


% Some styling stuff

\titledquestion{A really tricky topic}
\part[4] How many wibbles are in a wobbit?
\part[1] Did you just make that up?
\part[2] Are you lying?
\part[1] Sure?
\part[1] Would you like to have a degree?

% ... more questions ...


本题由 \underline{五} (5) 个部分组成 ((a)---(e))


这似乎已经为自动化做好了准备,但目前我对 (La)TeX 还不够熟悉。有什么建议吗?



对于每个问题的每个部分,考试类都会定义一个控制序列,该序列扩展到该部分出现的页码。例如,对于问题 3 的第 2 部分,它创建\csname Pg@part@3@2\endcsname,因此要找到问题的最大部分编号,我们只需找到已定义此类控制序列的最大部分编号。

下面是一个完整的 LaTeX 文件,演示了这一点:



% The argument to \numpartsofquestion should be an arabic number that
% is the number of a question.  We set the counter numpofq to the
% number of parts of question number argument.
  % We go to \numpofqrelay to increment numpofq until we find
  % a part number that doesn't exist:
}% setcountertopartsofq

  \expandafter\ifx\csname Pg@part@\qnotemp
    % This part number doesn't exist; back up one and exit:
    % This part number exists; try the next number:
}% numpofqrelay

\def\wordnum#1{\expandafter\word\csname c@#1\endcsname}
  \ifcase #1 zero\or one\or two\or three\or four\or five\or six\or
  seven\or eight\or nine\or ten\or eleven\or twelve\or thirteen\or
  fourteen\or fifteen\or sixteen\or seventeen\or eighteen\or
  nineteen\or twenty\else too many\fi
}% word


  \question This question has\setcountertopartsofq{\arabic{question}}
  \underline{\wordnum{numpofq}} (\arabic{numpofq}) parts,
    \part Why are we here?

    \part Where should we be?

    \part Why aren't they here?

  \question This question, on the other hand,
  \underline{\wordnum{numpofq}} (\arabic{numpofq}) parts,
    \part Where have all the flowers gone?

    \part Why do fools fall in love?

  \question This question has\setcountertopartsofq{\arabic{question}}
  \underline{\wordnum{numpofq}} (\arabic{numpofq}) parts,
    \part Why?

    \part Why not?

    \part Who am I to say?

    \part What did I say?

该命令\wordnum{countername}生成计数器值的单词countername。它最多可处理 20 个值,但您可以轻松扩展该值。 在此处输入图片描述
