pgfplots 中一组水平对齐的图形下方的共享图例

pgfplots 中一组水平对齐的图形下方的共享图例

我应该如何运行以下示例代码来/pgfplots/legend to name={<name>}将共享图例放在一组水平对齐的图形下方?

/pgfplots/legend to name={<name>}手册中“轴外的图例”下使用的示例代码pgfplots如下(前两行是我自己添加的)。

% Preamble: \pgfplotsset{width=7cm,compat=1.3}
\begin{center}% note that \centering uses less vspace...
legend columns=-1,
legend entries={$(x+0)^k$;,$(x+1)^k$;,$(x+2)^k$;,$(x+3)^k$},
legend to name=named,
\addplot {x};
\addplot {x+1};
\addplot {x+2};
\addplot {x+3};
\addplot {x^2};
\addplot {(x+1)^2};
\addplot {(x+2)^2};
\addplot {(x+3)^2};
\addplot {x^3};
\addplot {(x+1)^3};
\addplot {(x+2)^3};
\addplot {(x+3)^3};


应该生成共享图例以下一组三个水平对齐的图形: 下面的图例

然而,它会抛出错误 Something is wrong -- perhaps a missing \item,并生成一个共享的图例向右右侧的图例

编译器将此归咎于begin{center} end{center}环境。但是,注释掉它们却没有帮助。


下列的答案由@LaRiFaRi 提供,groupplots对我有用(ShareLatex 上的代码):

    \begin{groupplot}[group style = {group size = 3 by 1, horizontal sep = 50pt}, width = 6.0cm, height = 5.0cm]
        \nextgroupplot[ title = {$k=1$},
            legend style = { column sep = 10pt, legend columns = -1, legend to name = grouplegend,}]
            \addplot {x};   \addlegendentry{$(x+0)^k$}%
            \addplot {x+1}; \addlegendentry{$(x+1)^k$}
            \addplot {x+2}; \addlegendentry{$(x+2)^k$}
            \addplot {x+3}; \addlegendentry{$(x+3)^k$}
        \nextgroupplot[title = {$k=2$},]
            \addplot {x^2};
            \addplot {(x+1)^2};
            \addplot {(x+2)^2};
            \addplot {(x+3)^2};
        \nextgroupplot[title = {$k=3$},] 
            \addplot {x^3};
            \addplot {(x+1)^3};
            \addplot {(x+2)^3};
            \addplot {(x+3)^3};                    
    \node at ($(group c2r1) + (0,-4.0cm)$) {\ref{grouplegend}}; 
