


        \textbf{Finding 3:} the text  \\
        \textbf{Implication:} the text 




发现 3:行级故障很普遍(62.0%)。其中大多数是由异常数据引起的。程序员无法提前知道所有异常数据。含义:利用领域知识主动编写异常数据处理代码有助于减少行级故障。

如何修复故障与导致故障的原因息息相关。对于大多数故障类别,都存在修复模式。这些模式下的修复在代码行数上非常少。在样本集 A 中,95.0% 的修复在 10 行以内,87.0% 的修复在 5 行以内;修复的平均大小为 3.5 行。此外,行过滤、无效性检查和资源导入等修复模式通常不涉及程序语义。因此,基于这些模式可以自动生成一些修复建议,帮助程序员修复相应的缺陷。

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Most of \emph{row-level} failures are due to exceptional data. Since the exceptional data are unforeseeable, programmers could proactively write exceptional-data-handling code with domain knowledge to help reduce failures, sharing the similar philosophy with the defensive programming.

  \textbf{Finding 3:} Row-level failures are prevalent (62.0\,\%). Most of them are caused by exceptional data. Programmers cannot know all of exceptional data in advance. \\
  \textbf{Implication:} Proactively writing exceptional-data-handling code with domain knowledge could help reduce row-level failures.

How to fix the failures is closely related to the reasons that cause the failures. For most failure categories, there exist fix patterns. Fixes under these patterns are very small in terms of LOC. In Sample Set A, 95.0\,\% fixes are within 10 LOC and 87.0\,\% fixes are within 5 LOC; the average size of fixes is 3.5 LOC. In addition, fix patterns such as row filtering, nullity checking, and resources import, usually do not involve program semantics. Hence, based on these patterns, it is possible to automatically generate some fix suggestions to help programmers fix corresponding defects.


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Most of \emph{row-level} failures are due to exceptional data. Since the exceptional data are unforeseeable, programmers could proactively write exceptional-data-handling code with domain knowledge to help reduce failures, sharing the similar philosophy with the defensive programming.
\textbf{Finding 3:} Row-level failures are prevalent (\SI{62.0}{\percent}). Most of them are caused by exceptional data. Programmers cannot know all of exceptional data in advance. 

\textbf{Implication:} Proactively writing exceptional-data-handling code with domain knowledge could help reduce row-level failures.the text 

  \textbf{Finding 3:} Row-level failures are prevalent (62.0\%). Most of them are caused by exceptional data. Programmers cannot know all of exceptional data in advance. 

  \textbf{Implication:} Proactively writing exceptional-data-handling code with domain knowledge could help reduce row-level failures.the text 



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