编译 Latex 时 PDF 中出现乱码

编译 Latex 时 PDF 中出现乱码

我看到 PDF 中出现了一些乱码段落,但它却不在 tex 文档的任何地方:

在下一个实验中,我们可以自由使用地址 00 来满足任何设计需要。南都讯记者李牧报道,他们有义务帮助那些在困境中挣扎的人,他们有义务帮助他们。 Morbi 演员 lorem non justo。南有自由之湖,北有生命之叶,东有太阳。 Donec aliquet,tortor sed accumsan bibendum,erat ligula aliquet magna,vitae ornare odiometus a mi。树木和树木都结成软硬适中的结。暂停服务。毫无意义。清除无效。凭借天生的贵族和伟大的产妇,诞生了可笑的穆斯。 Aliquam tincidunt urna。没有前庭。 Pellentesque cursus luctus mauris。


\section{Assembling the Register File and the ALU}

The second part of this lab assignment is to create the \textit{register file}
using a 2D array of \textit{registers} and connect it to the ALU. 
The goal of this is to show the data flowing between ALU and a memory element. In the next lab we will elaborate this design into a \texttt{MIPS Based - Single cycle Processor}.

We will implement the register file using the array feature of the verilog language
which allows us to define a 2D array. Based on our design specification, 
this array should contain four 9-bit registers.
  \caption{Register File specification(a) Register File dimensions(b)}

Figure~\ref{fig:reg_file-spec}(a) shows the register file interface. \\
\textit{wr\_data[8:0]} signal is data input; The data word is written into the
register file on positive edge of the clock. The destination register number (address of row) in the register file
 is determined by \textit{wr\_ad[1:0]} input. For the Read cycle,, the 
\textit{rd0\_data[8:0]} and \textit{rd1\_data[8:0]} are data outputs. 
