对于会议论文,我被要求使用现有的样式文件。排版代码显然有 20 多年的重复使用和改编历史,在我看来它相当混乱。不过,这似乎是我们领域会议论文的最新水平,过去我发现使用提供的样式比使用众多规范(边距、字体大小、间距……)从头开始创建更容易。尽管我通常使用 XeLaTex(它不是为它编写的)成功编译源代码,但我总是担心这会破坏一些东西。
下面是产生上述输出的 MWE(包tia
% !TEX TS-program=XeLaTeX
\title{Extensive, Two-lined Title\\ With Two Lines of Text}
\author{Author Number 1\\
Institute of\\ Exampelistics\\
University of Example\\
\url{[email protected]}
Author Number 2\\
Long-Named Example\\ Institute\\
University of Example\\
Author Number 3\\
Department of Long Research\\ and Long-Named Example\\
University of Example\\
Author Number 4\\
Institute of Example Research\\
University of Example\\
Author Number 5\\
Long-Named Example Institute\\
University of Example\\
Author Number 6\\
Institute of\\ Exampelistics\\
University of Example\\
\url{[email protected]}\\
以下是我怀疑造成冲突的样式文件的一部分。在 MWE 中,仅使用这一部分(并保存在tia.sty
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\vskip 0.3in plus 2fil minus 0.1in
因为我没有它,但除此之外,它工作正常。我尝试使用 pdfLaTeX 和 XeLaTeX,带和不带xltxtra
% \usepackage{tia}% not part of TeX Live?
\setlength\topmargin{0.0in} \setlength\oddsidemargin{-0.0in}
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% Title stuff, taken from deproc.
\def\@makefnmark{\hbox to 0pt{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}
\twocolumn[\@maketitle] \@thanks
\let\maketitle\relax \let\@maketitle\relax
\def\@maketitle{\vbox to \titlebox{\hsize\textwidth
\linewidth\hsize \vskip 0.125in minus 0.125in \centering
{\Large\bfseries \@title \par} \vskip 0.2in plus 1fil minus 0.1in
{\def\and{\unskip\enspace{\rmfamily and}\enspace}%
\def\And{\end{tabular}\hss \egroup \hskip 1in plus 2fil
\hbox to 0pt\bgroup\hss \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\bfseries}%
\def\AND{\end{tabular}\hss\egroup \hfil\hfil\egroup
\vskip 0.25in plus 1fil minus 0.125in
\hbox to \linewidth\bgroup\large \hfil\hfil
\hbox to 0pt\bgroup\hss \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\bfseries}
\hbox to \linewidth\bgroup\large \hfil\hfil
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\vskip 0.3in plus 2fil minus 0.1in
\title{Extensive, Two-lined Title\\ With Two Lines of Text}
\author{Author Number 1\\
Institute of\\ Exampelistics\\
University of Example\\
\url{[email protected]}
Author Number 2\\
Long-Named Example\\ Institute\\
University of Example\\
Author Number 3\\
Department of Long Research\\ and Long-Named Example\\
University of Example\\
Author Number 4\\
Institute of Example Research\\
University of Example\\
Author Number 5\\
Long-Named Example Institute\\
University of Example\\
Author Number 6\\
Institute of\\ Exampelistics\\
University of Example\\
\url{[email protected]}\\