


环境的(不可见的)左边距应\hphantom{\noindent {\bf 1.) }}与左边距保持一定距离。

由于我使用的是默认字体大小 10pt,所以行间距是 12pt。(一位排字员说,行高与字体大小的比率等于 1.2 时,行与行之间会留有足够的空间,从而获得和谐的外观。)第二个问题中的选择是模式中设置的分数。那么行间距应该是多少呢?我认为环境或 环境displaystyle中使用的行间距是合适的。aligngather


在第一和第三个问题中,第一行中的选项应为a.)b.),第二行中的选项应为c.)d.),第三行中的选项应为e.)。此外,列之间的间距应为2.5in。如何\begin{multicols}{2}在创建表格的环境之前使用 来指定此值?




\noindent {\bf 1.) }$A$, $B$, $C$, $D$, $E$, and $F$ are six points in the Cartesian plane. A line is drawn if, and only if, it contains two of these points. If no line contains three of the given points, how many lines are drawn?
\noindent\hphantom{{\bf 1.) }} \= \hspace{2.5in} \= \kill
\> {\bf{a.) }}15    \> {\bf{b.) }}18 \\
\> {\bf{c.) }}20    \> {\bf{d.) }}30 \\
\> {\bf{e.) }}36

\noindent {\bf 2.) }A rectangular pen enclosing 4,000 square meters is to be made from split rail fencing along the span of one side of a barn. The pen is to be divided into three smaller, rectangular regions with more split rail fencing. If the side of this barn bordering the pen is $y$ meters long, how many meters of split rail fencing is needed to make the pen?
\begin{enumerate}[label=\bfseries \alph*.), itemsep=\baselineskip, itemindent=0mm]
  \item $y + \dfrac{4,000}{y}$
  \item $y + \dfrac{16,000}{y}$
  \item $y + \dfrac{16,000}{3y}$
  \item $3y + \dfrac{8,000}{3y}$
  \item $3y + \dfrac{16,000}{3y}$

\noindent {\bf 3.) }Some bacteria are being cultured in a laboratory. The population of the bacteria in the culture $t$ days after the culture began is modeled by the function
P(t) = 3,000 \left(2^{\frac{t}{4}}\right) .
By how many bacteria does the population increase from the end of the $4^{\mathrm{th}}$ day to the end of the $16^{\mathrm{th}}$ day?
\begin{enumerate}[label=\bfseries \alph*.), itemsep=\baselineskip, itemindent=0mm]
\item 6,000 \\
\item 24,000 \\
\item 36,000 \\
\item 42,000 \\
\item 48,000





\settasks{label-format=\bfseries, label-offset=0.85em,counter-format =tsk[a].) , column-sep =8pt, item-indent=4em, after-item-skip=0ex plus 0.25ex, after-skip=3ex}


\noindent {\bf 1.) }$A$, $B$, $C$, $D$, $E$, and $F$ are six points in the Cartesian plane. A line is drawn if, and only if, it contains two of these points. If no line contains three of the given points, how many lines are drawn?
  \noindent\hphantom{{\bf 1.) }} \= \hspace{2.5in} \= \kill
  \> {\bf{a.) }}15 \> {\bf{b.) }}18 \\
  \> {\bf{c.) }}20 \> {\bf{d.) }}30 \\
  \> {\bf{e.) }}36

\noindent {\bf 2.) }A rectangular pen enclosing 4,000 square meters is to be made from split rail fencing along the span of one side of a barn. The pen is to be divided into three smaller, rectangular regions with more split rail fencing. If the side of this barn bordering the pen is $y$ meters long, how many meters of split rail fencing is needed to make the pen?
\begin{tasks}[after-item-skip=0.6ex plus 0.5ex](2)
  \task $ y + \dfrac{4,000}{y} $
  \task $ y + \dfrac{16,000}{y} $
  \task $ y + \dfrac{16,000}{3y} $
  \task $ 3y + \dfrac{8,000}{3y} $
  \task $ 3y + \dfrac{16,000}{3y} $

\noindent {\bf 1.) }$A$, $B$, $C$, $D$, $E$, and $F$ are six points in the Cartesian plane. A line is drawn if, and only if, it contains two of these points. If no line contains three of the given points, how many lines are drawn?
  \task 15
  \task 18
  \task 20
  \task 30
  \task 36


