ModernCV Pdflatex Skype 徽标问题

ModernCV Pdflatex Skype 徽标问题

我正在使用 modernCV 和 pdflatex 来创建我的简历,我想在其中添加一个 skype 徽标。因此,在第一次搜索时,我发现最简单的方法是使用 fontawesome 和 XeLaTeX,但当我尝试使用 XeLatex 时,我的所有简历都变成了文本,没有任何图形,所以我避免了这种情况。来自此主题简历模板中是否有 Skype 图标?

\newcommand*{\skypesymbol} {%
\protect\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.08em,x=0.08em,xscale=0.022,yscale=-0.022, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
\protect\path[fill=color2,even odd rule] (487.6550,288.9690) .. controls (489.0610,278.5690) and
  (489.8700,267.9960) .. (489.8700,257.2330) .. controls (489.8700,128.0770) and
  (384.5990,23.3610) .. (254.7670,23.3610) .. controls (241.8630,23.3610) and
  (229.2120,24.4210) .. (216.9010,26.4410) .. controls (194.8280,12.0570) and
  (168.5590,3.6740) .. (140.2880,3.6740) .. controls (62.7660,3.6740) and
  (0.0000,66.4820) .. (0.0000,143.9800) .. controls (0.0000,172.1780) and
  (8.2990,198.3740) .. (22.5900,220.3690) .. controls (20.6650,232.3860) and
  (19.6810,244.6920) .. (19.6810,257.2290) .. controls (19.6810,386.4050) and
  (124.8980,491.1100) .. (254.7660,491.1100) .. controls (269.4230,491.1100) and
  (283.6930,489.6840) .. (297.5620,487.1780) .. controls (319.1120,500.5470) and
  (344.4960,508.3260) .. (371.7080,508.3260) .. controls (449.2100,508.3260) and
  (512.0010,445.5020) .. (512.0010,368.0120) .. controls (511.9980,338.7190) and
  (503.0410,311.4840) .. (487.6550,288.9690) -- cycle(276.7400,429.5960) ..
  controls (202.0340,433.4870) and (167.0750,416.9590) .. (135.0500,386.9050) ..
  controls (99.2850,353.3370) and (113.6520,315.0500) .. (142.7900,313.1040) ..
  controls (171.9120,311.1590) and (189.3980,346.1160) .. (204.9410,355.8400) ..
  controls (220.4650,365.5280) and (279.5340,387.6000) .. (310.7350,351.9320) ..
  controls (344.7100,313.1040) and (288.1410,293.0120) .. (246.6760,286.9300) ..
  controls (187.4730,278.1640) and (112.7260,246.1370) .. (118.5410,183.0230) ..
  controls (124.3580,119.9490) and (172.1230,87.6090) .. (222.3910,83.0470) ..
  controls (286.4680,77.2300) and (328.1820,92.7540) .. (361.1760,120.9070) ..
  controls (399.3270,153.4360) and (378.6840,189.8010) .. (354.3770,192.7270) ..
  controls (330.1660,195.6360) and (302.9730,139.2230) .. (249.5860,138.3750) ..
  controls (194.5590,137.5110) and (157.3690,195.6360) .. (225.3000,212.1590) ..
  controls (293.2660,228.6640) and (366.0500,235.4450) .. (392.2610,297.5760) ..
  controls (418.4900,359.7130) and (351.5070,425.7010) .. (276.7400,429.5960) --

% defines one's email (optional)
% usage: \email{<email adress>}
        \vspace{\baselineskip}% forces a white line to ensure space between main text and footer (as footer height can't be known in advance)
          \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\addtofooter[~--~]{\@addresscity}}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and \addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty
        \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number
          \addtofooter{\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}%
        \collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link
          \addtofooter{\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}%
        \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\footerboxwidth=0pt}}{}{\flushfooter}% the lengthtest is required to avoid flushing an empty footer, which could cause a blank line due to the \\ after the address, if no other personal info is used

