}

    \ressubheading{Hick Town Press}{Hick Town, ON}{Paperboy}{June 1996 - Aug. 2000}
        \resitem{Delivered the local newspaper to 70 customers every morning.}

\resheading{Awards, Grants \& Honours}
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{Physics Graduation Prize (\$XXX) \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}2007}\\
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{Award of Awesomeness (\$XXX) \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep} 2006}\\
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{My University Entrance Scholarship (\$X XXX) \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}2004}\\
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{My High School Grade 12 Physics Award (\$XXX) \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}2004}\\
        \multicolumn{2}{c}{Boy Genius Award (\$XXX) \cftdotfill{\cftdotsep}2003}\\

    Programming and Markup Languages
        \resitem{{\bf Expert:} CSS, HTML}
        \resitem{{\bf Intermediate:} Java, \LaTeX, Python}

        \resitem{{\bf Expert:} MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word}
        \resitem{{\bf Intermediate:} Maple, MATLAB}

        \resitem{People person, enjoys being challenged, hardworking, smells nice}




\ressubheading{My High School}{Hick Town, ON}{High School Diploma}{2000 - 2004} 


        \textbf{#1} & #2 \\
        \textit{#3} & \textit{#4} \\

显然代码写得不清楚,但据我所知,他们正试图使用​​类似手册中的表格来编写副标题(Wiki Latex 表格)。

  3   & 14159 \\
  16  & 2     \\
  123 & 456   \\


        \textbf{#1} & #2 \\
        \textit{#3} & \textit{#4} \\

上述代码是 hack。您可以更改逻辑,使所有内容更加简洁。
