如果这个问题已经在别处得到解答(我想这是典型的开场白),我很抱歉,但我还是想说说。我修改了帖子中的代码使用 Ti 创建扑克牌钾是满足我的需求。现在我试图做的是
- 在卡片上放一个“背面”,这样当我在卡片纸上打印时,卡片的正面和背面就可以正确对齐:又称双面
- 在一页上放置多张卡片。
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\definecolor{titlebg}{rgb}{30, 30 , 30}
% TikZ/PGF Settings für die Karten
% Formen der einzelnen Kartenelemente/-bestandteile
\def\shapeCard{(0,0) rectangle (\cardwidth, \cardheight)}
\def\shapeLeftStripLong{(\strippadding,-0.2) rectangle (\strippadding+\stripwidth,\cardheight-\strippadding-\strippadding-1)}
\def\shapeLeftStripShort{(\strippadding,\cardheight-\strippadding-1) rectangle (\strippadding+\stripwidth,\cardheight+0.2)}
\def\shapeRightStripShort{(\cardwidth-\stripwidth-\strippadding,\cardheight-\strippadding-1) rectangle (\cardwidth-\strippadding,\cardheight+0.2)}
\def\shapeTitleArea{(2*\strippadding+\stripwidth,\cardheight-\strippadding) rectangle (\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth,\cardheight-2*\stripwidth)}
\def\shapeContentArea{(2*\strippadding+\stripwidth,0.5*\cardheight) rectangle (\cardwidth+0.2,-0.2)}
\tikzstyle{cardcorners}=[rounded corners=0.25cm]
%debug grid and point locations
\filldraw[color=red!60, fill=black!100, very thick](0, 0) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = east]{ origin};
\filldraw[color=red!60, fill=red!100, very thick](6,0) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = west]{card width};
\filldraw[color=red!60, fill=red!100, very thick](6,9) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = west]{card width, card height};
\filldraw[color=black!60, fill=red!100, very thick](0,9) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = north]{card height};
%\draw [step=.5, help lines] (0,0) grid (\cardwidth,\cardheight);
%begin card creation
% draw card boundries and clip corners
\draw[lightgray,cardcorners] \shapeCard;
\clip[cardcorners] \shapeCard;
% card image: placed first so other nodes will stack on top of this one
\tikzstyle{cardimage}=[ path picture={
\node[below=-1.5mm] at (0.5*\cardwidth,\cardheight) {
\includegraphics[width=\imagewidth cm]{#1}
\draw[cardcorners, cardimage=#1] \shapeCard;
\cardbackground{ \cardimg }
% card type strip
\fill[red!100, rounded corners=0.1cm, drop shadow = {opacity = 5, color = black} ] \shapeLeftStripLong node[rotate = 90, above left, font=\LARGE] { \color{white}\uppercase{ \cardtype }};
% card icon strip
\fill[red!100, rounded corners=0.1cm, drop shadow = {opacity=5, color = black} ] \shapeLeftStripShort node[ rotate=0, above, yshift = -8.5, font = \LARGE ] at (0.5*\strippadding+0.5*\stripwidth, \titley){ \color{white}\uppercase{ \icon }};
% card cost
\fill[red!100, rounded corners=0.1cm, drop shadow = {opacity=5, color = black} ] \shapeRightStripShort node[ rotate=0, above, yshift = -8.5, font=\LARGE]
at (\cardwidth - 0.5*\stripwidth - 1.5*\strippadding, \titley)
{ \color{white}\uppercase{ \cost }};
% card title strip
\fill[ color = black, opacity = .75, rounded corners=0.1cm ] \shapeTitleArea node[ text width=3.75cm, rotate=0, font=\normalsize] at (0.5*\cardwidth,\titley) { \begin{center} \color{white!100}\uppercase{\normalsize \cardtitle } \end{center} };
% card content
% card content: flavor text
\node[below right, text width=(\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth-2*\textpadding-0.3)*1cm] at (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding,0.5*\cardheight-\textpadding) { \textit{ \scriptsize \flavortext } };
%card content: card effect
%line above text
\draw[ultra thin, <->] (25*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 3.5) -- (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 3.5);
\node[below right, text width=(\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth-2*\textpadding-0.3)*1cm] at (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding,3.5) {
{\normalsize \cardcontent }
% card-ID
%line above text
\draw[ultra thin, <->] (25*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 0.4) -- (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 0.4);
\node[above right, text width=(\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth-2*\textpadding-0.3)*1cm] at (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 0.05) {
\begin{flushright} {\tiny \cardid } \end{flushright}
