

我正在做一个多项选择题测试。对于某些问题,选项在制表环境中显示得很好。对于某些问题,由于选项显示商,我认为制表环境不适合。我知道\\ [5mm]在制表环境中,行末要么将行间距设置为 5 毫米,要么将默认行间距增加 5 毫米。我希望无论我使用制表环境还是对齐环境,选项的显示都相同。





\noindent {\bf 1.) }$A$, $B$, $C$, $D$, $E$, and $F$ are six points in the Cartesian plane. A line is drawn if, and only if, it contains two of these points. If no line contains three of the given points, how many lines are drawn?
\hspace*{2em} \= \kill
\> {\bf{a.) }}15 \\
\> {\bf{b.) }}18 \\
\> {\bf{c.) }}20 \\
\> {\bf{d.) }}30 \\
\> {\bf{e.) }}36

\noindent {\bf 2.) }A rectangular pen enclosing 4,000 square meters is to be made from split rail fencing along the span of one side of a barn. The pen is to be divided into three smaller, rectangular regions with more split rail fencing. If the side of this barn bordering the pen is $y$ meters long, how many meters of split rail fencing is needed to make the pen?
&\mbox{\bf{a.) }}\displaystyle{y + \frac{4,000}{y}} \\
&\mbox{\bf{b.) }}\displaystyle{y + \frac{16,000}{y}} \\
&\mbox{\bf{c.) }}\displaystyle{y + \frac{16,000}{3y}} \\
&\mbox{\bf{d.) }}\displaystyle{3y + \frac{8,000}{3y}} \\
&\mbox{\bf{e.) }}\displaystyle{3y + \frac{16,000}{3y}}

\noindent {\bf 3.) }Some bacteria are being cultured in a laboratory. The population of the bacteria in the culture $t$ days after the culture began is modeled by the function
P(t) = 3,000 \left(2^{\frac{t}{4}}\right) .
By how many bacteria does the population increase from the end of the $4^{\mathrm{th}}$ day to the end of the $16^{\mathrm{th}}$ day?

\hspace*{3em} \= \hspace{2.5in} \= \kill
\> {\bf{a.) }}6,000     \> {\bf{b.) }}24,000 \\
\> {\bf{c.) }}36,000    \> {\bf{d.) }}42,000 \\
\> {\bf{e.) }}48,000




\begin{enumerate}[label=\bfseries \alph*.), itemsep=0.5em]
  \item $ y + \dfrac{4,000}{y} $
  \item $ y + \dfrac{16,000}{y} $
  \item $ y + \dfrac{16,000}{3y} $
  \item $ 3y + \dfrac{8,000}{3y} $
  \item $ 3y + \dfrac{16,000}{3y} $




% Change these to globally change inter-line spacing and left indentation


\noindent {\bf 1.) }$A$, $B$, $C$, $D$, $E$, and $F$ are six points in the Cartesian plane. A line is drawn if, and only if, it contains two of these points. If no line contains three of the given points, how many lines are drawn?
\begin{enumerate}[label=\bfseries \alph*.), itemsep=\interLine, itemindent=\leftMargin]
  \item 15
  \item 18
  \item 20
  \item 30
  \item 36

\noindent {\bf 2.) }A rectangular pen enclosing 4,000 square meters is to be made from split rail fencing along the span of one side of a barn. The pen is to be divided into three smaller, rectangular regions with more split rail fencing. If the side of this barn bordering the pen is $y$ meters long, how many meters of split rail fencing is needed to make the pen?
\begin{enumerate}[label=\bfseries \alph*.), itemsep=\interLine, itemindent=\leftMargin]
  \item $ y + \dfrac{4,000}{y} $
  \item $ y + \dfrac{16,000}{y} $
  \item $ y + \dfrac{16,000}{3y} $
  \item $ 3y + \dfrac{8,000}{3y} $
  \item $ 3y + \dfrac{16,000}{3y} $

\noindent {\bf 3.) }Some bacteria are being cultured in a laboratory. The population of the bacteria in the culture $t$ days after the culture began is modeled by the function
P(t) = 3,000 \left(2^{\frac{t}{4}}\right) .
By how many bacteria does the population increase from the end of the $4^{\mathrm{th}}$ day to the end of the $16^{\mathrm{th}}$ day?
\begin{enumerate}[label=\bfseries \alph*.), itemsep=\interLine, itemindent=\leftMargin]
  \item 6,000
  \item 24,000
  \item 36,000
  \item 42,000
  \item 48,000



这是使用 tabularstacks 的替代方法,我已将其包装到宏中\answers。在执行 1/4in 之前,答案之间的间隙设置为 4pt,并在答案字段的上方和下方添加 5pt 缓冲区\vskip



\newquestion Text of question?
  \> answer1 \\
  \> answer2 \\
  \> ...

与答案之间的差距a.)可以用 设置\setstacktabulargap{<length>}。默认值是\tabcolsep

答案默认为数学模式输入,但\stackText在给定之前添加\answers会将默认答案模式更改为文本。可以\stackMath按照 的结论将其改回\answers

\newcommand\newquestion{\stepcounter{Question}\noindent\textbf{\arabic{Question}.)\ \,}}

\newquestion $A$, $B$, $C$, $D$, $E$, and $F$ are six points in the Cartesian plane. A line is drawn if, and only if, it contains two of these points. If no line contains three of the given points, how many lines are drawn?
  \> 15 \\
  \> 18 \\
  \> 20 \\
  \> 30 \\
  \> 36 
\newquestion A rectangular pen enclosing 4,000 square meters is to be made from split rail fencing along the span of one side of a barn. The pen is to be divided into three smaller, rectangular regions with more split rail fencing. If the side of this barn bordering the pen is $y$ meters long, how many meters of split rail fencing is needed to make the pen?
  \> y + \dfrac{4,000}{y} \\
  \> y + \dfrac{16,000}{y} \\
  \> y + \dfrac{16,000}{3y} \\
  \> 3y + \dfrac{8,000}{3y} \\
  \> 3y + \dfrac{16,000}{3y}
\newquestion Some bacteria are being cultured in a laboratory. The population of the bacteria in the culture $t$ days after the culture began is modeled by the function
P(t) = 3,000 \left(2^{\frac{t}{4}}\right) .
By how many bacteria does the population increase from the end of the $4^{\mathrm{th}}$ day to the end of the $16^{\mathrm{th}}$ day?
  \> 6,000 \\
  \> 24,000 \\
  \> 36,000 \\
  \> 42,000 \\
  \> 48,000

