如何使用 ulem 对包含 \enquote{d text} 的单行文本加下划线?

如何使用 ulem 对包含 \enquote{d text} 的单行文本加下划线?

这个 MWE 应该解释这个问题和疑问:


%\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} % polyglossia is recommended for lualatex


This is what I want to do, but ...

... it does not work at all (neither with babel, nor with polyglossia):\\
Aaaaaaa bbbbbbb \uline{cccccccc \enquote{ddddddd} eeeeeeee} ffffffff.

%This is not (exactly) what I want to do (it's just for debugging), but ...

%... it works at least with polyglossia, but not with babel:\\
%Aaaaaaa bbbbbbb \uline{cccccccc "`ddddddd"' eeeeeeee} ffffffff.

%... this works with both:\\
%Aaaaaaa bbbbbbb cccccccc \enquote{\uline{ddddddd}} eeeeeeee ffffffff.



Aaaaaaa bbbbbbb \uline{\mbox{cccccccc \enquote{ddddddd} eeeeeeee}} ffffffff.