[edit2] 我想要这个在卡片背面....与以前相同的代码,但没有花哨的节点和形状
%debug grid and point locations
% \filldraw[color=red!60, fill=black!100, very thick](0, 0) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = east]{ origin};
% \filldraw[color=red!60, fill=red!100, very thick](6,0) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = west]{card width};
% \filldraw[color=red!60, fill=red!100, very thick](6,9) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = west]{card width, card height};
% \filldraw[color=black!60, fill=red!100, very thick](0,9) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = north]{card height};
%\draw [step=.5, help lines] (0,0) grid (\cardwidth,\cardheight);
%begin card creation
% draw card boundries and clip corners
\draw[lightgray,cardcorners] \shapeCard;
\clip[cardcorners] \shapeCard;
% card image: placed first so other nodes will stack on top of this one
\tikzstyle{cardimage}=[ path picture={
\node[below=-1.5mm] at (0.5*\cardwidth,\cardheight) {
\includegraphics[width=\imagewidth cm]{#1}
\draw[cardcorners, cardimage=#1] \shapeCard;
% \cardbackground{ \cardimg }
% card type strip
% \fill[red!100, rounded corners=0.1cm, drop shadow = {opacity = 5, color = black} ] \shapeLeftStripLong node[rotate = 90, above left, font=\LARGE] { \color{white}\uppercase{ \cardtype }};
% card icon strip
% \begin{scope}
% \fill[red!100, rounded corners=0.1cm, drop shadow = {opacity=5, color = black} ] \shapeLeftStripShort node[ rotate=0, above, yshift = -8.5, font = \LARGE ] at (0.5*\strippadding+0.5*\stripwidth, \titley){ \color{white}\uppercase{ \icon }};
% \end{scope}
% card cost
% \begin{scope}
% \fill[red!100, rounded corners=0.1cm, drop shadow = {opacity=5, color = black} ] \shapeRightStripShort node[ rotate=0, above, yshift = -8.5, font=\LARGE]
% at (\cardwidth - 0.5*\stripwidth - 1.5*\strippadding, \titley)
% { \color{white}\uppercase{ \cost }};
% \end{scope}
% card title strip
\fill[ color = black, opacity = .75, rounded corners=0.1cm ] \shapeTitleArea node[ text width=3.75cm, rotate=0, font=\normalsize] at (0.5*\cardwidth,\titley) { \begin{center} \color{white!100}\uppercase{\normalsize \cardtitle } \end{center} };
% card content
% card content: flavor text
% \node[below right, text width=(\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth-2*\textpadding-0.3)*1cm] at (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding,0.5*\cardheight-\textpadding) { \textit{ \scriptsize \flavortext } };
%card content: card effect
%line above text
% \draw[ultra thin, <->] (25*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 3.5) -- (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 3.5);
\node[below right, text width=(\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth-2*\textpadding-0.3)*1cm] at (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding,3.5) {
{\normalsize \cardcontent }
% card-ID
%line above text
% \draw[ultra thin, <->] (25*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 0.4) -- (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 0.4);
% \node[above right, text width=(\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth-2*\textpadding-0.3)*1cm] at (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 0.05) {
% \begin{flushright} {\tiny \cardid } \end{flushright}
% };
这就是我希望看到的页面……9 张卡片的轮廓是存在的,因此每张印刷品都有 9 个正面,而在纸张的另一面,您将看到它们各自的 9 个背面。我能够获得多张卡片的布局,但考虑到尝试将背面置于正确位置的问题,我仍然不确定这是否是可行的方法。
%debug grid and point locations
% \filldraw[color=red!60, fill=black!100, very thick](0, 0) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = east]{ origin};
% \filldraw[color=red!60, fill=red!100, very thick](6,0) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = west]{card width};
% \filldraw[color=red!60, fill=red!100, very thick](6,9) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = west]{card width, card height};
% \filldraw[color=black!60, fill=red!100, very thick](0,9) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = north]{card height};
%\draw [step=.5, help lines] (0,0) grid (\cardwidth,\cardheight);
%begin card creation
% draw card boundries and clip corners
\draw[lightgray,cardcorners] \shapeCard;
\clip[cardcorners] \shapeCard;
% card image: placed first so other nodes will stack on top of this one
