没有 bibdata 命令

没有 bibdata 命令

我安装了 Linux Mint 并latex重新进行了设置,但现在当我编译 latex 文件时出现以下错误:

Process started

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2013/Debian) The top-level auxiliary file: proposal.aux I found no \bibdata command---while reading file proposal.aux I found no \bibstyle command---while reading file proposal.aux (There were 2 error messages)

Process exited with error(s)





以下是 tex 文件的片段



\author{Author Name \\


\textit{Influence Maximization}, defined by Kempe et al. (2003) \cite{Kempe03}, is the problem of selecting a set of seed nodes in a social graph that maximizes spread of influence under certain cascade model. Being NP-hard for most common cascade models, Kempe et al. propose a natural greedy solution with approximation guarantees that are within 63\% of the optimal. This work led to extensive research on algorithmic and data mining techniques for solving different aspects of the problem. These aspects include, for example, estimation of influence of nodes (propagation probabilities), study of different cascade models, or speed improvement of original greedy solution. In fact, the latter resulted in heuristics Chen et al. (2009, 2010)  \cite{Chen09,Chen10} that are able to reduce running time by more than six order of magnitude of greedy approach with almost no loss of influence spread.  It makes possible to find feasible solutions for large-scale social networks where traditional algorithms fail. 



D.~Kempe, J.~Kleinberg, and E.~Tardos.
\newblock Maximizing the spread of influence through a social network.
\newblock In {\em Proc.
of the Ninth ACM Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and
Data Mining (KDD’03)}.

W.~Chen, Y.~Wang, and S.~Yang.
\newblock Efficient influence
maximization in social networks.
\newblock In {\em Proc. of the 15th ACM
Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

W.~Chen, Y.~Yuan, and L.~Zhang.
\newblock Scalable influence maximization in social networks under the linear threshold model.
\newblock In {\em ICDM,} pages 88-97, 2010.

A.~Goyal, F.~Bonchi, L.~V.~Lakshmanan, and S.~Venkatasubramanian.
\newblock On minimizing budget and time in influence propagation over social networks.
\newblock In {\em Social Network Analysis and Mining,} pages 1-14, 2012.

P.~Zhang, W.~Chen, X.~Sun,Y.~Wang, and J.~Zhang.
\newblock Minimizing Seed Set Selection with Probabilistic Coverage Guarantee in a Social Network.
\newblock {\em Preprint arXiv.org}, 2014.

P.~Domingos, M.~Richardson.
\newblock Mining the network value of
\newblock {\em Proceedings of the seventh ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining, ACM, New York, NY, USA, KDD ’01,} pp 57-66, 2001.




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\bibliography{mybibfile}   %% the .bib file without extension



看来\bibliography{}MAC 中的命令可以读取.bib带扩展名和不带扩展名的文件,而 Windows 无法找到.bib带扩展名的文件。


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