LaTeX3 围绕标记列表变量创建环境

LaTeX3 围绕标记列表变量创建环境

LaTeX3 有一些很棒的概念和功能。其中之一是能够替换标记列表中的文本。这为创建模板提供了可能性,例如,html模板被车把




!!img amato!! 
!!cap This is the first caption!!

会大大简化标记。!!img是用于拾取图像和!!cap拾取标题的标记。我使用 来!!作为标记,但当然只要标记列表允许,就可以使用任何东西。后面的三个字母表示不同的标记,即img用于图像、cap用于标题。


\usepackage{expl3, graphicx,caption}

  \cs_set:Npn  \putimage#1!!{%

 \cs_set:Npn  \putsomecaption#1!!{

  \tl_set:Nn \tempai {
      !!img amato!! 
      !!cap This~is~the~first~caption!!

      !!img amato!!
      !!cap This~is~the~second~caption!!

      !!img amato.jpg!!
      !!cap This~is~the~third~caption!!

      !!img amato!!
      !!cap This~is~the~fourth~caption!!

      !!img amato!!
      !!cap This~is~the~fifth~caption!!

      !!img amato!!
      !!cap This~is~the~sixth~caption!!

   \tl_replace_all:Nnn\tempai {!!img}{\minipage{3.6cm}\centering\putimage}
   \tl_replace_all:Nnn\tempai {!!cap}{\putsomecaption}
   \tl_use:N \tempai



我不认为这是更简单的输入。但是,为了进一步追求 Manuel 的想法,这里有一个具有全功能选项的版本。


  \keys_set:nn { yl/multiimages } { #1 }
  \tl_use:N \l_yl_multi_start_tl
  \dim_set:Nn \parindent { 0pt }
  \skip_set:Nn \leftskip { 0pt plus 1fil }
  \skip_set:Nn \rightskip { 0pt plus -1fil }
  \skip_set:Nn \lineskip { \l_yl_multi_skip_skip }
  \yl_multiimages:V \BODY
  \tl_use:N \l_yl_multi_end_tl

\tl_new:N \l_yl_multi_start_tl
\tl_new:N \l_yl_multi_end_tl

\keys_define:nn { yl/multiimages }
  env .choice:,
  env/none .code:n =
   \tl_set:Nn \l_yl_multi_start_tl { \par\addvspace{\topsep} }
   \tl_set:Nn \l_yl_multi_end_tl { \par\addvspace{\topsep} },
  env/figure .code:n =
   \tl_set:Nn \l_yl_multi_start_tl { \__yl_multi_beginfigure:V \l_yl_multi_pos_tl }
   \tl_set:Nn \l_yl_multi_end_tl { \end{figure} },
  env .initial:n = none,

  pos .tl_set:N = \l_yl_multi_pos_tl,
  pos .initial:n = { htp },

  outer .dim_set:N = \l_yl_multi_outer_dim,
  outer .initial:n = 3.6cm,
  inner .dim_set:N = \l_yl_multi_inner_dim,
  inner .initial:n = 3.6cm,

  skip .dim_set:N = \l_yl_multi_skip_skip,
  skip .initial:n = \lineskip,

  last .choice:,
  last/fill .code:n = 
   \tl_set:Nn \l_yl_multi_last_tl { { \parfillskip=0pt\par } },
  last/center .code:n =
   \tl_set:Nn \l_yl_multi_last_tl { { \parfillskip=0pt plus 2fil\par } },
  last .initial:n = fill,

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__yl_multi_beginfigure:n #1
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__yl_multi_beginfigure:n { V }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \yl_multiimages:n #1
  \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { #1 }
  \tl_remove_all:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { \par }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_tmpa_tl { !!img ~ } { \__yl_multi_img:w }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_tmpa_tl { !!cap ~ } { \__yl_multi_cap:w }
  \tl_use:N \l_tmpa_tl \tl_use:N \l_yl_multi_last_tl
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \yl_multiimages:n { V }

\cs_new_protected:Npn \__yl_multi_img:w #1 !!
  \includegraphics[width=\l_yl_multi_inner_dim]{ #1 }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \__yl_multi_cap:w #1 !!
  \end{minipage}\hspace{1pc plus 3pc}


  !!img example-image-a!! 
  !!cap This is the first caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the second caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the third caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the fourth caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the fifth caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the sixth caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!! 
  !!cap This is the first caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the second caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the third caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the fourth caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the fifth caption!!


  !!img example-image-a!! 
  !!cap This is the first caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the second caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the third caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the fourth caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the fifth caption!!







\NewDocumentCommand \processmultiimages { m }
 { \par \centering \yl_multiimages:N #1 }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \yl_multiimages:N #1
  \tl_set_eq:NN \l_tmpa_tl #1
  \tl_remove_all:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { \par }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_tmpa_tl { !!img ~ } 
   { \begin{minipage}{3.6cm}\centering\multiimg }
  \tl_replace_all:Nnn \l_tmpa_tl { !!cap ~ } 
   { \multiimgcapt }
  \tl_use:N \l_tmpa_tl
\NewDocumentCommand \multiimg { u{!!} }
 { \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{ #1 } }

\NewDocumentCommand \multiimgcapt { u{!!} }
 { \captionof{figure}{#1} \par\end{minipage}\hfill }


  !!img example-image-a!! 
  !!cap This is the first caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the second caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the third caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the fourth caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the fifth caption!!

  !!img example-image-a!!
  !!cap This is the sixth caption!!





说实话,输入语法!!img zzz!!似乎更多的比简单的 tex 语法复杂,\img{zzz}但无论如何 expl3 当然对很多事情都很有用,但抓取环境主体然后在第二遍执行标记替换,最后在第三遍执行修改后的列表似乎效率低下,你可以简单地在一次传递中对其进行排版,例如



\long\def\zz#1!img #2!!#3!!cap #4!!{%




  !!img example-image-b!! 
  !!cap This is the first caption!!

  !!img example-image-b!!
  !!cap This is the second caption!!

  !!img example-image-b!!
  !!cap This is the third caption!!

  !!img example-image-b!!
  !!cap This is the fourth caption!!

  !!img example-image-b!!
  !!cap This is the fifth caption!!

  !!img example-image-b!!
  !!cap This is the sixth caption!!



我的示例没有使用 expl3,而只是\replacestring使用 OPmac。

\input opmac

   \replacestrings{!!img }{\img}%
   \replacestrings{!!cap }{\cap}%
   \hbox to\hsize{\tmpb}% three imeges per line
  \ifnum\tmpnum=3 \egroup\bigskip\hbox to\hsize\bgroup \tmpnum=0 \fi
  \advance\tmpnum by1  
     \centerline{\picw=4cm \inspic #1.jpg }
     \caption/f \emergencystretch=2em #3\par

      !!img amato!!
      !!cap This is the first caption!!

      !!img amato!!
      !!cap This is the second caption!!

      !!img amato.jpg!!
      !!cap This is the third caption!!

      !!img amato!!
      !!cap This is the fourth caption!!

      !!img amato!!
      !!cap This is the fifth caption!!

      !!img amato!!
      !!cap This is the sixth caption!!

结果与您的 3x2 图片相同。


\img amato!! \cap This is the first caption!! \par\img amato!! \cap ...

它存储在 中\tmpb。然后\hbox{\tmpb}创建 3x2 图片矩阵,因为\ifnum\tmpnum=3然后\hbox关闭 并且 新的\hbox打开。