\tikzstyle{cardimage}=[ path picture={
\node[below=-1.5mm] at (0.5*\cardwidth,\cardheight) {
\includegraphics[width=\imagewidth cm]{#1}
\draw[cardcorners, cardimage=#1] \shapeCard;
\cardbackground{ \cardimg }
% card type strip
\fill[red!100, rounded corners=0.1cm, drop shadow = {opacity = 5, color = black} ] \shapeLeftStripLong node[rotate = 90, above left, font=\LARGE] { \color{white}\uppercase{ \cardtype }};
% card icon strip
\fill[red!100, rounded corners=0.1cm, drop shadow = {opacity=5, color = black} ] \shapeLeftStripShort node[ rotate=0, above, yshift = -8.5, font = \LARGE ] at (0.5*\strippadding+0.5*\stripwidth, \titley){ \color{white}\uppercase{ \icon }};
% card cost
\fill[red!100, rounded corners=0.1cm, drop shadow = {opacity=5, color = black} ] \shapeRightStripShort node[ rotate=0, above, yshift = -8.5, font=\LARGE]
at (\cardwidth - 0.5*\stripwidth - 1.5*\strippadding, \titley)
{ \color{white}\uppercase{ \cost }};
% card title strip
\fill[ color = black, opacity = .75, rounded corners=0.1cm ] \shapeTitleArea node[ text width=3.75cm, rotate=0, font=\normalsize] at (0.5*\cardwidth,\titley) { \begin{center} \color{white!100}\uppercase{\normalsize \cardtitle } \end{center} };
% card content
% card content: flavor text
\node[below right, text width=(\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth-2*\textpadding-0.3)*1cm] at (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding,0.5*\cardheight-\textpadding) { \textit{ \scriptsize \flavortext } };
%card content: card effect
%line above text
\draw[ultra thin, <->] (25*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 3.5) -- (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 3.5);
\node[below right, text width=(\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth-2*\textpadding-0.3)*1cm] at (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding,3.5) {
{\normalsize \cardcontent }
% card-ID
%line above text
\draw[ultra thin, <->] (25*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 0.4) -- (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 0.4);
\node[above right, text width=(\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth-2*\textpadding-0.3)*1cm] at (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 0.05) {
\begin{flushright} {\tiny \cardid } \end{flushright}
% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
% % card back
\draw[lightgray,cardcorners] ( \cardwidth+0.5,0) rectangle (2*\cardwidth, \cardheight);
\draw[lightgray,cardcorners] (2* \cardwidth+0.5,0) rectangle (3*\cardwidth, \cardheight);
\clip[cardcorners] \shapeCard;
\draw[lightgray,cardcorners] (0,0) rectangle (\cardwidth, \cardheight);
\draw[lightgray,cardcorners] ( \cardwidth+0.5,0) rectangle (2*\cardwidth, \cardheight);
\draw[lightgray,cardcorners] (2* \cardwidth+0.5,0) rectangle (3*\cardwidth, \cardheight);
\draw[lightgray,cardcorners] (0,0) rectangle (\cardwidth, \cardheight);
\draw[lightgray,cardcorners] ( \cardwidth+0.5,0) rectangle (2*\cardwidth, \cardheight);
\draw[lightgray,cardcorners] (2* \cardwidth+0.5,0) rectangle (3*\cardwidth, \cardheight);
\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}
\usetikzlibrary{patterns, shadows, positioning}
\definecolor{titlebg}{rgb}{30, 30 , 30}
% TikZ/PGF Settings für die Karten
% Formen der einzelnen Kartenelemente/-bestandteile
\def\shapeCard{(0,0) rectangle (\cardwidth, \cardheight)}
\def\shapeLeftStripLong{(\strippadding,-0.2) rectangle
\def\shapeLeftStripShort{(\strippadding,\cardheight-\strippadding-1) rectangle
\cardheight-\strippadding-1) rectangle (\cardwidth-\strippadding,
rectangle (\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth,\cardheight-2*\stripwidth)}
\def\shapeContentArea{(2*\strippadding+\stripwidth,0.5*\cardheight) rectangle
cardcorners/.style={rounded corners=0.25cm},
cardimage/.style={path picture={
\node[below=-1.5mm] at (0.5*\cardwidth,\cardheight) {
\includegraphics[width=\imagewidth cm]{#1}};}},
strips/.style={red!100, rounded corners=0.1cm,
drop shadow={opacity=1,color=black}},
strip font/.style={font=\LARGE, text=white}
\draw[cardcorners, cardimage=#1] \shapeCard;}
%%debug grid and point locations
% \filldraw[color=red!60, fill=black!100, very thick](0, 0) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = east]{ origin};
