鉴于此方法: 如何使用 \multirow 在 \longtable 的下一页上重复单元格内容
编辑后添加:抱歉,但我似乎在这里遗漏了一些关键细节。基本上,我涉及两个文件 - 有一个 TeX 样式表文件,其中包含以下宏:
\multicolumn{4}{|>{\color{white}\columncolor{color2}}c|}{\textbf{\large TABLE HEADER}}\\\hline
\textbf{COLUMN1} &
\textbf{COLUMN2} &
\normfig \hfill\parbox[c]{0.35\fourtabwid - 4em}{\textbf{COLUMN3}} &
\caufig \hfill\parbox[c]{0.35\fourtabwid - 4em}{\textbf{COLUMN4}}\\\hline
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% \topic@previous: Macro for remembering the previous topic
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% Set label to remember the page position
% Compare topic with previous topic
% Check, whether is the previous topic with same name is
% on the same page.
% New topic is always set
% Remember this topic as previous topic for next topic
% Macro \topicformat formats the topic
然后是实际的 TeX 模板文件,其中包含表格渲染代码,如下所示:
\topic{\footnotesize TOPIC1} & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2 \\\cline{2-4}
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC2 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\cline{2-4}
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC3 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\cline{2-4}
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC4 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\cline{2-4}
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC5 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\cline{2-4}
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC6 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\cline{2-4}
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC7 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\hline
\topic{\footnotesize TOPIC2} & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2 & \footnotesize \\\hline
\topic{\footnotesize TOPIC3} & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2 & \footnotesize \\\hline
\topic{\footnotesize TOPIC4} & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2 & \footnotesize \\\hline
\topic{\footnotesize TOPIC5} & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2 & \footnotesize \\\hline
\topic{\footnotesize TOPIC6} & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2 \\\cline{2-4}
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC2 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\cline{2-4}
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC3 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\hline
\topic{\footnotesize TOPIC7} & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2 \\\cline{2-4}
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC2 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\cline{2-4}
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC3 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\hline
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC4 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\cline{2-4}
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC5 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\cline{2-4}
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC6 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\cline{2-4}
\lasttopic & \footnotesize SUBTOPIC7 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2\\\hline
\topic{\footnotesize TOPIC8} & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2 & \footnotesize \\\hline
\topic{\footnotesize TOPIC9} & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2 & \footnotesize \\\hline
\topic{\footnotesize TOPIC10} & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 & \footnotesize SUBLIST1 \nl SUBLIST2 & \footnotesize \\\hline
我在这里尝试做的是举个例子,假设 TOPIC1(因为它跨越 7 行)的内容太多,无法放在第一页,所以它从第二页重新开始。我想让它做的是在报告的第一页上,在实际文本“TOPIC1”下用 \tiny 字体放置一个小小的宣传语,上面写着“下页继续”,在第二页的“TOPIC1”下方用 \tiny 字体放置一个小小的宣传语,上面写着“接上一页”,以及在重复此单元格的每个后续页面上。
%First page heading
\bfseries Head 1 & \bfseries Head 2 & \bfseries Head 3\\[5ex]
%Following page headings
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\emph{Continued from previous page}} \\
\bfseries Head 1 & \bfseries Head 2 & \bfseries Head 3\\[5ex]
%Following page endings
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\emph{Continued on next page}} \\
%Last page ending
\usepackage{lipsum} % for dummy text only
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% \topic@previous: Macro for remembering the previous topic
% Remember label name of previous topic
% Set label to remember the page position
% Compare topic with previous topic
% Check, whether is the previous topic with same name is
% on the same page.
% New topic is always set
% Remember this topic as previous topic for next topic
% Macro \topicformat formats the topic
%First heading
\bfseries Head 1 & \bfseries Head 2 & \bfseries Head 3\\[5ex]
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\emph{Continued from previous page}} \\
\bfseries Head 1 & \bfseries Head 2 & \bfseries Head 3\\[5ex]
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\emph{Continued on next page}} \\
% Last ending
\topic{Topic 1}
& Subtopic A & There is some text here but could be small \\ \cline{2-3}
& Subtopic B & \lipsum[1-3] \\ \cline{2-3}
& Subtopic C & \lipsum[1-2] \\ \cline{2-3}
\topic{Topic 2}
& Subtopic A & \lipsum[1-3] \\ \cline{2-3}
& Subtopic B & \lipsum[1-2] \\ \cline{2-3}
& Subtopic C & \lipsum[1-2] \\ \cline{2-3}