我想从 .csv 文件中读取此内容,但出现错误
Items, FactorLoadings
Social Needs (Cronbach's a = 0.695)
Smartphone allows me to stay connected with those I care about,0.758
I use smartphone to stay connected with friends and family through social networking websites (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc.),0.761
It is easy for me to observe others? happening by using the smartphone,0.701
I use my smartphone to catch up with friends and relative,0.742
Smartphone allows me to transfer photo/audio or other data with whom I want to share,0.577
从 TikZ 标签来看,我假设您使用的pgfplotstable
是我的水晶球。然后您需要确保列分隔符未在条目内使用,或者它们被大括号对覆盖,正如 David Carlisle 指出的那样。
\pgfplotstableread[col sep=comma]{
Items, FactorLoadings
{Social Needs (Cronbach's a = 0.695)},
{Smartphone allows me to stay connected with those I care about},0.758
{I use smartphone to stay connected with friends and family through social networking websites (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc.)},0.761
{It is easy for me to observe others? happening by using the smartphone},0.701
{I use my smartphone to catch up with friends and relative},0.742
{Smartphone allows me to transfer photo/audio or other data with whom I want to share},0.577
columns/Items/.style={string type,column type=p{.8\textwidth}},