在这种情况下,T 3.51;D 3.52 和 T3.53 应该以粗体显示。
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/Producer (pdfTeX 1.40.0)
/Author (Seamus)
/Subject (Example)
/Keywords (pdflatex, latex,pdftex,tex)}
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\section*{1 Numbers}
\subsection*{Natural Numbers}
We denote the set of \emph{natural numbers} by $\NN:=\{1,2,3,\dots\}$.
- 1 is natural number\\
- If n is a natural number, then its also $n'=n+1$\\
- 1 is not the successor of any natural number\\
- two natural numbers have same successor, then $n = m$\\
- a subset that contains 1 and successor $n'$ of any of its elements n, must be n itself.
For $n\in\NN$, the product of the numbers from 1 to $n$ is called ``\emph{n factorial}'',
n! := \prod_{k=1}^n k.
For $n\in\NN$ and $k=0,1,\dots,n$, we define the \emph{binomial coefficient}
\binom{n}{k} := \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}.
\emph{integers} $\ZZ:=\{0,1,-1,2,-2,\dots\}$.
Andrew Swann 的回答可能也是我实际会做的。话虽如此,我认为,为了将来参考,也应该提到阿姆斯特丹包允许您通过命令定义新的定理样式\newtheoremstyle
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{} % indent amount
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{.5em} % space after theorem head
{} % theorem hed spec. (empty = "normal")
\newtheorem{brem}{T}[section] % remarks are numbered within sections
\section{\emph{Very} elementary mathematics}
Some text before the remark.
It is well known that\[1+1=2\mbox{.}\]
Some text after the remark.
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% useful macros
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/Title (example.pdf)
/Creator (TeX)
/Producer (pdfTeX 1.40.0)
/Author (Seamus)
/Subject (Example)
/Keywords (pdflatex, latex,pdftex,tex)}
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% if using A4 paper. (This probably isn't strictly necessary.)
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\section*{1 Numbers}
\subsection*{Natural Numbers}
We denote the set of \emph{natural numbers} by $\NN:=\{1,2,3,\dots\}$.
- 1 is natural number\\
- If n is a natural number, then its also $n'=n+1$\\
- 1 is not the successor of any natural number\\
- two natural numbers have same successor, then $n = m$\\
- a subset that contains 1 and successor $n'$ of any of its elements n, must be n itself.
For $n\in\NN$, the product of the numbers from 1 to $n$ is called ``\emph{n factorial}'',
n! := \prod_{k=1}^n k.
For $n\in\NN$ and $k=0,1,\dots,n$, we define the \emph{binomial coefficient}
\binom{n}{k} := \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}.
\emph{integers} $\ZZ:=\{0,1,-1,2,-2,\dots\}$.