Wind energy provides an indirect form of solar energy. It is a proven technology which helps in meeting the demands in electricity in an efficient way. Offshore
% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
\newfontfamily{\garamond}{EB Garamond}
\newfontfamily{\libertine}{Linux Libertine O}
\newfontfamily{\fancycap}{EB Garamond Initials}
\garamond A Few Quick Font Options:}
\textsl{(Remember not to forget}
\textsc{Small Caps} \&
\normalfont \textit{italics}}}
\garamond and
{\garamond \small Optical Sizes \&}
\normalfont numbers oldstyle
\garamond 123456 and lining
\garamond \addfontfeatures{Numbers={Lining}} 123456)}
\garamond \tiny —The above paragraph accomplished using
\texttt{\textbackslash usepackage\{lmodern\}} \&
\texttt{\textbackslash usepackage\{fontspec\}} for
\textsc{EB Garamond}—}\par
\vspace*{.125\baselineskip}\ \\
\vspace*{-4\baselineskip}\ \\\par
\scriptsize\libertine \lettrine[lines=3,loversize=-.3,lraise=.25]
{\fancycap F}{onts} can be included using \texttt{\textbackslash
usepackage\{fontname\}} as shown on \LaTeX font lists. There I
would recommend \texttt{libertine} as a replacement for \texttt{%
lmodern} if you want something slightly heavier. However, \texttt{%
\textbackslash fontspec} is where the fun really starts, so check
that out along with fonts like \textsc{EB Garamond} that have
features required for good typography. \medskip\par\ \hfill\tiny
This paragraph set in Linux Libertine, with EB Garamond Lettrine.
以下是可以在纯 LaTeX 中使用的字体列表:http://www.tug.dk/字体目录/
XeLaTeX 或 LuaTeX。另请注意,这会将 utf8 输入设为默认,因此可以输入破折号、西里尔文、希腊文和简体中文等内容。
所以... TL;DR:尝试交换\usepackage{lmodern}
看看您的想法。使用 EB Garamond 的最佳方式是\setmainfont{EB Garamond}