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\caption{Types of glycolipid biosurfactants and microorganism producing them followed by their applications. Taken from \cite{reis2013biosurfactants}} % title of Table
\centering % used for centering table
\begin{tabular}{L{3.5cm} L{6.0cm} L{4.0cm}} % centered columns (4 columns)
%\hline\hline %inserts double horizontal lines
\textbf{Biosurfactant} & \textbf{Microorganism} & \textbf{Application} \\ %[0.5ex] % inserts table
%\hline % inserts single horizontal line
Rhamnolipids & \emph{{Pseudomonas aeruginosa} (P. aeruginosa)} and \emph{Pseudomonas putida (P. putida)} & Bioremediation \\ % inserting body of the table
& \emph{Pseudomonas chlororaphis (P. chlororaphis)} & Biocontrol agent \\
& \emph{Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis)} & Antifungal agent \\
& \emph{Renibacterium salmoninarum (R. salmoninarum)} & Bioremediation \\ \hline
Sophorolipids& \emph{Candida bombicola (C. bombicola)} and \emph{Candida apicola (C. apicola)} & Emulsifier, MEOR, alkane dissimilation \\ \hline
Trehalose lipids & \emph{Rhodococcus} spp. & Bioremediation \\
& \emph{Tsukamurella} sp. and \emph{Arthrobacter} sp. & Antimicrobial agent \\ \hline
Mannosylerythritol lipids & \emph{Candida antartica (C. antarctica)} & Neuroreceptor antagonist, antimicrobial agent \\
& \emph{Kurtzmanomyces} sp. & Biomedical application \\ % [1ex] adds vertical space
%\hline %inserts single line
\label{table:biosurfactant} % is used to refer this table in the text