我知道添加这个会将 skype 徽标带到页脚,但这对我的 tex 文件不起作用。线程示例将 skype 徽标带到页脚,而我不希望徽标出现在页脚。


\moderncvtheme[blue]{classic}                 % optional argument are 'blue' (default), 'orange', 'red', 
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}                   % replace by the encoding you are using
% personal data
 \newcommand*{\skypesymbol} {%
    \protect\begin{tikzpicture}[y=0.08em,x=0.08em,xscale=0.022,yscale=-0.022, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt]
    \protect\path[fill=color2,even odd rule] (487.6550,288.9690) .. controls (489.0610,278.5690) and
      (489.8700,267.9960) .. (489.8700,257.2330) .. controls (489.8700,128.0770) and
      (384.5990,23.3610) .. (254.7670,23.3610) .. controls (241.8630,23.3610) and
      (229.2120,24.4210) .. (216.9010,26.4410) .. controls (194.8280,12.0570) and
      (168.5590,3.6740) .. (140.2880,3.6740) .. controls (62.7660,3.6740) and
      (0.0000,66.4820) .. (0.0000,143.9800) .. controls (0.0000,172.1780) and
      (8.2990,198.3740) .. (22.5900,220.3690) .. controls (20.6650,232.3860) and
      (19.6810,244.6920) .. (19.6810,257.2290) .. controls (19.6810,386.4050) and
      (124.8980,491.1100) .. (254.7660,491.1100) .. controls (269.4230,491.1100) and
      (283.6930,489.6840) .. (297.5620,487.1780) .. controls (319.1120,500.5470) and
      (344.4960,508.3260) .. (371.7080,508.3260) .. controls (449.2100,508.3260) and
      (512.0010,445.5020) .. (512.0010,368.0120) .. controls (511.9980,338.7190) and
      (503.0410,311.4840) .. (487.6550,288.9690) -- cycle(276.7400,429.5960) ..
      controls (202.0340,433.4870) and (167.0750,416.9590) .. (135.0500,386.9050) ..
      controls (99.2850,353.3370) and (113.6520,315.0500) .. (142.7900,313.1040) ..
      controls (171.9120,311.1590) and (189.3980,346.1160) .. (204.9410,355.8400) ..
      controls (220.4650,365.5280) and (279.5340,387.6000) .. (310.7350,351.9320) ..
      controls (344.7100,313.1040) and (288.1410,293.0120) .. (246.6760,286.9300) ..
      controls (187.4730,278.1640) and (112.7260,246.1370) .. (118.5410,183.0230) ..
      controls (124.3580,119.9490) and (172.1230,87.6090) .. (222.3910,83.0470) ..
      controls (286.4680,77.2300) and (328.1820,92.7540) .. (361.1760,120.9070) ..
      controls (399.3270,153.4360) and (378.6840,189.8010) .. (354.3770,192.7270) ..
      controls (330.1660,195.6360) and (302.9730,139.2230) .. (249.5860,138.3750) ..
      controls (194.5590,137.5110) and (157.3690,195.6360) .. (225.3000,212.1590) ..
      controls (293.2660,228.6640) and (366.0500,235.4450) .. (392.2610,297.5760) ..
      controls (418.4900,359.7130) and (351.5070,425.7010) .. (276.7400,429.5960) --

    % defines one's email (optional)
    % usage: \email{<email adress>}
            \vspace{\baselineskip}% forces a white line to ensure space between main text and footer (as footer height can't be known in advance)
              \ifthenelse{\equal{\@addresscity}{}}{}{\addtofooter[~--~]{\@addresscity}}% if \addresstreet is defined, \addresscity and \addresscountry will always be defined but could be empty
            \collectionloop{phones}{% the key holds the phone type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the number
              \addtofooter{\csname\collectionloopkey phonesymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}%
            \collectionloop{socials}{% the key holds the social type (=symbol command prefix), the item holds the link
              \addtofooter{\csname\collectionloopkey socialsymbol\endcsname\collectionloopitem}}%
            \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\footerboxwidth=0pt}}{}{\flushfooter}% the lengthtest is required to avoid flushing an empty footer, which could cause a blank line due to the \\ after the address, if no other personal info is used

% personal data
\title{Curriculum Vitae}
\address{KNRA, DVVV,TVVV}{KKKK, IIIIIa - 695789}
\email{[email protected]}



我怎样才能将 Skype 的徽标放在该电子邮件 ID 的符号下方。



\extrainfo{\skypesymbol DD}


页眉中的 Skype 徽标