% \filldraw[color=red!60, fill=red!100, very thick](6,0) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = west]{card width};
% \filldraw[color=red!60, fill=red!100, very thick](6,9) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = west]{card width, card height};
% \filldraw[color=black!60, fill=red!100, very thick](0,9) circle (0.1) node[color = black!100, anchor = north]{card height};
% %\draw [step=.5, help lines] (0,0) grid (\cardwidth,\cardheight);
%begin card creation
% draw card boundries and clip corners
\draw[lightgray,cardcorners] \shapeCard;
\clip[cardcorners] \shapeCard;
% card image: placed first so other nodes will stack on top of this one
% card type strip
\fill[strips] \shapeLeftStripLong node[rotate = 90, above left, strip font]
% card icon strip
% \begin{scope}
\fill[strips] \shapeLeftStripShort node[rotate=0, above, yshift=-8.5,
strip font] at (0.5*\strippadding+0.5*\stripwidth, \titley)
{\uppercase{ \icon }};
% \end{scope}
% card cost
% \begin{scope}
\fill[strips] \shapeRightStripShort node[rotate=0, above, yshift=-8.5,
strip font]
at (\cardwidth - 0.5*\stripwidth - 1.5*\strippadding, \titley)
{\uppercase{ \cost }};
% \end{scope}
% card title strip
\fill[color = black, opacity = .75, rounded corners=0.1cm]
\shapeTitleArea node[text width=3.75cm, font=\normalsize,
text=white, align=center] at (0.5*\cardwidth,\titley)
% card content
% card content: flavor text
\node[below right, font=\itshape\scriptsize,
text width=(\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth-2*\textpadding-0.3)*1cm]
at (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding,0.5*\cardheight-\textpadding)
%card content: card effect
%line above text
\draw[ultra thin, <->] (25*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 3.5) --
(2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 3.5);
\node[below right, font=\normalsize,
text width=(\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth-2*\textpadding-0.3)*1cm]
at (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding,3.5)
{\vspace{0.05cm}{ \cardcontent }};
% card-ID
%line above text
\draw[ultra thin, <->] (25*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 0.4) --
(2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 0.4);
\node[above right, font=\tiny, align=right,
text width=(\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth-2*\textpadding-0.3)*1cm]
at (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding, 0.05)
{ \cardid };
%begin card creation
% draw card boundries and clip corners
\draw[lightgray,cardcorners] \shapeCard;
\clip[cardcorners] \shapeCard;
% card title strip
\fill[color = black, opacity = .75, rounded corners=0.1cm]
\shapeTitleArea node[text width=3.75cm, font=\normalsize,
text=white, align=center] at (0.5*\cardwidth,\titley)
\node[below right, font=\normalsize,
text width=(\cardwidth-2*\strippadding-\stripwidth-2*\textpadding-0.3)*1cm]
at (2*\strippadding+\stripwidth+\textpadding,3.5)
{\vspace{0.05cm}{ \cardcontent }};
\frontcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 1}] &
\frontcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 2}] &
\frontcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 3}] \\
\frontcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 4}] &
\frontcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 5}] &
\frontcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 6}] \\
\frontcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 7}] &
\frontcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 8}] &
\frontcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 9}]
\backcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 3}] &
\backcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 2}] &
\backcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 1}] \\
\backcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 6}] &
\backcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 5}] &
\backcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 4}] \\
\backcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 9}] &
\backcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 8}] &
\backcard[\renewcommand{\cardcontent}{\LARGE 7}]